Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2277: Little prince's pet?

Chapter 2277, the pet of Xiao Wangye?

Miao Yiyi’s words succeeded in shocking the two guards.

Their faces changed slightly: "Little girl, less nonsense there!"

Miao Yiyi sneered aloud: "You are not arrogant in this house. How can I talk nonsense? I tell you! My grandmother is seriously ill in bed. If you are arguing with my grandmother, my grandmother is frightened... In the unlikely event that there are three long and two short, it is related to the lives of the people, and I don’t know how everyone will pass this matter?"

The guards were completely forced by Miao Yiyi’s fangs and teeth.

The generals of the king of war cherish their wings, and this is true for the entire warlord.

After all, General Wang is the first king of the North China continent.

The battle is extremely prominent and the reputation is also outside.

So come...

On the other side of the royal family, the general against the king of war is both awe and doubtful.

I am afraid that the War King will be in a bad mood and attempt to rebel.

Therefore, General Wang Wang is not willing to spread his reputation with a bad half.

As for Yuwen madness...

His temper, can also be said to be the general of the king of war, deliberately caused by one hand.

After all, Yuwen’s madness is still small, and it’s a rare genius.

Therefore, Yuwen’s arrogant arrogance is also excusable.

However, the generals of the War King only limited the behavior of Yu Wen’s arrogance to the arrogant city.

Moreover, Yuwen madness is just doing something like robbing people and killing people and robbing people...

These things, the royal family look in the eyes, are actually happy in it.

There is Yu Wen crazy so stirring.

The royal family, against the king's palace, will also relax some vigilance.


If... they are good at home, bullying the people, and spreading to other continents.

The generals of the War King will definitely tear them up!

Miao Yiyi raised her eyebrows and snorted: "There is something to say, don't bother my grandma to rest!"

The guards opened the scrolls in their hands and said with a gloomy look: "This is the pet of the little prince, can you know?"

After the scrolls are spread out.

The painting above is not the nightfall?

Miao Yiyi pulled the corner of her mouth and looked like she was vomiting.

Still pampered?

Just relying on Yu Wen’s glory, I want to let the night fall as a pet.


Looking at Miao Yiyi’s look of disgust, the guards’ faces were more gloomy: “Ask you? Do you know?”

Miao Yiyi licked her ears: "I don't know, don't know, don't know! Can you go now?"

"Don't know?" The guards swept the cold eyes and stared at Miao Yiyi suspiciously. "You just saw the expression of the person you painted, but you don't know what you don't know..."

Another guard evoked a sneer: "The little girl, the consequences of deceiving the palace, you should be very clear."

"I... I didn't know her before!" Miao Yi stepped back a few steps, and her face was annoyed. "What do I think of the people in the painting? I just think that it can be a favor." Now, this girl can be right!"

This reason...

The guards stared at Miao Yiyi for a long while.

Ok, there is nothing wrong with it.

This little girl is indeed more beautiful than the girl in the painting.

At this moment, an older guard was walked outside the door: "I haven't asked yet? The action is so tempered!"

The two guards quickly clenched their fists.

The older guards went straight up and looked at the eye-catching Yiyi. They also looked around in the room: "I heard that this is the old woman who just pleaded for the little prince in the street." Bring it back and ask the relationship between the old woman and Xiao Wangye!"

(End of this chapter)

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