Weapon: Aster's Codex Magic Book..Magic power activation: 45%.

Abilities: Gluttony Library: Word of Truth, Greed Library: Chorus, Rage Library: Sacred Rites, Copy Ability......

The magic book spirit has been activated: empty (consciousness stage, magic power is activated to 50% to activate the true body)

"It takes 50% to open the true body."

Just when Xiye was thinking, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Meet Sister Asia and tell her that God is dead...!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the system reward: Then the Seven Deadly Sins Library of the Royal Library: 'Jealousy' Library.."

"《Astir's Codex》Grim Reaper Ability: +5%"

"The Book Spirit Body Opens...."

"Hey, what's going on?....I feel the magic power of the magic book is increasing...."

When the system sound stopped, Kong suddenly said in surprise.

Then, at Xiye's neck, a blue light appeared on the miniature version of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript".

It flew to the side of the bed, and a circle of light slowly changed into a loli.

"I can actually come out now."

It was Sora who was speaking.

On Sora's little head, his long white hair with a hint of blue was like catkins, reaching his calves.

He still had a sinister smile on his face, as if he was enjoying being able to come out and have his own body.

The dark tight dress was tied with a black belt around the neck.

He was looking up and down at his appearance.

"Keep your voice down. There are people sleeping here..."

Xiye stopped him softly.

A steady breathing sound came from his calf.

It was obvious that Saint Asia had fallen asleep.

Xiye's behavior towards Asia made Kong feel a little bit uncomfortable:"Hey, after all, I am your weapon, and I am still a little loli.....Why is the treatment so different from Asia's?..."

Stop nagging, you are still a little loli...I don't know how much older you are than me....

Seeing Kong's aggrieved look, Xiye couldn't help but twitch his lips.

This is Kong's classroom. It is said that the magic book has always existed in the world of the seven magicians.

It has a long history and calls itself a little loli......At most, she is a leftover woman of advanced age......

A leftover woman with a lolita appearance......

"Tsk, boring..."

Kong was immediately embarrassed after being exposed. He folded his hands across his chest, then transformed into a beam of light and returned to the magic book"Astir's Manuscript".

Kong returned to the magic book and faced the wall to think about it......

Xiye also put Aixia's bedside, letting her have a good sleep, and it didn't matter whether he needed to sleep or not........

The next day,

Xiye brought Asia to school.

The school was not very strict, so they did not stop Asia from coming.

However, Maomaojiang was still a little drowsy.

It was probably because he had asked Asia to stay at Xiye's house yesterday.

He was worried.......

"Kitten Sauce...."Asia saw a familiar figure and greeted him.

In the morning, Xiye had already told Asia that Xiaomao-chan was a reincarnated demon.

And he had to keep his own affairs secret.

Although he was a little afraid that Asia's poor acting skills might expose him, he still had to do what he had to do.

Asia just showed a sincere attitude towards Xiaomao-chan, so he could be more superficial.

It seems that Asia does not hate demons, although she is a little surprised.

Xiaomao-chan is also a demon...She's so cute.

But I finally accepted it....

This is why she was ostracized in the church.

Demons are filthy in the church.......


Mao Xiao Jiang's expression was very strange. She scanned Xiye and Ai Xiya.

Then she walked between them and separated Xiye and Ai Xiya.

Then she sniffed Xiye's body.

The strange smell was entering her nose buds.

How could Xiye smell like Ai Xiya?

Then she turned her head and scanned Ai Xiya's body....They probably came here together, so they got infected......

Xiyejun is a good person...I won't do bad things....

Xiaomaojiang rejected the idea that she didn't want to believe.

However, in Xiye's mind

"Oh, my master, this little cat demon beside you seems to have a special relationship with you....."

Another loli...

Appearing in the empty sight....

Kong began to wonder if Xiye would attack him as well......

This is a big problem...

But she seemed to have seen what Xiaomaojiang did just now, and then she said,"She was sniffing at you for quite a while...."

He originally intended to ignore Kong's words, but her last sentence stirred up the turmoil in Xiye's heart......

Could it be that Asia was with me last night?

I am carrying the scent of Asia.....

The sense of smell of the kitten in Tacheng is stronger than that of ordinary people, because she is a cat....

Xiye lowered his head secretly, and saw that Xiaomaojiang didn't have any strange expression.

He felt relieved....

I am innocent.....

Can't be framed.....

"Huh....I didn't expect you to have such a moment.....It's really interesting..."

Previously, it was the consciousness that spoke in Xiye's mind.

Now, it was the body that appeared in his mind, revealing a thoughtful look and a devilish smile.

"You little girl, you don't know anything, what else can you say?..."Xiye said calmly

"I don't understand...."Shu Lingkong suddenly made a charming move:"The master...When will you attack me?...."


Xiye was speechless and sent Kong directly into the magic book"Astir's Manuscript"

"Please reflect on this for me...."............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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