I saw that Jiangnan directly opened the burning blood, and the whole body was covered with white smoke!

Reaching out both hands, facing the rushing more than 300 Sen Wei Yiran is not afraid, arrogant!


"Come on! A battle! I Jiang Taotao will be afraid that you will fail?

The moment he spoke, he disappeared without a trace, and in the next moment, the person appeared in front of a platinum four!

The big hand has seized its vital point, accompanied by a scream!

His whole body was stabbed by Jiang Nan, and his feet were off the ground!

(。・᷅ᗜ・᷄)ง҉̛ኈ "Yo hoo hoo hoo ~ let go, it hurts! It hurts!"

The man roared in pain, struggling in the air, and the expressions on his face were contorted together!

However, Jiangnan's big hand was like an iron pincer, and after slamming him in the air for a while, he threw it aside!

Immediately after the space wormhole opens, take out another one! Remember the URL m.42zw.\\ncom

With a scream of Chuanyun, the two knelt on the ground in the same posture, grabbing the ground with their heads!

I was sweating profusely from my aching forehead, completely lost my fighting power, and couldn't get up at all!

○| ̄|_…○| ̄|_…

Jiangnan immediately came to a state, and did not suppress his own nature at all!

Use teleportation to dash left and right in the crowd, and the sinful little hand cooperates with the space wormhole!

Crazy digging out peaches, and digging out a dozen people in a blink of an eye, Sen Wei couldn't catch Jiangnan's figure at all!

The guards looked at the comrades who couldn't afford to kneel, and all their faces turned white!

What the hell kind of brutality is this?

After this, will it be better in the future? This directly ruins the future happy life, right?

However, Jiang Nan was excited, and his resentment value was crazy!

Look back and dig one, steal another, yo? When teleporting starts, you can't see it, move around~ move around~ do it with your hands!

giggle ~ Nanshou!

In less than a minute, more than 100 people have been poisoned by Jiangnan!

All kneeling!

Jiang Nan kept his hands and laughed arrogantly!

"Goose hahaha! I advise you to obediently give up your resistance. Useless resistance is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg!"

Take two more people while talking!

At this moment, the body and mind of the guards are shaking, and the screams echoing in their ears are like a curse!

"How on earth did this fellow manage to be so shameless in the battle, and still be so open and upright, how can he be more shameless?"

"Jiangnan, he's a lower three-way attacker, doesn't he speak morality at all?"

"Brothers, run! This guy is too powerful! You can't handle it!"

"Don't... don't be afraid! Brothers, protect yourself. If the mission fails this time, you will have no chance in the future!"

Seeing the tragic state of their comrades, the rest of the Senwei members who did not suffer, put one hand over their crotch!

It's just too embarrassing to fight while covering your crotch or something!

However, even so, there is no way to defend the space wormhole in Jiangnan!

With this style of play, even a diamond-level powerhouse can't show half of his strength!

Jiangnan took out two or three!

There are screams echoing from time to time in the col, and a magnificent movement is composed!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue, who was picking up stones by the lake, vaguely heard the voices coming from the mountain pass!

He couldn't help but be puzzled: "What kind of animal sound is this? It sounds strange, so hoarse!"

"I don't know, maybe it's a falcon, right? Xiaonan went to pick up Mira? Why haven't you come back? It's so slow!"

Five minutes have passed!

I saw Jiangnan standing in the middle of the mountain, with a bright and satisfied smile on his face, and there seemed to be peach blossoms blooming on his face!


"It's cool!"

I saw more than 300 Senwei kneeling neatly on the ground, looking grim and sweating!

Tears of remorse flowed freely on my face!

(‖ཀyiཀ) woo~

This guy is not human, it's from the devil!

If there is no trick, just take out the peach and take out the peach! Sister, you are so arrogant!

What kind of player is this?

Are you looking back at the hardcore players?

Mira: (ノ)﹏(ヾ)!

Jiang... Brother Jiangnan, he is so cruel!

I saw Jiangnan teleport to Sun Dafa!

Hmm~ For the sake of selling the big brother like this, just tell him!

"What! You have a tumor on your head!"

When you're done, turn around and leave!

Sun Dafa: =͟͟͞͞(꒪口꒪ ‧̣̥̇) Ha?

Is he calling me a tumor in the head?

I beep beep beep!

The one on your neck is the tumor. If it weren't for you, how could Lao Tzu be beaten like this?

[The resentment value from Sun Dafa +1000! ]

Jiangnan walked for a while, and I kindly told him that he still blamed me?

Why do people nowadays repay virtue with resentment?

Immediately, another look back!

Sun Dafa was shocked, spit out a mouthful of old blood in pain, and fainted!

Jiang Nan then teleported back to Zhong Yingxue and the others with Mila in his arms!

"Umm~ why did it take so long?"

Jiangnan: (๑ˉิ ꇴ ˉิ) "Go and hit the egg with a stone!"

Everyone: (๐ ·︠ˍ·︡ ๐)?

What the hell is hitting an egg with a stone?

Only Wu Liang was shocked, swallowed his saliva, and mourned for the poor people who were poisoned!

The group didn't stay at Qinghai Lake for long, and they continued to drive down!

Prepare to cross Qing Province, officially enter the Western Xinjiang, and go straight to the outpost!

As soon as Jiangnan and the others left, Chen An arrived at Qinghai Scenic Area on the back!

"Humph! When that little girl gets her hands on it, how crazy are you?"

Said it went straight to the col rush!

I just turned around the pass, and I shivered when I saw the scene in the mountain pass!

More than 300 Senweis neatly covered their crotch and knelt on the ground, not a single one was standing!

"What the hell? You...what are you doing? Doing such a big ceremony? What about offering sacrifices to the sky? Or do you worship mountains?"

Chen Sen: ヽ(ཀжཀ"∠)_

"Brother Ang! Hold on, hurry up to find a professional doctor and give us a cure!"

"Let's see if there is any chance of keeping it, that kid in Jiangnan is too bamboo shoots! He took out more than 300 peaches!"

Chen An glared: "What? You...he...this...hs~"

"How could such a seamless plan fail?"

Chen Sen: (◞థ Mouth థ) "The fart is flawless, and the ragged clothes are leaking! I'm green! The baby is not necessarily mine!"

"Brother! I don't want to live anymore!"

Chen An's face is darkened, what is this kid not yours? Why is this so painful that it doesn't make sense?

If the arrest plan failed, it would be too much to try to arrest him again, so he had to find another way?

At the same time, the consultation room on the second floor of Qingshi Maternal and Child Health Hospital!

Chen Xi sat on the stool nervously, holding an egg in her arms!

The doctor rolled his eyes, glanced at Chen Xi's stomach, and then asked, "What's the problem? Do you need a maternity check? There's no obvious bulge, it's been a few months?"

Chen Xi couldn't help nodding: "Yes... It's a maternity check, no... I just got out this morning in a few months. I want to have a B-ultrasound!"

The doctor frowned, what is this girl talking about?

"Doing an ultrasound, right? Go there and lie down!"

Chen Xi became even more nervous. She came to the instrument and carefully placed the egg on the bed. For fear of breaking it, she even held it with her hands!

The doctor who got up with the document saw this scene, his chin didn't hit the ground!

"Uh~ I told you to lie down, what do you mean by putting an egg?"

Chen Xi shook her head: "I won't do it, I'll do it for Egg Baby, I'll see if she's healthy!"

The doctor's face is full of confusion, does this girl have no watts in her head? You went to the maternity hospital to let me do a b-ultrasound for an egg?

Nice girl, just stupid!

"Nei... You'd better go to the veterinary hospital, we..."

Chen Xi said angrily: "Nonsense! This is my egg! How can I go to the veterinary hospital? Let you do what you want! Hurry up!"

Doctor: Σ(°Д°;)

Compared with doing b-ultrasound for eggs, the matter of laying eggs is more worthy of study, right?

But under the pressure of Chen Xi, the doctor still performed a b-ultrasound for Dan, with a strange expression on his face!

Doctor: (꒪ͦก꒪ͦ ) "Well~ the yolk and egg white have clear boundaries, no irregular shadows, and even internal echoes! There is no obvious abnormality..."

Chen Xi looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes!

"How is it? What do you mean, healthy?"

The doctor looked embarrassed: "How can I tell you, as an egg, it's quite fresh, and it's a good egg!"

"Making fried rice with eggs, fried persimmons with eggs or something should be delicious!"

Chen Xi hugged the egg into her arms: "Egg fried rice! You want to eat it? Are you a devil?"

The doctor spread his hands: "I said, this is a slightly bigger egg, what do you think? We haven't even seen the embryo, and the chick can't hatch!"

Chen Xi stared blankly at the egg in his arms, this... is this a big egg?

Not baby?

I just lay an egg out?

I'm riding a horse %?…;# !

[The resentment value from Chen Xi +777! ]

[From Chen Xi...]

Gangnam! Wait for me! wait!

At this moment, Jiangnan had already driven into the Western Border. As soon as he entered, he felt that the concentration of aura in the air had risen significantly!

It's not even lower than the general spirit market! Western Xinjiang should be a barren scene in my own impression!

But under the nourishment of spiritual energy, it is not the case at all!

There are lush vegetation on both sides of the road, and Jiangnan even saw cities that were abandoned because of the chaos of the past!

The forest made of reinforced concrete has now been eroded by nature, and it is covered with green vines and giant trees!

The peculiar landscape even attracts a large number of tourists!

While driving, I found that the road ahead was blocked by a large number of cars!

The whistle was honked, the conversation was endless, and the scene was noisy!

Some people even stood on the roof of the car and looked at it, and the traffic flow was full for three kilometers!

Zhong Yingxue and the others stuck their heads out of the car window curiously!

"Hmm~ what happened ahead? It seems that the cordon has been drawn!"

Jiangnan frowned, with a dozen steering wheels, the off-road vehicle rode on the roadbed, went straight down the road along the shoulder of the road, and entered the Gobi!

The engine hummed, Jiangnan slammed on the accelerator and went around from one side!

"Go! Go and have a look!"

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