Class D is currently engaged in a heated discussion within the group. It must be said that this exam has made them all very nervous, because looking at the overall situation, there are not many people in the class who will be able to avoid being criticized.

"benefit....The student union can't do anything about this exam? I remember the student union has this power, right?"

Karuizawa's group gathered around her and kept asking questions, as if they were praying for a turn for the better. Who would want to be expelled?

Facing her friends' questions, Karuizawa shook her head:"The student union has a way......However, neither the president nor the vice president wants to change the punishment for the"

Karuizawa herself is not worried about being voted down and expelled from school, because her class status is very high and she is like a queen in her group.......Everyone at least has a hot girl personality on the surface. Karuizawa is fake, Sato is not likely to offend people, and Matsushita is said to be a hot girl but is actually very well behaved.She really seemed to be a hot girl.

Karuizawa's answer completely shattered her fantasy, and she quickly asked loudly:"Huh? Why? Aren't they afraid that someone in their class will drop out?!"

"Calm down, Shinohara-san. I think the student council president probably has his own ideas....."

Chiaki Matsushita grabbed her friend. Unlike others, she had been deliberately disguising herself. As a master who hid herself more deeply than Ayanokouji, no one knew until now that Chiaki Matsushita was actually a talented girl. She came from a wealthy family and did not have the worries and sorrows of the rich girls in novels. She was also extremely intelligent and perfectly inherited her parents' excellent emotional intelligence and communication skills.

But it was precisely because of this communication ability that Matsushita had never been willing to show her strength and family background, and even began to hide herself from the entrance examination.

Because she was afraid that others would be isolated because of her outstanding characteristics, she resolutely joined the hot girl group that seemed the most lively and least suspicious at the time.

But I thought I could spend three years in high-level training freely, and then enter the University of Tokyo with the university quota provided by the school, and then I would probably live a happy life that others envied. However

, one month after the start of school, I found out that I was full of misunderstandings about this school! It should be said that it was only after a month that I was forced to discover the hidden rules and crazy settings of the school.

Only Class A can enjoy this treatment!!!

When hearing the news, Matsushita was almost furious. Although he knew that the school did not assign classes based on grades, otherwise Horikita Suzune would definitely be a student in Class A.

But grades are at least an important part! In other aspects, even if he is not as good as Horikita Suzune, at least he does not have her fatal flaws.

So, why did he deliberately hide his strength in the first place? If he had fully exerted his abilities, he should have been admitted to Class A. With her talents, she is most suitable for the role of a strategist. Wouldn't it be a good opportunity to assist that Sakayanagi classmate?

But the classes have been divided. The only way to be promoted to Class A is to have more points than other classes.

Horikita Suzune is a strong person, and Ayanokouji who follows her is also hard to see through. If these two people can stand up, and assist Hirata Kushida, the two glues of the class, plus Gaoyuan Temple, the monster with explosive personal abilities. He only needs to stand up and give his own suggestions appropriately in critical moments. Such a lineup is also very powerful, right?

However, slowly, she found that she thought too much. Horikita Suzune is a strong person, but she has no such thing as emotional intelligence. Ayanokouji seems to be someone who is hiding his strength just like himself. Who would believe that it is a coincidence that he scored 50 points in all subjects?

Hirata and Kushida are indeed bonding the class, but it seems that there is always something strange. One of them cares too much about the overall concept of the class. The most typical example is that he stood on the side of the stupid trio in the candid photo incident.

And Kushida is even weirder. She never seems to care about the class.

Gaoyuan Temple never takes the class seriously.

And there are so many........Defective products.

Can such a D class really be promoted to A class? At least Matsushita increasingly feels that this is a delusion. However, as long as she stands up, as long as the class can discard the inferior products, as long as the class is integrated, then perhaps there is still a chance to fight!

Therefore, she also thinks that this exam is a good opportunity. And she can't hide it anymore. If she continues to be mediocre, let alone whether she will look down on herself for graduating from D class, even if it is the joint grading after the third year, she will probably only get a very low score.

"Everyone, can you listen to me?"

Matsushita Chiaki interrupted the whispers of the whole class. This action obviously attracted the curiosity and attention of everyone around. Even Chabashi Sae and Ayanokouji cast interested glances.

"Chiaki.....what do you want to say?"

"Phew~ That's right. I think this exam is an opportunity for us!"

Matsushita Chiaki took a deep breath to calm down, and then expressed her idea.

Chabashira Sae's eyes gleamed:"Could it be that I was wrong? There are other masters in this garbage dump of Class D?’

"Opportunity, Chiaki, what are you talking about?"

"That's right, how can this exam be an opportunity?"

Faced with other people's doubts, Matsushita calmly explained:"In fact, the exam itself is unavoidable. So we should think about how to get through this exam, instead of complaining about why this exam exists.��

"Even if you say so......"

Horikita Suzune naturally figured it out, and she immediately stood up and continued:"I understand. Matsushita-san, you mean to say that we can take this opportunity to improve our class, right?"

Matsushita nodded and agreed with Horikita's idea.

Others didn't understand, but it didn't mean that Hirata didn't understand:"Hey! What are you talking about? Horikita-san, Matsushita-san. Do you want to abandon your companions?"

Hirata's questioning naturally caused a huge response.

"Huh? You guys aren't planning on abandoning us, are you?"

"Are you kidding me? I absolutely do not want to be expelled. If you think you can improve the class, then just drop out of school!"

The field was in chaos again. Even the Karuizawa team looked at Matsushita with a strange expression. They didn't expect their friend to have such thoughts.

Could she abandon us?

Such thoughts filled the minds of almost everyone in the class.

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