Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2278: I was originally with you.

Chapter 2278 I was originally with you.


The two guards immediately walked to the bedside.

"Stop!" Miao Yiyi glared at the old guard and rushed to the bedside, and opened her arms. "My grandma has been seriously ill in bed. How can I go to the street for someone to ask for? You can't find anyone." Want to catch people casually?!"

The guards think of their actions and may affect the reputation of the War King.

Immediately, the hand of the old woman was also paused.

The older guards sank their faces: "Little girl, don't delay the war in the palace!"

"You are taking the war king's house to oppress our ordinary people. Well, even if you take my grandmother who is seriously ill in bed, I have to look at it. Under this day, are you going to warn the palace?"

Miao Yiyi simply let go of the body and took out a ball-like body from her arms: "Come! Take my grandmother and kill me! See if you are doing it fast, or I will spread the news faster!"

"You!" The old guard seemed to have not expected that the girl was so arrogant that she could not be scared even scared.

Instead, they were shocked.

"This signal bomb is a signal bullet of three thousand peach blossoms. Do you know where the peach blossoms are?" Miao Yiyi smiled very embarrassedly.

The older guards were dull.

Three thousand peach blossoms, a small mercenary group.

In this mercenary group, all women are all-in-one.

However, this small mercenary group... is spread all over the world of Nirvana.

Collecting secrets that are unknown to everyone in the world of Nirvana.

It is a place of intelligence trading.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly young girl is actually related to the peach blossoms!

If this, the signal bomb really fired out...

Today's things are passed out by the peach blossoms.

The heroic name of General Wang Wang...

Will definitely be stained!

The elderly guard secretly gritted his teeth: "You said that your grandmother is seriously ill, I look!"

Miao Yiyi tightened the signal bomb: "Look."

The elderly guards stepped forward, and the woman lying on the bed was pale, her head wrapped in gauze, and bleeding water. The only thing left was the air.

The elderly guards looked suspiciously and swept their foreheads.

Miao Yiyi tightened the signal bombs nervously, so it was calm: "My grandmother accidentally bumped in the morning..."

"Captain! The front team found the little prince's favor!"

Suddenly, a guard outside the door opened.

The old guards look awkward: "Go! Catch up!"


The original tranquility was restored in the wooden house.

Miao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward to step on the quilt.

Immediately walked to the door, the probe looked.

The escorts of the team rushed to chase the past.

She twisted her eyebrows and looked back at her grandmother.

Thinking for a moment, I am preparing to go out of the house.

Behind him, he was suddenly shot: "Where?"

Miao Yiyi screamed and jerked back.

Seeing the familiar face, close at hand, she smiled happily: "Night! How are you... How come! Where have you been hiding?!"

"Close the door." The night fell and smiled and turned back to the wooden house.

Miao Yiyi quickly closed the door: "I just thought that... you were really discovered by those people!"

"So I want to go to me? People who are not afraid of the Wangfu, think that you and I are a group?" Night Qing looked at Miao Yiyi with a cautious look, could not help but laughed.

Miao Yiyi tightened her lips and shook her head hard: "Not afraid! I was a group with you!"


[Complementary chapter ~]

(End of this chapter)

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