At this moment, an untimely voice sounded.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect there's someone like you in this class. I also think that Matsushita and Horikita are right. After all, there are too many ugly guys in this class."

Although he will be transferred to Class A next semester, Gaoyuan Temple didn't plan to say it here. At least now he is still a member of Class D.

"Gaoyuan Temple, what did you say?!"

"You! If I were to talk about ugly things, I think you are the ugliest! You have never helped the class do anything, so why not vote you out this time!"

The pressure on Horikita and Matsushita was suddenly relieved by Gaoyuan Temple.

However, Hirata spoke up to Gaoyuan Temple again:"Everyone, don't be like this. Gaoyuan Temple may have just spoken too quickly, and we can't let this misunderstanding affect us.,,,,"

Gaoyuan Temple seemed to have not heard that Hirata was protecting him at all, and said disdainfully:"Hirata boy, I have something to clarify. Everything I said was not just a temporary statement, but I have always felt this way."

"Think about it, there are too many defective products in such a class. It would be difficult to get promoted to Class A or even Class C with such a group of people, right? I think it is the most correct decision to discard unnecessary things at the necessary moment."

This speech naturally caused the whole class to yell again. Gaoyuan Temple continued to talk to himself as if he didn't hear it. Hirata could only keep calming the emotions of both sides, and he seemed to be tireless.

This also made Matsushita more certain of his inner guess. There must be some story in Hirata's heart.

In this way, the whole class meeting was simply garbage time. With a beautiful music, the bell rang, and everyone walked out of the classroom in a flurry of chatter.

Some students who have good relationships have already formed cliques and agreed to vote for each other, and some students are calculating how to get through the exam smoothly.

It's just a pity that the strategy of deliberately controlling the vote and letting everyone get 0 points was blocked by the school from the beginning. If this is the case, the class needs to re-vote, and the lowest score must appear to end.

If students keep controlling the votes, then the school will randomly assign them in the end.

"Horikita-san, can we talk? About the exam."

Matsushita Chiaki approached Horikita Suzune. Since she had decided to step forward, she might as well take the initiative. Otherwise, with Horikita's personality, she would not take the initiative to discuss anything with her.

Horikita Suzune was calculating something and quickly found a gap in her schedule:"Tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock, on the first floor of the library."

After that, she walked out of the classroom, leaving Matsushita alone in a mess........

After a long pause, she sighed. There was nothing she could do. Horikita Suzune was just like that. Although she had been prepared for this, she only realized the feeling of being rejected after experiencing it.

Although they felt that Panasonic's behavior was strange and unfamiliar, they were good friends after all, so they gathered around her.

"Hey, what's that girl doing? Does she really think she's so great?"

"That's right! Sakayanagi is the head of Class A, but she's not as arrogant as her, right? She's really an irritating person!"

"But, Chiaki, you......"

Matsushita also thought about how to face her friends. She bowed to everyone and told them her real identity information, why she hid herself, and her thoughts on the exam.

She really regarded these people as her friends, definitely not just social ones!

After Matsushita told them everything, the hot girls were speechless at first. Who would have thought that such a low-key person would be a rich lady?

"So, Qianqiu is actually a real rich woman?"

"Rich woman or something.....It feels a bit strange, but that's pretty much what it means....."

"Wow! Can I come to your house to play? After graduation"

"I want to go too! I want to go too!"

Seeing that they did not become distant because of her concealment and her wealthy family background, Matsushita Chiaki put down the stone hanging in her heart.

But what Karuizawa was thinking at this time was that Matsushita was actually a hidden smart person....Although this was very unfair to the relationship between the two, she still resolutely sent a text message to Yingyi about what happened today.

Then she joined the conversation:"Qianqiu is right. This exam is unavoidable. If we want to prevent someone from dropping out, we need to give out 20 million points. How can we have so many!"

"That's what I mean. 20 million. If I had 20 million, I would have been in Class A a long time ago."

"Huh? Are you planning to be a traitor?"

"No no....How could I bear to leave my best friend behind? Besides, it would be more fun if we were promoted to Class A together. Otherwise, it would be quite lonely."

"Haha, you talk as if you really have 20 million now!"

Just like that, amidst the noise and laughter, the group of hot girls stayed in the classroom for a while before finally disbanding.

Karuizawa took out his cell phone and found that he had indeed received a reply from Yingyi:"It's okay. It's just that I didn't expect that there was someone hiding in Class D."

"That's right, but I always feel sorry for Chiaki."

"I didn't plan to do anything."

Karuizawa sighed slightly, yes, you didn't plan to do anything. But that's not necessarily the case with Sakayanagi-san.....

Ayanokouji already knew why this kind of exam existed. Was this a legitimate way to get himself expelled from school


Looking at the text message on his phone,"A successful work, let's meet on the rooftop!"

Ayanokouji pushed open the door to the rooftop and found that there was only a man in a suit standing in the middle of the rooftop, smiling at him cheerfully.

Suddenly, Tsukishiro's body shot out like an arrow from a bow, and kicked Ayanokouji directly in the chest, sending him flying.

Then a hand lifted his neck and pressed Ayanokouji against the wall:"Haha, a successful work, is this all there is?...."

Why was Ayanokouji defeated so easily? The answer is simple. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Even if the student council approves a certain degree of violence between students, they still have to decide the specific details.

Moreover, this only refers to students and students. If a student attacks a teacher or something like that, he will probably be expelled immediately. His ruthless eyes stared at Tsukishiro, or more precisely, at the surveillance camera behind him.

"Oh my, did you find out? Haha, he is indeed the son of that adult, and indeed our only successful work."

Seeing that Ayanokouji was not going to resist, Tsukishiro loosened his right hand. He came here just to try. If he could expel him so easily, it would be the best. If not, it would be a test to see if the successful work is still successful.

"Chairman, can you beat students at will?"

"Haha, who said I beat someone?"

As long as there is no evidence, no one can do anything. If you tell others that a highly trained chairman would beat an ordinary student, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

"......Really? If you have nothing to do, I will leave."

"Take it easy, but I still have a piece of advice for you. Return to the arms of Master Ayanokouji as soon as possible, that is where you should be."

Tsukishiro pointed in the direction of the gate.

"I am free to go wherever I want."

Ayanokouji said as he left the rooftop. He knew very well that the other party just wanted to see him, and he would probably continue to face threats from the chairman or the new first-year White Room assassin.

However, if you want me to drop out, then go ahead and try. Let's start with this vote to drop out!

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