Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 911 Unexpected situation! (add more)

The off-road vehicle speeding in the Gobi has attracted the attention of many tourists!

They all turned their attention to it!

When Jiangnan and his party bypassed the traffic and drove to the vicinity of the cordon, they discovered that a roadblock has been set up ahead!

Road closed!

Three explosion-proof vehicles are in the middle of the road, preventing traffic from passing through!

A team of local garrison is guarding in front of the roadblock, and more than a dozen passengers who got out of the car are arguing fiercely with the garrison!

"Why is the road closed? We have all kinds of documents, why are we not allowed to enter?"

"Doesn't this delay things? I'm going to see a client. Are you responsible for delaying business?"

"When will it be sealed? You have to give an explanation, right?"

The captain of the garrison collapsed straight!

"The road ahead is damaged and cannot pass normally. Please turn around and return in an orderly manner!"

"If you are in a hurry, please detour to Highway 702. I hope everyone understands my work!"

In a word, the passengers were in a hurry on the spot!

"Isn't it? Circling around 702? It's more than 400 kilometers away! Isn't that a day's delay?"

"What road damage? We're all off-road vehicles, big g! Good job!"

"Look at him? He's gone, why can't we?"

For a while, the quarrel became more intense, and the spearheads all pointed to Jiangnan who parked the car on the edge of the cordon!

"Tsk~ People are blocking the road, so he drove in front? Off-road vehicles are bullshit, right?"

"He can go down the road, why can't we? If we stop it again, we will also go down the road!"

"Yo~ Brother is hard enough? Going forward? Like you can pass!"

When the garrison captain saw that Jiangnan and his party had driven their car into the Gobi and had to cross the cordon, he could not help but waved quickly!

Run over to stop: "Hey! Little brother, don't go in, it's dangerous!"

The passengers on the side couldn't help holding their shoulders, as if they were waiting to see the jokes of Jiangnan and others!

Seeing the captain of the garrison running over, Jiang Nan looked straight, raised his hand and handed over his military ID card!

"Reporting the situation, it seems that there is no need for the garrison to take part in the simple road damage, right?"

The garrison captain was stunned, so young? Military ID? what's the situation?

Quickly opened it, and my hands trembled!

A large piece of bright red stencil, and the Medal of Honor can't be counted, making it goosebumps all over!

Jiangnan took off his mask and let him compare photos!

The garrison captain's eyes widened, he couldn't help being awe-inspiring, standing at attention and salute!

"Wang Shoujiang! I've met Colonel Jiang!"

After saying a word, the expressions of those passengers were all stiff!

Colonel? so young? Did you make a mistake?

Is he cheating people with false evidence?

But looking at Jiang Nan's face, someone suddenly recognized it, and the discussion suddenly erupted!

"My mother? Isn't this Nanshen? I watched his live broadcast a few days ago? Why did he come to Xijiang in a blink of an eye?"

"It's really him! Damn, I saw it alive!"

The appearance of Jiangnan made the scene even more noisy, and many people even got out of the car and squeezed in front to watch!

On the other hand, Wang Shoujiang looked solemn: "We also just received the order from the outpost base and ran to close the road nearby to evacuate the crowd!"

"A group of spirit beasts broke through the blockade and ran in!"

Jiangnan frowned, shouldn't all the spirit beasts be in the spirit ruins?

How did you get out? Misfortune?

Saying that, he took out his binoculars and looked towards the road!

I saw that the road not far away was completely destroyed, and the roadbed was knocked away!

Leaving a series of huge footprints, judging by the size of the footprints, it is at least a platinum-level spirit beast, or even stronger!

Wang Shoujiang said: "I don't know how many spirit beasts broke through the blockade line from the no-man's land this time!"

"Something like this happens a few times a month. I believe Long Yuan will solve it as soon as possible, right?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "Let's organize the masses to evacuate first, after all, in case of encountering spirit beasts, they have no resistance at all!"

"I'll contact the outpost, ask about the specific situation, and see if there's anything I can do to help!"

Jiangnan is about to call!

However, I found that many vehicles behind unknown circumstances have descended into the Gobi, preparing to bypass the roadblock!

Someone has started, and more cars are trying to go down the road!

Jiang Nan's face darkened, and he teleported to the co-pilot position in someone's car!

"Brother, something happened ahead, it's very dangerous, why don't you just turn around and run forward?"

The older brother who was driving was so excited that he was almost not scared to pee by Jiangnan who suddenly appeared in the co-pilot!

I can't help but slam on the brakes, just about to ask what's going on, Jiangnan has already teleported and disappeared!

With a ghostly expression on his face, the old man turned around and turned away!

Jiangnan was telling them one by one, when Xiao Dimple said anxiously, "Master Yin! Look at the sky!"

I saw a huge shadow swept across the sky at high speed, causing bursts of sonic booms!

Looking up, it was a giant eagle over 30 meters in size! Whole body red feathers!

The earth shook, and I saw deep in the Gobi, a herd of beasts rushing towards this side!

Pulling out the billowing smoke and dust, that huge body gives an unparalleled sense of oppression!

In front of it, humans are as small as ants!

At this moment, the eyes of the passengers were full of fear, and no one was talking nonsense any more, and they all ran into their cars screaming!

Start the car, turn around quickly, and step on the accelerator like crazy!

However, how can such a long traffic flow be cleared so quickly?

Someone in a hurry yelled: "Go away! What's wrong with wanting to die, don't get in the way!"

Saying that, he drove up to the top of the car!

Some of them saw that they couldn't walk, and they all went down the road and ran back!

There are also those who are afraid that they can't walk, just squatting on the ground with their heads up and shivering, the scene is chaotic!

Jiang Nan said urgently: "Don't walk around! Go back to your car, stay where you are and don't move!"

And the red feather eagle that flew over first did not fly far, but came back in the air!

With a long cry, a raging flame was sprayed out at the traffic below!

The sea of ​​​​fire covered the sky and covered the sun, covering more than 300 meters of the sky, and the surrounding temperature was extremely rising!

Jiangnan's eyes are red!

"Space Barrier!"

In an instant, the six-sided space barrier was combined by Jiangnan to the maximum!


The blazing sea of ​​fire sprayed onto the space barrier, and the splashing flames licked the void wantonly!

Blocked by barriers!

I saw Jiangnan's body was full of aura, and the glass armor covered his whole body!

Take out the blood-drinking halberd with one hand!

"court death!"

Immediately jumped, the Gobi was stepped out of the big pit by Jiangnan, and it was hit by the raging flames!

One head smashed through the barrier, passed through the flames, and the halberd blade pulled out a red glow in the void!

The endless flames that spewed out abruptly, and the head of the Chi Feather Eagle was chopped off by Jiangnan!

Hot blood splashed all over!

The huge head rolled several times in the air and hit the ground!

And the huge beast corpse fell heavily on the Gobi Desert, and its wings were even flapping!

Jiangnan fell back to the ground!

The passengers were all stunned by the bloody scene in front of them. The big brother with his face full of flesh stuck his head out of the car window and vomited wildly!

Looking at Jiangnan, which was covered in armor and halberds, and was dyed with blood, the scalps of the passengers were numb!

This is really a good-looking Da Nan child who just smiled and looked like a spring flower?

Is it so cruel to initiate a rush?

"Stay where you are, don't move around, follow the instructions, I'll keep you all right, don't blame me for running around to death!"

In a word, the passengers who are stuck on the road don't dare to run around!

"Wang Shoujiang, bring your people to organize the crowd at the scene, and leave the rest to us!"

Even though Wang Shoujiang's face turned pale in shock, he still shouted: "Yes! Sir!"

Although it is always possible to encounter the herd breaking through the blockade, it is the first time that such a large scale has been encountered!

If it weren't for the chance that Jiangnan and the others were here, they would be dead!

But such a large-scale beast tide, with a few of them in Jiangnan, can they withstand it?

Jiangnan didn't dare to delay, seeing that the beast tide was about to rush over!

"Big man! You go and pull the beast tide and keep the battlefield away from the road!"

"Xuexue wolf is destroyed, let go and kill! How many can be killed! Xiong Er is guarding nearby, and any spirit beasts that slip through the net will kill me directly!"

"Mila is guarding the crowd, and anyone who is injured will be rescued immediately. Xiao Dimple is responsible for the airspace and kills birds and spirit beasts. Can you hear it clearly?"

Several people nodded heavily and replied loudly: "Yes!"

At this time, Jiangnan's order is the only one, everyone just needs to execute it!

To ask why?

Because what Jiangnan said are all teams!

I saw Wu Liang raised his head and drank a bottle of Dali, his muscles bursting out, and roaring wildly: "Brother Nan! Give me a ride!"

Jiangnan grabbed Wu Liang's arm, teleported several times, and came directly to the sky above the herd!

The herds are of various types, I am afraid there are thousands of them!

Wu Liang was directly airdropped!

The beastification was completed in the air, and the huge black bear about thirty meters fell to the ground!

He directly stomped on a gold-level gold-eating beast!

He couldn't help roaring loudly: "Don't accept me!"

The dazzling red light was fleeting, and Wu Liang directly opened the group to ridicule this wave!

The herd of beasts that were still running towards the road a moment ago stopped abruptly!

Immediately, he rolled in frantically, biting towards Wu Liang. At this moment, Wu Haohao fell into the skittles of the ant colony!

Facing the impact of the herd, Wu Liang did not panic at all!

"Reverse injury armor! Brutal collision!"

In an instant, a layer of golden light covered his entire body, standing still under the attacks of countless spirit beasts!

Jiang Nan grinned, a teleport fell into the herd, and he snapped his fingers!

The black hole in the void can't stop being released, frantically compressing and clearing monsters!

And Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao looked at each other and charged towards the beast tide!

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