Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 912 The people who guard this territory

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue did not hold back at all!

The nine-headed phoenix was released directly, and the huge fireball swirling around the billowing black flames smashed towards the beasts!


The violent power even shattered the huge body of the spirit beast!

The minced meat that was burnt to black coal and the earth and rocks were everywhere!

And Xia Yao, who was not showing off during the exchange competition, was suffocated. At this moment, her big eyes were full of eagerness to try!

The furry wolf ears popped out, directly completing the half-beast transformation!

"Qing Yu! Silver Shadow!"

I saw a flash of silver light on Xia Yao's body, accompanied by two sharp sonic booms, and his body jumped out instantly!

"Burning Blood. Wolf King!"

"Boom!" First URL htt

With her pupils completely turned into silver, her speed increased again!

"Steel Claw. Nine-star flash! One flash!"

In an instant, its sharp wolf claws stretched out, and silver star dots lit up around the body like a galaxy!

Like steel knives inserted into the herd, the three platinum-level spirit beasts were opened with huge wounds and fell to the ground!

But it's not over!

The star around him gradually became red, and his speed and power increased sharply!

"Two flashes! Three flashes!"

At this moment, Xia Yao's body is like a silver knife light that shuttles through the herd!

Along the way, there are large bloodstains of animal corpses!

On Wu Liang's side, the savage collision was also carried to the limit, and the golden light on his body was extremely bright!

"Brother! Crash it!"

Jiangnan directly threw a bottle of nuclear bomb milk over, Wu Liang opened his bear mouth and roared up to the sky!

Chew all the cans!

The next moment, Wu Liang, who was all red, slammed straight out!

The 30-meter-tall bear body is like a moving hill, and I don't know how many spirit beasts have been smashed along the way!

And in the process of collision, Wu Liang directly exploded the third company!

Each nuclear explosion covers a range of thousands of meters, and a nuclear explosion front is drawn!

Open the whole herd!

The oncoming air waves rolled up billowing smoke and dust, Xiong Er roared loudly, and the bear paw slapped the ground!

The thick earth wall rises to block the shock wave of the nuclear explosion and protect the safety of the masses!

However, Wu Liang changed his direction and collided again, and it was another three consecutive nuclear explosions!

This time, the shock wave directly shattered the earth wall!

Wu Liang, who had just stopped, was thrown out again by "not accepting to fuck me", and the bombed herd of beasts screamed and rushed towards Wu Liang!

Jiang Nan laughed out loud, Wu Liang has completely stood up!

This tank is too good to fight, isn't it?

The small dimples in the sky are used alternately with the arrival of the snow country, and the flying birds and spirits keep crashing!

At this moment, the passengers on the highway were so shocked that their eyes were about to pop out, and they took out their mobile phones to take videos!

"This... this is too fierce. How could their small bodies burst out with such powerful strength? It's unbelievable!"

"Super shocking, live witnessing and watching the live broadcast are simply two feelings!"

"Nah, don't cry, be good! With Brother Nanshen here, everyone will be fine, everything will be fine!"

At this moment, Wang Shoujiang and other guards were completely shocked!

A few platinum, pulling thousands of beasts to fight?

The diamond-level spirit beasts were beaten to death. Is this too cruel?

Are you still worried about Nanshen and the others? Obviously, you should be more worried about how long the herd can resist?

What kind of terrifying combat power is this?

It's just utter abuse!

At this moment, only less than three hundred of the thousands of spirit beasts have been besieged and killed!

Jiangnan is preparing to take it down in one fell swoop!

At this moment, a humming sound flashed in the sky, and an unmanned early warning aircraft flew over the Gobi at high speed!

In the distance, dozens of high-speed crawler gun vehicles crossed the slope, leaped up, and then smashed to the ground!

There were ten troop transport trucks behind, and they were carrying the Long Yuan Army who had been chasing the herd all the way!

Knowing that this herd was rushing to the road, the team went crazy!

Marching frantically towards this side, but still almost missed!

My heart is half cold!

But who would have thought that as soon as they were launched, they would see flames everywhere, and beast corpses all over the ground!

All Long Yuan were stunned, but they could see the familiar dazzling light!

Yi Longyuan shouted: "The light of great strength! I drank it when I was in Yulong Town, Nanshen and the others! Haha!"

"I heard that Nanshen was coming to the base, so I bumped into it? It's a coincidence, isn't it?"

On the crawler car, stood a strong bearded man with bronze skin!

With chapped lips and plateau red on her cheeks, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that the passengers on the highway are still safe!

He is the captain of this hunting squad, Ji Chuan!

He couldn't help laughing: "Let Nanshen do our work? It's a big help!"

Then he shouted loudly: "Bombardment coverage!"

Then take out two small flags and wave them for a while!

Jiang Nan looked at the flag language and couldn't help grinning: "Evacuate? Our work is done! Evacuate!"

Xia Yao and the others quickly pulled away from the battlefield of the herd!

On Longyuan's side, dozens of crawler artillery vehicles fired at the same time!

The deafening sound of artillery shelling echoed, the eardrums of the shocking people were painful, and a large amount of smoke was set off!

The scene is magnificent!

The high-explosive armor-piercing shells made of spirit-bound steel smashed platinum-level spirit beasts to death!

The remaining spirit beasts were smashed to shreds by Long Yuan's powerful firepower!

Wu Liang's scalp was numb as he watched: "Good guy, the Lingwu troops are still fighting fast!"

And Jiangnan looked at the crawler gun car, his eyes were bright, and the harazi was about to be rough!

Good stuff!

The convoy stopped in front of everyone in Jiangnan, and at that time Long Yuan rushed into the battlefield and started to make up for it!

We also distributed manpower to help the passengers who were stuck on the road to evacuate!

Ji Chuan was the first to jump out of the car and saluted Jiangnan: "I have seen Colonel Jiang, Ji Chuan of the Longyuan Army in the No. 001 outpost base, codenamed Panshi, I will report to you!"

Jiang Nan replied with a smile: "When I met you on the road, I stopped it!"

Ji Chuan scratched his head shyly: "Are you going to the base? I said on the way, it's not over yet!"

Jiangnan ran back to collect the off-road vehicle, and the group boarded Long Yuan's beast-hunting team and went straight to the footprints of the spirit beasts!

Sitting in the car, Jiang Nan looked back at the battlefield full of animal corpses!

I saw another team of steel tank heavy trucks drove up, and a pile of Long Yuan wearing black jumpsuits descended from above!

Start dismantling useful materials from the carcasses and load them into the car!

The tanker is spraying purple spray out, and as soon as the animal corpse comes into contact with the purple mist, the flesh and blood will be melted away in a large area!

Jiang Nan wondered: "What are they doing?"

This skillful process is obviously not the first time to do it!

Ji Chuan explained: "These are Long Yuan's logistical forces, responsible for cleaning up the battlefield and melting animal corpses!"

"Otherwise, leave it alone. Thousands of huge animal corpses will soon rot and deteriorate under the sun, and it is easy to breed plague bacteria!"

"After all, this is not a spiritual market, nor is it a no-man's land, there is no spiritual beast to digest the beast corpse!"

Jiangnan grinned for a while!

Obviously, this is a valuable experience summed up in countless painful experiences!

"By the way, there is a spiritual disaster nearby or something? These group of spiritual beasts are not graded, where did they come from?"

Ji Chuan smiled bitterly: "Outpost No. 017 fell, was washed away, and rushed out of the no-man's land!"

"The herd rushed out and divided into three shares. We killed one before, this is the second, and the third is chasing!"

"As for the spiritual disaster? Xijiang has never stopped since the aura recovered!"

Jiang Nan was startled, he didn't know much about the situation on the western side of the border!

It made Ji Chuan even more confused when he said that!

"what's the situation?"

Ji Chuan just explained it!

It turns out that because of its location on the plateau, Western Xinjiang has the largest no-man’s land in China, the Dike no-man’s land! It covers an area of ​​more than 1.2 million square kilometers!

This is an astonishing number, even larger than one-third of the entire Western Xinjiang!

The border to the west is bordering with the Vatican!

And that's just the size of Dick's No Man's Land in this part of China! The Brahma Kingdom is also not small!

From the beginning of the recovery of spiritual energy, no-man’s land seems to be favored by God, and the outbreak of spiritual market concentration!

The density is amazing, and there are hundreds of them that have been proven!

Even now, new spirit markets appear from time to time!

And now no one knows how many spiritual ruins there are in the no-man's land!

And these spirit market are in an unsupervised state, because they can't manage it at all!

It directly caused the situation in the no-man's land to be completely out of control!

Countless spirit beasts poured out of the Lingxu space gate, occupying the boundary of the no-man's land!

After so many years, no man's land has almost become a forbidden area for human beings!

And in order to prevent these spirit beasts from further expanding their territory, encroaching on the living space of human beings, and endangering public safety!

So there are outposts built around the Tek no-man's land!

Even in order to control the situation of no-man's land, many outposts are built in the depths of no-man's land, the position of the border line!

Hundreds of outposts were surrounded by a large net, stubbornly suppressing the situation of no-man’s land!

Defend this territory!

However, in recent years, the New Spirit Ruins have appeared frequently, and the Brahma Kingdom has not stopped!

The situation at the outpost is also difficult!

Jiangnan never thought that such a situation would be on the Xijiang side!

I saw that many Longyuan soldiers on the truck were holding guns and overlooking the Gobi Desert!

Their faces were tanned and peeled, and some Long Yuan soldiers even looked very immature, apparently not very old!

Seeing Jiangnan, his smile was extremely bright!

Jiang Nan couldn't help but twitch in his heart, and in awe, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

It is precisely because they are guarding this magnificent mountain and river that China is stable and peaceful!

"Xiao Nan? What's wrong?"

"It's okay, the wind and sand are too big, and my eyes are a little lost..."

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