Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2827 Desperately powerful!

As Xun Zu's voice reverberated, a beam of world-destroying particles was seen smashing down from top to bottom!

The scope is so large that it is simply appalling, as if the starry sky has been cut a big hole, and the power of destroying the world is released like a waterfall!

Drown everything!

Time turned into nothingness, space also completely collapsed, and everything ceased to exist under the power of annihilating the world!

As if everything was going to be washed away and crushed into nothingness!

Tunxing's eyes were full of horror, what level of power is this horse riding? Hey!

Silicon Master immediately urged the Giant God Soldiers to attack!

"The Sword of Judgment of the Creator God!"

The final star Wusha bloomed in an instant, the pure white sword of judgment was in the shape of an irregular cross, and the tip of the sword pierced the pillar of the world!

This is also the mighty power of the ceiling level!

The two collided in an instant, and the Pillar of Extermination was split by the Sword of Judgment, but it didn't take a moment for the sword body to be crazily damaged and collapsed!

There is no way to stop the scour of the Pillar of Destruction!

Jiang Nan stared, and waved his big hand violently!


Where does the silicon master not know what Jiangnan means? Immediately release the neutron star collider crazily!

One after another black holes were born like money, and Jiangnan took over in an instant!

Control the black holes to merge into bigger black holes!

In the blink of an eye, the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy is nothing compared to this!

Manti, Wen Fei, Du Lingyu and the others made their moves in unison!

"Creating something out of nothing? The World of Apocalypse!"

A total of four worlds were created, slammed into the super-large black hole, and turned into accretion disks!

In just a moment, the accumulation has reached the limit!

"Black hole jet? Blazing and startling rainbow!"


The super-giant bright blue beam of light blasted straight at the Pillar of Destroying Worlds. This is the most violent jet that Jiangnan has ever shot!

After all, there are four swallowing stars to support Jiangnan!

The Sword of Judgment was shattered into fragments by washing away, and disappeared in an instant, and the Pillar of Extermination rushed straight into the blazing and startling rainbow!

But there was no suspense at all, the blazing shocking rainbow failed to shake the World Extinguishing Pillar at all, and was scattered by life and death!

Immediately, it slammed heavily on the black hole itself!


The accretion disc vanished into nothingness in an instant, and even the invincible black hole body couldn't withstand the scour of the Pillar of Extermination!

It kept collapsing, and its body shrank crazily!

But at any rate, I can resist for a while!

You know, the black hole is not invincible, Xunzu has already wiped out the black hole with his own strength before!

Now that you have taken that step, there is no need to think about it!

No matter how strong the black hole is, it still exists in the world and is contained by the world, but Xunzu created the existence of the eternal world!

Fortunately, they were all hiding under the black hole in Jiangnan, and they were not directly wiped out by the Pillar of Extermination, and there was still a little room for survival!

Just when Jiangnan made a move to resist the Pillar of Exterminating the World, the other swallowing stars were not idle, they were not just waiting to die!

Under the leadership of Yuan Yi, the seven swallowing stars of the dark universe directly joined forces to make a move!

"Heavenly Abyss Devil Comes!"

With a chirping sound, a pitch-black abyss suddenly opened under Xunzu's feet, and infinite dark energy gushed out from the abyss, turning into a black jet, completely submerging Xunzu's figure!

And Xun Zu's body was lit up with ten colors of light, in which the light and shadow of the world could be faintly seen, just allowing himself to be overwhelmed by dark energy!

"Extreme universe? Endless night!"

The land shrouded by dark energy has turned into absolute darkness, and everything is dying in the darkness!

"Atom Smash!"

"Radiation dies!"

"Super? Gravitational collapse!"

"The right of fate? Destiny!"

"Energy explosion, eye of death, great decay technique, infinite counterattack boost..."

At this moment, the swallowing stars are like crazy, that is how much force is exerted, not to mention that they are all under the condition of opening and hanging!

With multiple attacks stacked together, everyone will be beaten!

The terrifying power is about to overturn the old land of the burial of the gods!

However, in the torrent of goose attacks, bright ten-colored brilliance bloomed, suppressing all attacks!

Xun Zu still stood intact with his hands behind his back, surrounded by nothingness, raised his head and looked at everyone with contempt!

(???????) "It's over? Is it all there? It's really disappointing..."

"Now! It's my turn!"

While speaking, his body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already among the crowd!

He pinched Gu Ruide's neck, as if he was there in the first place!

Gu Ruide's face turned red, and his pupils shrank!

How is it possible, why can't it be predicted!

It was about to explode, but at this moment, Xunzu said coldly: "Boundary!"

The infinite shadow of the world rushed out of his body and spread wildly in all directions!

Yuan Yi roared violently: "Withdraw! Don't be shrouded in!"

Jiang Fan squinted, and a star lit up above his head!

"Starlight spins!"

The next moment, everyone disappeared collectively and suddenly appeared far away!

But Guruide was still holding it in Xunzu's hands. He wanted to use his abilities, but he was shocked to find that all his abilities were suppressed!

He wants to expand the domain, but the power of rules in Xun Zu's domain is too strong, and it is foolish for him to expand the domain!

Xunzu just looked at Gu Ruide so coldly!

"Have you realized the difference in power? No matter how strong the Star Swallower is, he is still one of the mortal beings, a mere mortal. Only those who have passed through that gate can stand out from the crowd, transcend everything, and become a god!"

"Although you and I are facing each other, there is a whole world between us!"

Gu Ruide stared angrily: "I'm going to Ni..."


Gu Ruide's body turned into dust on the spot, which was annihilated from the atomic level!

Even an existence as strong as swallowing stars, in the hands of Yu Xunzu, can't last a round!

Manti said anxiously: "Gured! You..."

"Stop screaming! Not dead yet..."

Wen Fei immediately took out a marble-sized meatball, the meatball was atomically reorganized, and then frantically regenerated, turning into the appearance of Guruide!

However, it only looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, and has not returned to its original appearance. The breath is extremely weak, but at least the level has not dropped!

I saw Gruide's face full of unhappiness, cursing in a childish voice:

??˙~˙? "Bastard, it's really killing me, it's a blessing that I'm not in that world!"

"Otherwise there is no chance at all!"

There was still a lingering fear in his eyes!

Xunzu's realm is just a projection of the eternal world!

The real Xunzu is still in the bubble of the world, shaping the world, this is just a mind clone or something like that!

But even so, it's not something Zhongtunxing can easily block!

Then in the bubble of the world, how strong will the real Xun Zu be?

Only now did Gu Ruide realize that the death of the Blood King was not wronged at all, did he?

Everyone is really desperate!

The Pillar of Extermination disappeared, and there was nothingness around Xun Zu, and even the black hole formed by fusion was wiped out into nothingness...

Seeing that Guruide escaped, Xunzu's eyes flashed with bad luck!

With a flash of his body, he had already appeared beside the crowd, raising his hand to slap violently!

The world's light and shadow formed an overwhelming wave, overwhelming everyone!

The nine giant god soldiers released their defensive force fields to jointly resist, and the dark universe Tianqi Gamma and other swallowing stars have launched their own fields!

Even acrylic has made the Unbreakable Crystal Shield go up!

The phantom of the Xinghai Ark appeared, and the power of will turned into a wall. Jiang Fan raised his hand, and there was another layer of starlight above the defense!

However, the joint defense of so many swallowing stars did not block the slap of the world's light and shadow!

The force field was blasted, the domain was shattered, the unbreakable crystal shield was crushed, the starlight collapsed, and the wall of will also collapsed!

The Xinghai Ark couldn't hold on for even a moment!


Jiang Nan and the others were shot flying on the spot like fireworks exploding, scattered everywhere!

Some energy-type Tunxing bodies exploded directly, and Mantiacli and the others vomited blood one after another!

Jiang Nan's face was also pale, and his headache seemed to explode!

After the blow, Xunzu stood on the spot with his hands behind his back, with a playful smile on his face!

"What? Didn't you clamor to overthrow the sky of the Thousand Stars Era? Why don't you clamor now?"

"From today onwards, my ancestor Xun is the sky of this era of thousands of stars! I will suppress this era until eternity!"

"You have repeatedly challenged the authority of our Bose clan, and tested our bottom line again and again! And the result you want?"

"You can't bear the consequences of angering me!"

Jiang Nan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and muttered in a low voice:

(??3??) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ I asked you to fill this cup, it's really smooth!"

Xun Zu:? ? ?

His eyes were full of killing intent, and he said in a cold tone:

(???Y???) "What did you say?"

But Jiang Nan didn't disagree, tilting his head to the sky, shaking his legs and whistling!


Xun Zu squinted his eyes and said: "Originally you had a way to survive, and I am not too tolerant of people in the world, but the way to survive was blocked by your own hands!"

"But I can't tolerate sand in my eyes, and I won't tolerate other voices in the starry sky under my suppression!"

"I give you the right to struggle, but everything will be in vain!"

"After all... this era is too weak..."

Jiang Nan curled his lips, with an unhappy expression on his face, and muttered in a low voice:

(〃¬3¬) "Yo Yo Yo~ Now that you've made a big deal, you've stood up and jumped out to pretend to be a big batch. What did you do?"

"It took more than two billion years to dare to jump out, so you dare to pretend to be a cup in this era, right? The older you are, the more cowardly you are~"

"There is a saying that the tiger is not at home, the monkey is called the king, the owner is dead, and a little pet jumps out and bites people. This is really far from the big picture!"

"I haven't shown my face for so many years, I guess I'm suffocated. I don't know how many times I have simulated these lines in my mind secretly. I'm just waiting to say it now, right? Little brother?"

Odin kept nodding: (??°???°)? "It must be, I feel the same way!"

Xun Zu:! ! !

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