Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2279:

Chapter 2279

We were originally a group...

This sentence made the smile of the night and the corner of the mouth warmer.

This girl is cute.

But I only met soon.

This is a group with her.

You know, she is offended, but the king of war.

"Night, you... are you not going to hide from me? If the people in the War King House are looking back..." Miao Yiyi asked with concern.

The night fell and shook his head: "If I don't want to, they can't find me."


How could she hide?

Her hands and feet on Yuwen’s madness...

It’s almost the same, follow the plan.

Thinking of the talents, those guards, eager to catch her look.

The night fell to the corner of his mouth, revealing a strange smile.

Miao Yiyi saw the heart "squeaky" for a moment.

I always feel that... the night falls this smile... Beauty is beautiful, but it looks good, so infiltrate people!

I always feel that the night is planning what... big plan!

"I still have friends in the inn, never go back. They hear the rumors in the city and they will worry." The night cleared the grandmother lying on the bed, and found a medicine bottle from her arms. It will be fine for three days."

Miao Yiyi took the bottle: "You... are you leaving?"

"Yeah." At night, she looked at the little girl who was stunned. She couldn’t help but smile and reached out and patted her delicate shoulder. "I can’t bear me?"

Miao Yiyi immediately lowered her head and her eyes floated away: "I... How can I not want you? I just met you!"

This lovely appearance makes the night clear and warm.

I am used to the self-reliance and self-reliance of the magic class students.

I am used to the scums of intrigues and brains.

Seeing this again... Nothing, it’s easy to believe in people, like a person, and then, without any scruples, treat each other as their friends...

Such a little girl can't be said to be stupid.

Can only say that her world is very clean and very pure.

"Just, don't you still say that I am a group? Is it going to be clear to me so soon?" The night fell and smiled and leaned down, staring at her eyes.

Sure enough, Miao Yiyi’s cheeks were red: “I... I don’t mean that!”

"Okay." The hand that fell in the night, covered in the head of Miao Yiyi, stunned. "If you have the chance, you will meet again and take care of your grandmother."

After all, the night cleared and recovered.

She turned over from the corner window.

The red skirt swayed in the air for a gorgeous sunset.

Miao Yiyi stood in the spot with some stubbornness, looked at the window slyly, waved her hand toward her, and then left the figure.

Heart, inexplicable began to frantically beating.

She raised her hand stiffly and moved to her head little by little.

The slender palms were covered in the place where the night was touched.

Slightly closed eyes.

The hand that falls at night, so soft... warm...

Just a light touch.

She actually felt it, warm.

Is this the feeling of my sister?

The corner of the eye seems to be slipping a drop of crystal, fleeting.


After leaving the chalet, the night cleared and quickly went to the biggest inn.

The glass cat will look for the taste of the gentle dance.

When she and the glass cat have some sense, they can clearly know where the gentle dance is.

The night cleared and did not go to the main entrance, but quickly turned over to the second floor of the inn.

Crossed a few rooms and parked in the corner room.

"Come." The sound of the gentle dance was heard in the house.

In the next moment, the door was opened and the small head of the glass cat was drilled out.

(End of this chapter)

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