"It's the student council president's job to protect students, right?"

"That's true. But the situation this time is somewhat complicated. After all, the chairman was sent by your father, so it's your family matter. At this time, we should analyze the specific situation."


Ayanokoji had just walked a short distance when he saw a figure sitting on a public bench not far away.

"That's about it, but despite what I said, I will not join or support Moon City's actions. So you should use your own abilities and tools to do what you want."

"That would be great. I don't really want you to get involved either."

You here naturally refer to Yingyi and Yusu. Even he doesn't want to add any uncertainty at this time.

If the student council president and the chairman of the board collude with each other, they can probably use some violent means to expel him directly. In terms of force, Ayanokouji has tasted the taste of failure. That kind of gap is like a human body facing a torrent of steel, it is impossible to win.

"Yes, if you are expelled like this, Arisu will not think about competing with you anymore. Because you are not worthy of being her opponent. If you can survive, she will probably start a duel with you as agreed before. By the way, I will also be her pawn at that time."

After saying that, Yingyi turned around and left


Ayanokouji didn't care. After all, that kind of duel would only happen later, and if it was a competition of layout or something, he would definitely not lose.

The most important thing right now is to survive the vote to expel from school. Therefore, it is necessary to have someone get the lowest number of votes and be expelled.

He would never pin his hopes on others. It's not that he doesn't trust them. In his judgment, the people in Ayanokouji's group would never betray him easily. It's just that he can only feel at ease if he arranges everything himself.

Therefore, find the scapegoat and let him secretly unite with others to expel himself, and then expose this behavior, then he will probably become the target of criticism from others.

Then the idea that keeping the other person in this class is not only a traitor, but also a burden is expressed through someone's mouth.

This only requires some people to say that they once got a good score in the sports festival, and that they might be useful in the future.

Then the final result will be the death of the scapegoat.

Therefore, Ayanokouji contacted Ryuen. This kind of thing still requires the tyrant to come forward.

"So, you want me to seduce that idiot in your class?"

Ryuen looked thoughtful, with a hint of excitement. He knew very well that Ayanokouji was a tough guy. He was no less difficult than the two guys in Class A.

Since the other party had some plans, maybe he could get some benefits from this.

"Ah. That's it."

"Why should I agree to you? I haven't forgotten the strong humiliation you brought to me!"

Ayanokouji sighed,"You asked for it. And this time I can provide you with an important piece of information." Ryuen, who was angry, suddenly calmed down and asked curiously,"Oh? Haha, then I'll just listen to what you can come up with."

"Regarding the school. The new chairman of the board came to target someone in our grade. So the next exams will also cost you expulsion, and the cost will be greater each time."

"Although I was a little surprised by your first sentence. But I already knew the rest. If that's all you want to say, then I can only say sorry."

Ryuen didn't get the information he wanted to know, and he lost interest in Ayanokouji's deal. He turned around and was about to leave, but heard the emotionless voice behind him again.

"Next semester, all the special exams in this school will probably become cross-grade competitions."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryuen can't pretend he didn't hear that. Does that mean after entering the second grade, there will be two more grades to guard against and watch out for?

There are indeed many cross-grade battles in special exams, but at most they only happen once a semester. But now I heard that all special exams might become like this, and Ryuen felt extremely shocked.

Who is going to drop out? That's why the chairman of the board was suddenly replaced, and then these crazy special exams were held, and even all grades were involved in the battle.

"You. Are you serious?"

The only thing that responded to him was Ayanokouji's mechanical eyes.

Ryuuen realized at this moment that he had been fooled by Yingyi's promise that he would listen to his orders in the inter-grade war in the future!

What Ayanokouji knew, that guy must also know. In other words, he was using what was bound to happen to trade with his unequal intelligence.

Damn it.......

But since that guy's behavior also proves that what Ayanokouji said is not groundless, it means that the whole school is really going to be in a bloody storm.

"Tsk... This school is really annoying. However, since you told me this information, I will also participate in your game."

Ayanokouji nodded:"The plan is probably the same as what I sent you." Ryuen picked up his mobile phone and found a document file sent by Ayanokouji. After clicking it, he read it in detail, and then memorized the entire plan in a few seconds, deleting the chat history and communication friends between the two.

"You are really vicious."

Ayanokouji didn't care about Ryuen's evaluation. He didn't care about his own reputation. As long as he could guarantee absolute safety and freedom, as long as he could win, he could give up everything. The two of them left the KTV room one after another, deliberately staggering their departure time to avoid being discovered by other people who were not paying attention.

‘Did this bomb explode only now? Maybe that idiot has forgotten what he did. '

Ryuen stroked his chin and thought about the target of the whole plan. It was Haruki Yamauchi from the stupid trio! Although the other two were also participants in the sneak photo plan, Sudo was useful to Ayanokouji. He had become a weapon for Horikita Suzune.

And Yamauchi was obviously more arrogant and stupid than Ike. It was easier for him to frame his classmates and betray the class, so Ayanokouji chose Haruki Yamauchi as his target.

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