Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2826 The only way to survive!

Hearing what Wang Youzhi said, the eyes of all clans swallowing stars lit up!

He is from the Black God, he knows a lot!

(???﹏??)? "What way to survive? Why don't you tell everyone?"

Even Jiang Fan and Jiang Nan followed suit!

Jiang Fan re-proportioned the types of stars, but even so, they were not strong enough to be able to confront Xun Zu head-on!

Wang Youzhi squinted his eyes to look at the World Bubble that swelled out of the final burial place, his eyes were deep!

"The definition of the Universal Realm is to have a complete world of your own. There are perfect laws in this world. It is the existence of the will of the world. As long as you are in this world, you are omnipotent and invincible!"

"And now, Xunzu is just beginning to shape the evolutionary world!"

"The world has not yet been fully formed, and it is far from reaching the height of Master Qingqi back then!"

At that time, the Great Master Qingzi insisted on the laws of the starry sky world and created the universe world, but now it has become the Great Chuangjie Ruins!

Although it was cut off, the degree of completion of Huanyu World is already very good!

And Xun Zu's eternal world is just a prototype, not a complete universe!

Wang Youzhi continued: "All the power sources of the Universe Realm come from the world it shapes! The more perfect the world is, the stronger the power will be!"

"So today's Xunzu is not as powerful as Qingzi Dazun back then!"

"However, once his world bubble expands to the boundary of the old god's burial, the foundation of the world will be completed, and you will really have no way out!"

"The reason why everyone is still alive is because Xunzu's world bubble has not yet expanded!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, the world is really terrifying, isn't it?

Create your own world, become the existence of the will of the world?

Xunzu is already like this, and he is not as strong as Qingzi Dazun?

To what extent was the youth so frightening?

What kind of method did the hero of the world kill the Qingzi Dazun!

Everyone couldn't help looking at the expanding world bubble, and they could vaguely see the figure of Xun Zu in the center of the world, who looked like a god, looking coldly at this side!

Xunzu didn't rush over to kill everyone immediately, the bubble world is still expanding and shaping, and he needs to preside over it!

At this stage, Xun Zu couldn't leave the world behind and ran over to chase Jiangnan and the others!

This is why Jiangnan and the others are still alive!

And with the expansion of the World Bubble, the area it covers is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of expansion is much slower than before!

Where the world is shrouded, the laws of disorder and chaos in the old land of the burial of the gods have all been reshaped!

Strictly speaking, Jiangnan and the others are still in the old land of the burial of gods, located in the gap between the border and the bubble of the world!

But sooner or later, the bubble of the world will spread, crowding out their living space in Jiangnan!

time is limited!

Chen Mu covered his face: "Aren't we the turtles in the urn now? When the bubble of the world spreads, we will die, right?"

Noah hurriedly said: "You haven't said what the way to survive is!"

Wang Youzhi narrowed his eyes and said: "The only way to survive is to find a way to collapse Xunzu's world and destroy his source of power!"

"Otherwise, what's the use of you even escaping? Xun Zu will still kill you one by one and turn them into nutrients for his world. If you want to live, you have to restrain Xun Zu here!"

"The world has not yet been formed, but there are still opportunities!"

The faces of all the swallowing stars turned green, and their heads got big for a while, and the world collapsed?

How did it collapse?

This is a world! Hey!

No matter how destructive the star-swallowing powerhouse is, he can't destroy a world, can he?

Jiang Nan's face is also full of embarrassment!

Yuan Yi grinned: (¬﹏¬?) "Is there really such a method?"

"How not?"

Wang Youzhi sneered, Jiang Nan was taken aback, and both of them focused their eyes on Jiang Fan at the same time!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly: (??v_v?) "Are you talking about the old god's burial?"

Wang Youzhi raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Yes! This is indeed one of the ways to survive! But I don't know how far I can go!"

The existence of the old god's burial is to make the world collapse and turn into disorder and chaos!

The world of Beng Xingkong is Beng, and the eternal world of Beng Xunzu is also Beng!

Jiang Fan twisted his neck, his eyes were eager to try!

"Universal Realm? Interesting, I just prefer to do challenging things!"

"Are you going to let the burial of the old gods break out now?"

Wang Youzhi shook his head: "It's still too early, we have to wait until Xunzu's eternal world foundation is about to take shape before erupting, then he will have no room to turn back!"

"Otherwise... the old god's burial may not be effective!"

Many swallowing stars are dumbfounded!

what does it mean? From Jiang Fan's point of view, it seems that he can control the burial of the old gods?

This, this, this...


Could it be Jiang Fan's fault for the previous turmoil in the burial?

Wang Youzhi also smacked his lips: "But I really didn't expect that the Creation Beast contracted by Master Qingyi back then would be able to go this far!"

"It seems that you have inherited a lot from Qingzi?"

Everyone's eyes widened even wider!

Depend on!

Xunzu's real identity is from the creation beast?

No wonder he has three glazed horns!

This is the old guy who has lived from the eternal age to today?

And the creation beast already has the ability to create spirit markets!

From the perspective of world creation, even more talented than the Bose!

This is shocking news!

Yuan Yi gritted his teeth: "Do you want to wait until the foundation of the world is about to take shape? I'm afraid everyone won't last until then!"

By then, the bubble of the world might have already spread, right?

Jiang Nan took a deep breath: "I'm afraid of a fart! If I'm afraid it will be useful, I'll just sit on the ground and cry in fear!"

"The problem is right in front of us, just find a way to solve it!"

"Everyone is the peak of the starry sky, the existence at the top of the pyramid, and climbed up by stepping on the bones of countless people. Why does it have to end here?"

"Think about your race. If you hang on here, the race will be wiped out by the Bose tribe, and it will be over. No matter how awesome Xunzu is, he is an insurmountable mountain, and he must cross it! "

Where does Zhongtunxing not know the crisis of the current situation?

In order to survive, for the sake of the race, we have to survive!

Silicon master looked at Jiangnan with deep mechanical eyes!

[┐? Yi?┌] "You are cruel enough to count the entire starry sky!"

It can be said that Jiangnan almost single-handedly facilitated the current situation, pulling everyone together to solve Xunzu's problem, and work together to break this deadlock!

Otherwise, they will all die!

It's better than Carbon Alliance facing it alone!

Jiang Nan didn't refute, but said lightly: "I didn't think about it that much, after all, I'm not as big-headed as you are!"

"It's just that the times are like this, just follow the trend!"

Sizhu squinted, who knew whether Jiangnan did it on purpose, or why he insisted on pushing the Bose tribe so hard!

Let them turn the table at this point?

Non-toxic and not a husband?

Jiang Nan turned his head and said: "It's from the Carbon Alliance! Hang them all up, otherwise I'm afraid I won't have a chance to eat them in a while!"

In order to survive, in order to win, why do you care about image, face?

eat it! Living is more fragrant than anything else!

Zhong Tun Xing opened the wall-mounted backpack, showing off everything in his mouth!

And the Tunxing of Zhimeng couldn't sit still, Chuyang, Chenmu, Mingquan, Liutie all swallowed their saliva, their eyes dodged, but they were too embarrassed to ask for it!

After all, the relationship between the two is not very good!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??*) "Why are you ashamed? Eat? I'll take your share too!"

While talking, he took out a bunch of wall-mounted backpacks from the alien space and threw them to the Quality League Swallowing Stars!

Chuyang Liutie and the others took it without saying thank you or anything, how could they save face?

These backpacks are full of bonus props, such as artifacts like Little Cherry, they will not be equipped with them!

Master Si gritted his teeth and stepped on the horse, Jiangnan really had planned it long ago!

Even the wall-mounted backpack was prepared in advance, and with such a good opportunity before, Chu Yang was left silently alive!

I'm afraid I didn't expect this to happen a long time ago!

Multiple devouring stars equals multiple combat powers!

You still say that you did not bring about this situation by yourself?

Seeing that Jiang Nan raised his hand and handed Jiang Fan a series of hangs, such as the green stick of the strong man's medicine!

(?°???°)っhang! "Brother Fan, why don't you eat some too? It will be a guarantee if we fight later..."

Jiang Fan's face darkened, he tilted his head and said:

(???~???)? "Don't eat! I don't have to eat these things, I'm sure..."

Jiang Nan hurriedly said: (???~??) "Hey~ just eat some? Who would dislike being strong?"

Jiang Fan's face darkened even more:

(???????)? "Don't eat! I have my own principles!"

Jiang Nan's expression couldn't help becoming teasing:

(????) "Brother Fan? Are you afraid that you will become a cute guy after eating and your image will collapse?"

Jiang Fan raised his head and stopped talking!


From the looks of it, even if he was beaten to death, he didn't intend to eat it!

Jiang Nan didn't force it either: "Okay, okay~ When you want to eat, ask me for it!"

Jiang Fan said firmly:

(???〃) "Don't worry! There is absolutely no such possibility!"

Quality Union's Star Swallowing also started to show off!

The demon lord was hesitant while holding the strong man medicine and the green stick!

(??Yi??) "Damn... After we eat, you don't want us to ask for money, do you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jing Ming, who was blowing a green stick beside him, squirted out violently!

Liu Tie was also startled, and then frantically scratched his throat!

If you want money for riding a horse, why don't you lose all your wealth to Jiangnan?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "If you insist on giving it, I want it too!"

"You all know that I, Jiangnan, never trade at a loss. If these hooks can keep you alive, then you won't lose money..."

Hearing Jiang Nan's words, Zhong Tun Xing breathed a sigh of relief!

Among other things, Jiangnan is quite righteous in this matter!

Jingming groaned even more fiercely, and choked back the wine he had just sprayed!

Looking at Jiangnan makes my stomach sick, you really don't waste a bit of it!

And at the same time when everyone was showing off!

The expressions of Jiang Fan and Jiang Nan changed suddenly, and Wen Fei said anxiously:

"Be careful!"

The next moment, above everyone's heads, Xunzu's figure suddenly appeared!

Big hands pressed down on everyone!

Jiang Nan turned his head sharply, and in the bubble of the world, Xun Zu's figure was clearly standing there!

How did you get here?

Isn't it impossible to make the world bubble in the process of world shaping?

Who is this?


Xunzu's icy voice echoed in the old land of the god's burial!

"Destroy the world!"

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