Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2825 Star Wars! strike!

Guli and the others were overwhelmed by what they heard. The Bose tribe has been preparing for 2.2 billion years, and what they are waiting for is today!

The long-standing forbearance and oppression, from the moment Xunzu broke through to the world realm, will all be turned into a passing cloud!

The Bose family will also become eternal!

Because in the Qianxing Era, no one can compete against Xun Zu, he will suppress the entire era!

Supporting the Bose family to continue to exist until eternity!

"Yes! Lord Xunzu!"

With a wave of Xunzu's hand, the eight people left the old land of the burial of the gods and came to the starry sky!

Now all the swallowing stars in the starry sky are in the old land of the gods' burial, and they will be eaten by Xun Zu in one go!

And Guli and the others will naturally take this opportunity to destroy the foundation of the strong clan!

There is nothing in the starry sky that can stop them anymore!

Gu Li grinned grimly: "Go! Go and kill yourself!"

"Split up and let the world see clearly who is the boss of this thousand-star era!"

Longqian, Jingkun, and the others were also full of excitement, turning into eight streamers, and heading straight for the star field of each clan's home!

Cutli chose the Galaxy Starfield without hesitation!

The time has come for revenge and revenge!

I want to see who can stop me!

He couldn't help but look back at the old land of the god's burial, his eyes full of pity!

It's just a pity that I couldn't witness the end of Jiangnan with my own eyes!

But don't worry, I will let the Galaxy Starfield be buried with you!

The plan of the Bose tribe is very simple, and just as Jiangnan guessed, Xunzu condensed the seed of the world before the start of the apex war!

Theoretically, it has already entered the world realm!

It's just that you haven't created your own world yet!

Creating a world requires an unimaginably huge force, and even resisting the oppression of the original laws of the starry sky world, the movement is not ordinary!

Xun Zu naturally chose the site of the creation of the world in the old land of the burial of the gods, and this is the perfect choice!

Here, the law of the starry sky collapsed and became chaotic and disorderly. Xun Zu could just use this to become enlightened, shape it into his own world, run his own world laws, and not be oppressed by the starry sky world!

And you can also take this opportunity to wipe out all the star-swallowing stars in the starry sky and clean them thoroughly!

They will also take this opportunity to attack the home star fields of the major powerful races, destroying their racial foundation, and the home star fields without the guardianship of Tunxing are as fragile as bubbles to them!

This is simply the perfect plan!

It wasn't just Guli who acted, the four major factions in the Bose Starfield also began to send troops!

The real Star Wars has completely started at this moment!


Besides, inside the old soil of the burial of the gods, where do the swallowing stars still have the mind to fight some shit apex war?

The scene just now completely frightened them!

The three giant god soldiers vanished into nothingness in an instant, and even the blood king burped, leaving no chance of surviving!

You know, although the blood king is not the kind of extremely powerful star-swallowing, but no matter what, he is still a star-swallowing one?

Was he killed by Xunzu just like that?

No one can compete with him in Xun Zu's eternal world!

The first thing they thought of was to leave here and return to their home star field to cope with the upcoming big change in the starry sky!

No need to think too much, Xun Zu has come out of the mountain, and the Bose tribe has completely turned the tables!

However, what made them desperate was that their connection with the outside world was completely cut off!

Chuyang and Jiran are both Chaos Swallowing Stars, how could they not stay distracted in their own star field?

As long as they hang up here, their power will naturally be transferred to distraction and return to their home star field!

But now, they can't contact the distraction of the outside world at all!

In other words, if you die here, you will really die!

It's not just Chuyang who is silent, but who doesn't have any tricks left behind? But it's all useless!

The connection was completely severed!

When they rushed to the edge of the old land of the divine burial, they realized that the entire old land of the divine burial had been completely blocked by an extremely thick boundary wall!

Just like the glass-colored shell of the Great Ruins of the Chuangjie, it isolates everything!

Now they are in two worlds with Starry Sky World, how can they contact the outside world?

Star swallowers of all races roared and blasted the boundary wall with the strongest attack, but any attack that hit it would be dissipated and annihilated into nothingness!

Even the combined efforts of the seven great devouring stars of the Dark Cosmic Body failed to shake the boundary wall at all!

Jiang Fan and Jiang Nan were like two shooting stars, slashing down at the boundary wall with the blade of will!

However, the result is not surprising, the blade of will has no effect on the boundary wall!

"Silicon master! Black hole!"

At this time, it's not time to worry about other things, and the silicon master doesn't want to destroy all the remaining nine giant god soldiers here!

Immediately start the neutron star collider to create an artificial black hole. Jiangnan controls the black hole and directly hits the boundary wall!

And at the moment of collision, the black hole did twist and deform the boundary wall, but in the next moment, even the black hole was obliterated by the boundary wall, and finally disappeared completely!

Now all swallowing stars are numb!

Nima! Black holes are useless?

Isn't this useless?

How to get out!

Master Si gritted his teeth: "I'll try Zhong Xingwu!"

However, Wang Youzhi said indifferently:

(¬~¬〃) "Don't let it go, save it and save it to fight against Xunzu. Although the final Xingwu is strong, it is not strong enough to shake the world!"

"Xunzu's world framework has been formed, and he wants to shape the entire old land of the burial into his own world. To this boundary wall, Zhong Xingwu is nothing more than a bigger firework..."

Now, Dululu Hundred Ghosts and the others even began to despair!

I can't run away, I can't fight, so I'm not dead?

Chu Yang was in a panic:

??????Yi????? "Horse-riding! Jiangnan! It's up to you, if you hadn't pushed the Bose tribe so hard, you would have even beheaded Yu Gen!"

"The Bose clan can flip the table? Now that the Star Wars is about to start, everyone has nothing to play. Let's all wait here to die!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes: "If you want to kill, kill it! What? Do you have any opinions?"

"Otherwise, I don't mind beheading one more!"

While speaking, he raised his sword and stepped straight towards Chuyang, but Jiangnan held his shoulder and shook his head!

Jiang Nan said coldly: "What? If we don't kill Yu Gen, the Bose tribe won't overthrow the table?"

"Xunzu has already broken through to the world realm, they can do it anytime they want, the fact lies here!"

"The reason why the Bose tribe is being pushed so tightly is just a test. If my guess is correct, they probably wanted to use the opportunity of the apex war to attack everyone!"

Jiran gritted his teeth: ????°?Yi°???? "That being said, you are also the trigger for the Bose tribe to completely overturn the table!"

"If I had known this earlier, each family would still be participating in the apex war? Wouldn't it be nice to stay at home and prepare for the battle?"

"It's good now, we're all trapped here, waiting for Xun Zu to come and destroy the group! Guli and the others are probably already outside!"

"It's over! It's all over now!"

Jiang Nan glared: "Don't step on the horse and fart here! Don't participate in the Vertex War? Who of you dare not participate in a try? Don't forget, Xun Zu has already taken that step before the Vertex War!"

"If this summit battle can't be held, he will only start in another way! The result will only be the same. Do you think Xun Zu will defeat us one by one? Who of you can hold it? That way there is no chance of winning." !"

"Xunzu is a mountain that we can't avoid no matter how we avoid it. It is an existence that we must face!"

"At least for now, all the peak powerhouses in the entire starry sky are gathered here to face Xunzu together. This is the moment when the resistance is strongest and the opportunity is greatest!"

"If there is no way to do this, then we have no chance at all!"

Jiran gritted his teeth: "What chance? The chance of being wiped out by the Xunzu group?"

The veins on Jiang Nan's forehead were throbbing violently, and he wanted to fuck him with a sword!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "Shut up, you!"

"Whoever says one more word, I, Jiang Fan, will kill him on the spot!"

Ji Ran was directly silenced, and the field became very quiet!

Looking at the shadow of the world expanding from the center, Jiang Nan couldn't help grinning!

"Fortunately, I prepared a lot of backup plans and made several preparations!"

"Sure enough! The more you don't think about something, the more you will come. Bad things that may happen will definitely happen. Is it Murphy's law?"

"Tsk~ This is really a big crisis!"

Jiangnan has always been a foresight existence, no matter what he does, he will consider the way out properly!

Before the apex war started, Jiangnan simulated various possibilities!

Including the breakthrough of Xunzu, and the possibility of taking advantage of the opportunity of the apex war to wipe out all the clans swallowing stars!

Because this situation is very likely to happen, but Jiangnan and the others have nothing to do about it!

What else can I do?

No matter what, we must face Xun Zu!

Some people may say, if you don't participate in the apex war and don't jump into this pit, won't you face such a critical situation?

But if you don't participate, Xun Zu will also attack each family after breaking through the universe, and defeat them one by one, which will be even more useless!

Intrigue, you cheat me and I cheat you, how can it be possible to check and balance Xun Zu in this state?

At least in the current situation, the masters of the whole starry sky are facing the crisis together and trying to figure out a solution together!

They were all cornered, and he had to use 120 points for each Star Swallower's 100 points!

In such a situation, the chances are even greater!

It is precisely this situation that forces everyone to join forces to fight against Xun Zu, because everyone has no way to retreat!

In terms of subjective will, of course Jiangnan wants to continue procrastinating until he swallows the stars and fishes out Brother Fan's main body. The longer the delay the better, everyone is happy!

But there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in the world!

Jiang Nan didn't expect Xunzu to be so upbeat and take that step so quickly!

Because he had considered the occurrence of this situation in advance and made a plan to deal with it, Jiangnan was not too panicked!

But not so for others!

Jiangnan took a deep breath!

"Everyone! Recognize the reality! Xunzu is an existence we must face!"

"It is also a big trouble that must be solved at present, otherwise the stars, including us, and even this era, will have no future!"

However, at this moment, Zhong Tun Xing's face turned green!


How to solve it!

That's above the swallowing star?

Wang Youzhi's eyes were deep: "If you talk about killing Xun Zu, none of you have a chance, but if you talk about a way to survive, maybe there is!"

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