On the way back,

Asia also recounted to Xiye what happened in the Supernatural Research Department.

All of this was beyond Xiye's expectations.

Rias didn't ask too many questions, or expose the fact that the Supernatural Research Department was a gathering of demons.

But thinking about it carefully, the magic she cast on Asia prevented her from detecting Asia's memory.

However, the identity of the Tower City Kitten also made Rias a little worried.

So in the end, the matter was left unresolved.

Of course, Xiye is not afraid of his identity being exposed now, and his strength has been improved.

And he has a new goal.

That is to hunt or rob the owners of artifacts or God-killing Tools.

Use these things to gain points and exchange them for items in the warehouse.

As for the ability of the weapons, Xiye's copying skills are useless, and of course he has no concerns about the recycling of these equipment.

In the world of the Seven Magicians, his strength is obviously insufficient, and the upcoming'school festival’

‘Anna’....Demon King Candidate...

The Shiro who was seen in front is his primary target now.

Of course, he would not take action against Asia's Madonna's smile.

At this moment, Asia looked at Xiye curiously and said,"Mr. Xiye~...Can you tell me how you met Mao Mao-chan?..."

"...Playing games...Acquaintance.."After saying this, Xiye felt a little ashamed.....

Two game fans.....

"Huh...It's actually playing games.."Aixia said in confusion.

However, playing games was still a strange thing for Aixia. There were basically no mobile phones or computers in the church.

So she didn't understand Xiye's inner thoughts.

"Oh, I seem to have forgotten you...You've never played computer...."

Xiye covered his face and said thankfully.

However, Aixia seemed very interested and said,"Can you teach me how to use the computer?"..."

Xiye was suddenly speechless....Could this be the birth of another internet-addicted girl?...

And I planted it myself....

The thought came to mind, but was instantly cut off by Xiye.

He showed a fierce look:"Study hard and get into a good university in the future...."

"oh...."The flames that Aixia had started were instantly extinguished by Xiye.

However, it seemed that things were not over yet.

A doubtful voice in Xiye's mind said,"Playing games, computers, what are those things? Why haven't I seen them before?"...."

"You stay aside...Don't bring up this issue, or I'll put you in solitary confinement again..."

Xiye quickly scolded in his mind.

Shu Lingkong was locked up by himself for the whole afternoon. He was obviously preparing to go back to prison.

"Oh, I'm just asking out of curiosity.....As for the big fight....I want to ask you why you were staring at that person in front of you"

"I sensed that there is a special weapon stored in his body."

Kong is indeed a book spirit that has existed for who knows how many years. He is immune to Xiye's punishment and asked with a thick skin.

Xiye knew who Kong was asking about, so he said directly:"Yes, that is the owner of a divine weapon...."

"That too...It won't attract your attention....You have this powerful magic book of mine, and the Black Emperor Sword 'Jutica', why do you need that thing?..."Sora asked curiously

"Waste recycling...That's it.."

Xiye could only tell her this, and would never tell the girl about the specific exchange store.

Then, he lowered his voice and asked,"But...Can you sense where he is now?..."

"of course I know..."

Kong is the spirit of the magic book"Astir's Codex", which can also be regarded as a weapon. There is a sense between weapons, so Kong naturally knows

"Reserve a seat for me...I'll deal with it later..."

After saying this, I received a message from Sora to position myself....It's not far from here.

After returning home with Asia and saying hello, Xiye came to the location given to him by Kong alone.

This kind of murder and robbery is of course easy to solve.

Xiye took out the lightsaber in his hand, which was the relic left by the lost godfather Fried.

He was going to use this thing today...

No one would suspect him.

This is an ordinary residence.

Xiye sneaked in without anyone noticing.

Silently, the artifact"Black Dragon Vein" was obtained.

Only Shiro Chiyuan was left lying on the ground without any life......

However, the next day, in the student union office,

Sona sat on the sofa, listening to the report of his right-hand man, the vice president of the student union, Shinra Tsubaki, with a heavy face.

"The person the president asked us to pay attention to last time...Died suddenly last night..."

As she spoke, Shinra Tsubaki held a magic ball in her hand.

With the infusion of magic power, the scene of Shirou Keimoto's death appeared in front of Sona.

Pushing up her glasses, Sona's first focus was on Shirou Keimoto.

"Tsubaki...What do you think caused this wound?..."

Cang Na said solemnly.

This doesn't look like a crime committed by an ordinary person, but more like an injury caused by a special weapon.

"It's probably caused by the lightsaber..."Shinra Tsubaki thought for a moment and said

"Lightsaber...Isn't that a guy from the church?...Isn't the church in Juwang Town abandoned?.."Sona frowned and asked.

After a pause, Shinra Tsubaki looked at Sona:"It seems that Rias is investigating a lost godfather named Freed....He is not a local godfather from Juwang Town, but from the General Church..."

"It seems to be really surprising that the thing I liked was taken away, and the things on him were also taken away....."Cang Na was a little angry at the moment:"You should also check, the Lost Godfather....The church dares to massacre people..."


Zhen Luo Chunji nodded, and her body trembled a little in fear of Cang Na's anger.

Then she left.

As for Xiye, he was attending his classes at school, completely pretending that nothing had happened............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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