Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2824 Give war to the era! Give pain to the starry sky!

The person who came was none other than Xun Zu!

I saw that its whole body is composed of jelly-like Bose particles, and it is dressed in extremely ancient costumes!

The appearance is not old, but the appearance of a middle-aged man, with short ice silk hair scrupulously behind his back!

There are three ten-color glazed horns on the top of the head, arranged in a triangle shape, and the figure is a bit skinny!

The most memorable thing is undoubtedly the ice blue pupils, filled with the vicissitudes of the years, as if full of everything in the world, as deep as the starry sky!

Just looking up at all the swallowing stars present with his hands behind his back, his eyes are full of coldness!

The breath on the body is hidden, but it gives people an unshakable sense of oppression!

Everyone's eyes widened, and an extreme sense of danger welled up in their hearts!

Xun Zu!

It's the old guy with the mighty ceiling!

He came out? remember URL

Xun Zu didn't talk nonsense at all, he raised his hand and pressed towards the place of final burial!

A crystal ball full of shadows of the world emerged in the palm of his hand, as if that... was a complete world!

Xunzu squinted his eyes and said, "I have endured you for a long time!"

"Just use your deaths to witness history, turn it into the nourishment of the world, and witness the birth of gods!"

Big hand press!

The seed of the world in that hand erupted outrageously and expanded in all directions!

Yuan Yi roared violently: "Retreat! Don't fall into it!"

All the people present are swallowing stars, how can they not see the importance?

Needless to say, Yuan Yi, all the swallowing stars have already taken their clansmen and rushed outwards!

You must not be enveloped by that expanding world bubble!

No one cares about apex wars anymore!

Xunzu made a move, and the Bose tribe really turned the table!

Jiang Nan didn't say anything else, he directly wrapped the crowd with the warp speed cannon, and flew towards the place of final burial with the greatest curvature!

"Sure enough! Xun Zu really broke through!"

Before Jiang Fan entered the Bose star field, the Bose tribe only came out with a few star swallows to fight!

You know, during the Boji war before, all the Bose clan swallowed the stars to fight!

At that time, Xun Zu was probably already at the critical point of breaking through, plus the patience of the Thermonuclear Starfield afterwards!

It almost made Jiangnan sure that it was inevitable for Xunzu to break through to Huanyu!

And when it came to the apex war, all the eight Bose swallowing stars appeared on the stage, which is enough to explain the problem!

Perhaps Xun Zu had successfully taken that step before the start of the apex war!

The day has finally come!

Sooner or later, we have to face it, but Jiang Nan didn't expect it to be so early!

Almost as soon as Xun Zu appeared, Jiang Nan tilted his head and said:

"Vivienne! Go to hell! Find Ai Jiang and start the Black Cloud Project!"

Vivian didn't hesitate at all, all Vivians present collectively blew themselves up to death!

Because even Vivienne who was present was full of clones, and the main body was not here at all!


Wang Youzhi gritted his teeth: "Clear! But can you do this?"

Jiang Nan's heart beat wildly: "Is there any choice? All the powerhouses in the whole starry sky are here! If this can't be done!"

"There is absolutely no chance in this era!"

With Xun Zu as the center, the world bubble swelled crazily, and a dreamy scene happened!

I saw the world shrouded in bubbles, the rules were reshaped, time, space, and the laws of operation of everything in the starry sky, everything was being shaped and reorganized according to the way Xun Zu wanted!

Matter is being generated, evolved, and turned into the cosmic network, and on the nodes of the cosmic network, the stars are lit up!

Creation particles are like rivers, flowing along the veins of the world, shaping the world bit by bit!

Due to the sudden appearance of Xun Zu, not all Tun Xing escaped from the shadow of the world!

The three giant god soldiers did not make a smooth transition, but were shrouded in Xun Zu's world!

The Crazy Blood King was also a step slower!

I saw that there was no emotion in Xun Zu's eyes, and he raised his hand to point at the three giant soldiers!

In an instant, all the substances that make up the Giant God Weapon are falling apart, completely turning into a part of Xunzu's world!

But how could the silicon master tolerate the loss of three giant god soldiers like this?

Self-explosion is a traditional silicon-based art!

"Zheng Xingwu? The circle of no time!"

The three final star weapons were released by the silicon master without hesitation, and a pure white ball expanded out!

However, Xun Zu shook his big hand, and the three final star martial arts stopped expanding immediately!

Just stopped like that, and then was pinched severely by Xun Zu!

Zhong Xingwu went straight out and disappeared, including the three giant soldiers!

"This is my world, you can't end anything!"

Immediately, his eyes fell on the blood king, and at this moment the blood king had even turned on his horsepower, burning all his strength and running away!

But he was still walking on the same spot, unable to run out at all, and the distance became meaningless to the blood king!

Blood King is still struggling!

"Field expansion? Crazy God!"

"Awakening of ancestral blood! Ahhh!"

However, Xun Zu did not move, but looked at the blood king with cold eyes!

"How dare you call yourself a god in front of me?"

The Mad God Realm is collapsing crazily, and the two are simply not at the same level!

At this moment, the blood king felt that the whole world was against him, oppressing, squeezing!

How can I compete against a world?


The domain was shattered in an instant, the blood king's body was squeezed and deformed, the blood flowed wildly, and the source of life decayed endlessly!

His eyes were full of fear: "Let me go! Let me go! My crazy clan can submit to the Bose clan!"

"I can do things for you, killing me won't do you any good, you..."

Xunzu said lightly: "I don't need waste around me, besides... there is no benefit? The boundary force in Tunxing's body is quite rich. You will become the nourishment of my eternal world and lay the foundation for the formation of the world!"

"Be thankful for this... Your death will not be meaningless, and others will come to accompany you soon!"

The blood king was completely anxious: "You can't kill me, I left a piece of ancestral blood in the blood pool of the clan, even if this body dies, it will be reincarnated in the blood pool! You can't..."

Xunzu narrowed his eyes: "Oh? Is that so? You haven't figured out what the will of the world is?"

"In this world, I am the only one! Ruler!"

The blood king was full of horror. When he gave up hope and was about to reincarnate, he was shocked to find that his connection with the ancestral blood had been severed!

In this world, Xun Zu's rules are running!

He is the one who has the final say!

"No! I..."

Hearing a "poof", the blood king was crushed directly, blasted into pieces of meat, and then even the pieces of meat turned into dust and dissipated!

Xun Zu's face showed a look of enjoyment, the bubble of the eternal world was blessed by the world power, and expanded faster!

I saw Xunzu raised his hand and grabbed it suddenly, the world suddenly became strange and strange!

In the void, the picture of Yu Gen desperately using the source of life before dying emerged!

It's just that the figure is extremely faint and doesn't move!

And the next moment, with Xun Zu's strengthening, Yu Gen's figure solidified layer by layer!

Obviously, Xun Zu is forcibly changing the reality!

From the title page of the past, pull back the dying Yu Gen, write it into the title page of every reality, and finally pull it to the present!

In this way, Yu Gen can continue to exist!

Such an operation is absolutely impossible in the starry sky world, and will be crazily backlashed by the laws of the starry sky and the truth!

But now, this is Xunzu's world, he is the will of the world, he has the final say!

Cut Li and the others appeared, seeing such a method, they were all shocked in their hearts!

I saw Yu Gen's figure solidified and finally materialized completely, and he roared angrily:

(???Yi?) "The source of life..."

Before the move was used, time had flown backwards, and Yu Gen's move was held back in a daze!

Yu Gen was in a state of bewilderment, the next moment, his source of life decayed wildly, and his body continued to age!

The aura plummeted, and he almost fell directly from the swallowing star!

There are always people who have to bear the price of forcibly changing the reality, and Xun Zu naturally cannot bear it by himself, so only Yu Gen will bear it!

I saw Xun Zu coldly said:

(¬_¬) "Don't die again, you don't have a second chance!"

"If you die again, it will become the nourishment of this eternal world!"

Yu Gen quickly bowed his head and said yes, although he didn't know what was going on, but at least he got his life back?

"Yes! Lord Xunzu!"

Cut Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Master Xun Zu? Jiangnan silicon masters and the others..."

Xunzu said indifferently: "I will kill those who obstruct the eyes one by one. From today on, there will be no star-swallowing powerhouses in the entire starry sky except my Bose clan!"

"It's time for a big shuffle!"

"This Era of Thousand Stars will still be the Era of Thousand Stars of my Bose Clan! The Bose Clan will also become eternity!"

"Master's unfinished dream will be continued by me, Xun!"

At this moment, Emperor Guli rewarded them all with flushed faces and excited expressions!

It's over, it's finally over!

"Master Xunzu, there was a small fluctuation in the old god's burial here before, can't it affect your shaping of the eternal world?"

Xun Zu sneered: "Old God's Burial? Remnants of will from the era of great land reclamation? Those wills have existed for too long in this chaotic and disorderly old land of God's Burial, and there is exactly the power I need in it, and the amount is huge! "

"They will all become the nourishment of my eternal world, adding bricks and tiles to the foundation of the world!"

"Furthermore, the rules of the old world of God's Burial are broken and chaotic. It is perfect for my enlightenment place, let alone resisting the oppression of the starry sky rules, it is a natural place for enlightenment!"

As soon as Xun Zu said it was fine, he knew what was going on, so he felt relieved!

"That's good! I will watch your back and hope that you will lead the Bose tribe to regain the glory of the eternal age!"

The corner of Xun Zu's mouth curled up!

"All the swallowing stars in the starry sky are gathered here, and they will be wiped out by me in one go!"

"There will be no more obstacles in the starry sky to hinder you. This era of thousands of stars is already your hunting ground!"

"Go! Give war to the era, give pain to the starry sky, and destroy all the foundations of strong families for me!"

"Get ready to welcome my ancestor Xun to the world!"

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