an early closure?

As soon as this proposal came out, the leaders of all races almost nodded their heads out of the phantom!

Because the truth is nothing to start with!

Because of the outbreak of the Watt virus, the silicon gene was severely slaughtered again!

The Bose tribe took this opportunity to equalize the score difference and surpass the silicon base. The Quality League almost snatched back its own race beacon, and even made an extra fortune!

In addition to the ones that were auctioned before, although they are still miserable, they are not so miserable!

I can't wait to end the serial offensive and defensive battle now, determine the points, and there will be no substantial progress if I continue to fight!

But at this moment, the silicon master quit!

[┐?°?优°?┌] "The end? What a fart! Until the last moment, the final points will not be determined. Since the deadline is one month, we must fight until the end!"

Siji was ranked first in the score before, but now he is taken out to be the second because of the Watt virus!

Although a day and a half is short, it is enough for the silicon base to make another wave!

Squinting eyes:

(???〃) "Of course, the rules of serial warfare cannot be broken, and there is no such thing as an early end. The war continues!"

Of course he doesn't want the serial offensive and defensive battle to end here?

Xun Zu still has to absorb the power of the world!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "All right, all right! Then keep hitting, I don't care, you guys are messing around!"

After speaking, he immediately lay down in the event horizon on the edge of the black hole, looking like he was lying down and waiting for the end!


In the Sea of ​​Star Embers, the Shadow Warrior's gaze directly locked on to the Immortal Kingdom, calling them out!

[┐?????┌] "I just snatched the silicon-based base planet. Is it a pleasure to snatch it? I promise you to immediately return the base planet that I just snatched from my silicon-based position!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

They also panicked in Xianguo, why didn't it just end?

But now, it is impossible to go back!

Ming brake said:

(??Yi???) "I declare that we are not robbing, but just retrieving the base planet that should belong to us from the position!"

"What's wrong with that?"

Shadowcaster squints:

[┐?’~?’┌] “I don’t want to say the same thing a second time! Are you still paying it back?”

It was rare for Gu Qiong to be tough once:

?︶Yi︶??? "Will not pay back even if killed!"

Shadowman said coldly: "Very good! Then I will beat you to death!"

Silicon base No. 5 position directly sent troops to hostage allies, trying to take back the base planet that was robbed by them!

At this time, what is the relationship between the elder brother and the younger brother? It's already broken!

Even if the silicon base does not make a move, the quality alliance has long been irreversible!

It's better not to do one thing, but to get the points back, at least the silicon base can benefit!

Zhimeng is in trouble now. I didn't expect that in the last day and a half, I would have to fight Silicon Base. I'm not sure if I can hold these base planets in my hand?

correct! And Jiangnan!

I saw Xian Guo hurriedly said: \\??

"Nan Shen! We, Zhimeng, have an account with you, can we save all these planets with you?"

"Help us guard for a while?"

Jiang Nan, who was paralyzed by the black hole, spread out his little hands, with a helpless expression on his face!

?(???~??)? "You have also seen that the Styx moat of my Carbon Alliance has been destroyed. It is already trying my best to protect those in the previous account!"

"Didn't you see that I just dare to stay by the black hole and not come out now? The Carbon Alliance is now its own Nanbao!"

"It means that I, Jiangnan, can only protect myself now, even if I want to help you, I am powerless?"

Ming Sha vomits blood, Shen Temiao himself Nan Bao, is this what you mean?

(???口??)? "If you want to keep it, you can definitely keep it! Isn't it just adding money? We can add it to a price that satisfies you!"

However, Jiang Nan still shook his head:

∠(?~?」∠)_"Brother is tired~ I don't even want to earn money. For this day and a half, you should rely on yourself!"

Being tired is only one aspect, if you take over these planets, you will inevitably collide with the silicon base again!

The situation has just been pulled back by myself, and everyone maintains a passable look!

If there is another conflict, it will be difficult to end!

Not everything can be earned!

Furthermore, Jiangnan is also willing to see the situation where Siji and Zhimeng fight!

It is only good for Carbon Alliance!

Let Siji and Zhimeng no longer have the possibility of colluding with each other!

Xianguo and the others stomped their feet anxiously, but they couldn't fault Jiangnan!

Jiangnan is still helping them protect the auction base planet, and even created an opportunity for them to grab a wave of silicon bases!

It's been done!

Ming Sha's eyes were blood red:

?(?’Yi?’?)? “Then fight! It’s only been a day and a half. If you fight to the end, you won’t believe it!”

"The more than 2,000 races of the quality alliance are not given in vain! Every family obeys the order, and at all costs, stick to the base planet, the race beacon!"

"Until the end of the serial offensive and defensive battle!"

The final sprint war has begun!

The silicon base sent troops in multiple lines, not only took action against the pledge alliance, but even turned around and fought with the Bose tribe again!

Since the Bose camp was destroyed, they haven't built a new one, let alone put the base planet in Lingxu!

Instead, it is guarded by layers of four-dimensional balls, and the silicon base uses a neutron star collider to create black holes!

In addition to the two-dimensional Rubik's Cube, it's not that there is no chance!

At the same time, the silicon base even launched an attack on those scattered races that still have base planets!

I plan to use this day and a half to collect as many points as possible and return to the number one throne!

Those who didn't buy a storage package from Jiangnan at the beginning, this wave is bad luck!

Si Ji started another war in the Sea of ​​Embers almost by himself!

Only the Carbon Alliance has not been involved in the dispute!

Because the All-Carbon Alliance has only one person from Jiangnan stationed in the field, lie down and watch the sea of ​​stars and embers turbulent!

At this moment in Jiangnan, the fire on the battlefield is reflected in his eyes, his eyes are deep...

No one knows what he is thinking at this moment...

∠(deep ~ deep」∠)_

Perhaps in the days to come, war will become the norm...

Overseas of Star Embers, the corners of Guli's mouth curled up!

Is that right?

Then he looked at Silicon Master, squinted and said:

(??? Yi??) "The matter between you and Jiangnan is over, and I haven't settled with you yet!"

"You just slapped engine oil on my face, my lord has a lot of it, so I don't care about it like you!"

"So what?"

Yu Gen hurriedly said: "Don't try to repudiate the debt, there is a video to prove it!"

After speaking, he quickly played the original video!

Sizhu's expression froze, Zhuo! What about this?

What did I do when I was at Watt?

I saw the silicon main cold channel:

[┐¬_¬┌] "What's the matter? Watt did this, what does it have to do with my silicon master?"

"There is an injustice and a debtor! If you want to settle the score, you can go to Jiangnan to settle it!"

Squinting eyes:

(? °? Yi °?)? "You fart! You learned the Jiangnan routine, right?"

"I don't care about the virus or not, this is your mechanical prosthetic body, and you are responsible for its actions!"

"Don't try to shirk responsibility!"

Silicon Master squinted his eyes: "Responsible? What are you responsible for? What? Do you want to hit me? Come?"

He's holding back his anger now, and Siji still has a mess of bitter tea to clean up!

How can I be in the mood to rub the oily skin with the cuttings!

I'll fuck you! What's the matter?

The blue veins on the forehead are throbbing violently:

(?°?喜°??) "Tsk~Okay! Don't let me know what hole seven means!"

"Hit the horse broadcast? Hold back the broadcast!"

After speaking, he smashed Yu Gen's phone into pieces with his sword!

The corner of Yu Gen's mouth twitched!

Brain! My brain!

Seeing that he squinted his eyes, he said:

(Ah?) "Don't forget! There is a VAM agreement between Siji and Bose!"

"The loser! You have to admit it!"

The silicon master snorted coldly, didn't speak at all, but thought about the main terminal!

Hongmengdongtian can no longer stay, and must start to secretly transfer the main terminal!

And where to hide is the question!

If you don't know Jiangnan's positioning method, you can't block it in a targeted manner!

But it doesn't have to start from this aspect!

Are there certain places, even if the location is exposed, other people will attack and cannot touch the place!

It's like Jiangnan stuffed the terminal into the gap between the dimensions...

There is no way I know!

In this way, even if Jiangnan's positioning method cannot be blocked, it can ensure that the main terminal will not be lost!

There are still a few such alternative locations in the starry sky, but they are not guaranteed!

Tsk~ The rest of the spare terminals also need to be strengthened, and more spares must be made in case of emergencies...

The silicon master doesn't know how many issues are being considered at the same time. According to the current situation, prepare for the next action!

This day and a half is short for Jiangnan!

But for the quality alliance, and other small clans, it is extremely long!

In the day and a half of the quality alliance, regardless of the consumption, it still saved most of the base planets!

But the damage was even more than that of those who fought for more than 20 days before!

On the other hand, Silicon Base has severely harvested a wave of small clans, regardless of the main planet or any base planet, they want all of them!

They also snatched some points back from the Zhimeng, and even snatched some base planets from the mouth of the Bose clan!

It can be seen how fierce the war has been in this day and a half!

In the sea of ​​ashes, you can see corpses floating in the starry sky, building debris, dilapidated positions, and flames and smoke everywhere!

As well as black holes scattered everywhere, some huge gaps in space have not been repaired yet!

However, even so, Siji went crazy, and the gap in points has been narrowed!

Still haven't returned to the number one throne!


In the Star Ember Tower, the sound of the bell resounded loudly, resounding throughout the entire Star Ember Sea!

The hourglass of offensive and defensive warfare has leaked out, and January has passed!

The sound of Mingjin sounded, which means that the sequence offensive and defensive battle is officially over, and the points are locked and will not be recalculated!

At this moment, countless warriors from all races in the starry sky knelt down and burst into tears!

?(;???口??`)? "It's over! It's finally over! I survived! I survived~"

I saw Jiangnan turning over lazily, covering his ears with displeasure on his face!

(???Y???) "Who set the alarm? Turn it off?"

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