Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2744 The serial offensive and defensive battle ends perfectly!

Chong Feiyu covered her face, the alarm is a fart, hey, you are the only one who can sleep so leisurely, right?

Or sleep on the edge of a black hole and open your eyes to see what's going on around you?

The sound of Mingjin echoed throughout the sea of ​​ashes, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

This nightmare journey is finally over, no one wants to experience the same nightmare a second time!

At this moment, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried!

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the Star Ember Tower, risking their lives, it's hard work. After playing for such a long time, is this the ranking?

Sizhu had a gloomy face and did not speak, but at this moment, Gu Li's eyes were full of pride!

(??????) "Now that the world has been decided, even if Si Ji tried his best, he still couldn't come back. I, the Bose Clan, are the final winners!"

"Don't forget the contents of the gambling agreement. During the Bossian War, all the losses of our Bossic tribe, the Silicone has to pay three times the compensation!"

"Don't try to renege on the debt, or I, the Bose family, will definitely make Si Ji pay more than the compensation!"

Sizhu's steel teeth are about to be crushed. Why did the original advantageous game become like this? Damn Gangnam!

The impact of the Watt virus has not yet been exhausted, and the Bose family has to pay money!

This wave has gone to grandma's house!

Really caught a family to death?

However, compared to the losses caused by the Watt virus to the silicon base, those compensations are simply a drop in the bucket!

Even if the situation turns bad like this, Silicon Master can only accept it!

The rear is not stable, now is not the time to be tough!

[┐¬д¬┌] "Heh~ After all, it's just a game. The Bose clan did win the game on the board, but what about off the board?"

"Cut! You are very clear in your heart! In this game, apart from the Carbon Alliance, no one in the Starry Sky is the winner!"

"As for the compensation? Heh~ My silicon base can't afford to play!"

Gu Li sneered: "It's better to be like this!"

No winners except Carbon Alliance?

Heh~ what do you know? Is this really the case?

All I saw was that Guli gave Yu Gen a look!

Yu Gen nodded, stepped forward and said loudly:

(?v?v?:) "I declare, the second ring of the serial war, the serial offensive and defensive war is over!"

"This offensive and defensive battle! All the clans in the starry sky showed their true skills, showed off their own demeanor, and let everyone see your shining brilliance. As far as the results are concerned, it is undoubtedly a successful round!"

(乛乛乛?) "As for the process! Everyone... tsk~zhuo!"

Speaking of this, Yu Gen couldn't hold back, tilted his head and swears on the spot, eyes full of bad luck!

Because he really didn't have anything to summarize, the Bose clan didn't get anything good, he was cheated of money, taken hostage, his house was stolen, his secret was exposed, and he was ashamed and thrown all over the starry sky!

Now the hostage is still in Jiangnan's hands!

The silicon base has had a good time, but the last wave of Watt virus broke out, and I was so pitted that I vomited blood!

The Quality League has been on the road of being sold and beaten, beaten by the Carbon League, beaten by the Bose, beaten by Silicon, beaten from the beginning to the end, a miserable batch!

As for the Carbon Alliance? Although they lost their position, God knows how much they earned this month?

It's just a position, and a fraction doesn't count, right?

What else does this sum up?

A single word, endless sadness and tears?

Many people involved in the race also covered their faces. This series of offensive and defensive battles is definitely a painful memory that they don't want to recall in their entire lives!

stain! Proper life stain!

Jiang Nan smirked:

(????) "If you can say it, just say a few more words!"

Yu Gen was full of anger: "That's it! I can't say it!"

"The final ranking of the sequential offensive and defensive battles will be announced below!"

After speaking, she gave Yueli Zhiyin a look, and her heart hurt even more!

The host is also a member of the Carbon Alliance, let them earn all the money!

I saw Yueli Zhiyin hastily ran to the foot of the Xingjin Tower and started the hosting work!

(??﹏?) "As you can see, this is the final ranking of the second ring of the Sequential War. The changes... the changes are indeed quite big, huh?"

Ranking of the race score list (Unit: 10,000)

1? Bose family: 1842

2? Silicon base: 1619

3? Human: 1111

4? Dark universe body: 1111

5? Apocalypse: 888

6. Gamma family: 888

7? Zerg: 888

8? Eldar: 666

9? Parasites: 666

10? Eye family: 666

11? Star Geng Clan: 666

12? Tianchen family: 642

Looking at the suffix points of each race on the total race points list, the starry sky ten thousand races almost suffocated to death!

Zhiyin sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??w???) "This... this year's standings, look... it looks really neat~"

All the people in the starry sky are filled with righteous indignation at this moment, they all know that the Carbon Alliance has controlled the game!

But Nanshen, don't you have to be so showy?

The total number of points of Carbon Alliance members is too uniform, right?

This meow is absolutely amazing, why do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

The points distribution of this leaderboard can be said to be the weirdest one ever!

You know, in the first and second rounds, the total points have already exceeded 200 million!

If it is placed in the top ten rankings in the past, which one is not over ten million?

It is possible for the top three to hit two or three thousand, or even break forty million!

Points will be very concentrated in the top 100, and the difference is huge!

This year is different!

The number one of the Bose tribe didn't even break two thousand!

What's even more weird is that by the end of the first round of human beings, the points had already exceeded 10 million!

Now it is still in the early tens of millions, and the full screen is deducted, but it hasn't increased much at all!

Where did the points that the carbon alliance got in hand go?

Just look at the entire standings!

Many of those points were allocated to Carbon Alliance members to improve their rankings, and the rest of the special meows were sold by Jiangnan!

Used to exchange money!

In this year's standings, the division of points is extremely smooth, and there is no step-like cliff gap at all!

Even those ranked over a thousand have a lot of points in their hands!

Jiangnan Leng relied on his own strength to overthrow the precipitous gap in the standings!

Pry a large number of points from the hands of the big clan and sell them, making the entire leaderboard look good!

I saw Jiangnan with a fork on his waist and a red face:

(?????) "How beautiful is this? We must make sure that everyone has a share!"

The speaker of all races vomits blood!

You have earned all the money!

What bullshit leaderboard? Whoever ranks here is Jiangnan who has made a fuss about it!

Even if the Carbon Alliance wants to hit the first place, it is enough to just collect points from the younger brother!

The reason why he wasn't number one was because Jiang Nan didn't want to be one!

I have to coax the boss and the second to continue playing!

At this moment, the faces of those races in the Zhimeng turned green. Even though the Zhimeng has worked so hard, they still haven't even touched the top ten!

In the first ten miles, except for the boss and the second, Quan Temiao is a member of the Carbon Alliance!

But fortunately, the rankings of the core members of the Quality League did not fall to grandma's house, they were all in the top 20, top 30!

Although the ranking has dropped, their racial strength is still there!

There is also a swallowing star at home!

The last ring has not been played yet, there is still a chance!

Whether these races will be able to sit in the top ten positions in the end is still uncertain!

Having said that, Carbon Alliance still won!

Even the members of the Carbon-based Alliance followed suit, and the overall ranking of Carbon-based life soared!

If the sequence ranking is finalized, the right to speak of the Carbon Alliance will definitely not be the same!

Cutie and Sizhu, Mailiu Shi Chenmu, they all have dark faces!

But so what? This is the result!

Gu Li sneered, what's the point? When I flip the table, this sequence ranking is bullshit!

Noah, Mandy, Benny, Mei Chongqianjin, and the others all had their mouths crooked with joy!

Is it really delicious to hang out with Nanshen?

You didn't lose any manpower throughout the whole process, so you still won?

Noah shook his head helplessly:

(︶?︶?)? "Oh, my dark universe is getting worse and worse! At the end of the first ring, the points are just over 10 million, and at the end of the second ring, it's still in the early 10 million!"

"It's not much of an improvement, is it? I have to teach those little brats well later on, how did you fight? It's really embarrassing! It's really~ahhahahaha, I'm so mad!"

Manti quickly pulled Noah's cuff:

(?)???)? "Hey~ Keep your voice down, you can just talk about this kind of thing yourself... It's not a good thing, how can you spread it everywhere?"

(?)???) "After all, family ugliness should not be publicized! Oh, oh, oh~"

Cutting: (? °? Benefit °?)! ! !

Silicon Master: [┐乛盘乛┌]! ! !

It's not as annoying as you two!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhiyin hurriedly said:

(??﹏???) "This... this is not the final ranking!"

"There is also a conquest list! The top 100 also have point rewards, and they are ranked according to the number of racial beacons that have been extinguished by each race~

Lord of War Leaderboards! \u003cunit: PCS\u003e

1? Silicon base: 891

2? Bose family: 628

3? Tianchen Clan: 311

4? Stardust Clan: 297

5? Chaos family: 233

6? Demon family: 114

7? Corpse: 108

8? Metal family: 96

9? Crystal family: 74

10? Anti-mass family: 61

The statistics on this list are all the number of racial beacons destroyed by each race, which means the number of civilizations destroyed!

All have point rewards, and the one who ranks first will be rewarded with one million points!

But even if they add it, it's useless!

Several races in the quality league, on the contrary, because of this point reward, the total points exceeded 666, and they squeezed into the top ten!

One by one, they jumped high with excitement!

Is this something they never expected?

Even the members of the Wuzhong Alliance are dumbfounded, wow!

no? Such an awesome list? We can go in too?

In the beginning, in order to pay off their debts, they did not stop doing other races and turned off the beacons!

I didn't expect to beat them to death, so I could enter this list?

And looking at the entire list, there are not many races in the Carbon Alliance!

It's not because the carbon alliance is not strong, but because of the beacon, Jiangnan is really immortal?

All for money!

Therefore, it is reasonable that Carbon Alliance did not get this wave of dividends, and it has no impact!

Jiang Nan doesn't care at all!

He raised his head, curled his lips and said:

(︶~︶〃) "Cut~ break the list, everyone likes to fight, everyone has said it, I, Carbon Alliance, have always loved peace!"

"How could it be possible to do something like extinguishing racial beacons and destroying the hopes of other races? Our Carbon Alliance has always given hope!"

The corners of the mouths of the talkers in the starry sky twitched!

Ah yes yes yes! You are noble! You got the immortal racial beacon, sold it for money, and asked them to pay it back on credit?

I saw Jiangnan's eyes turning, looking at Silicon Master!

(?乛?乛?) "Sure enough! I didn't misread, Siji is the king of this year's war?"

Silicon Master: [┐¬得¬┌] "Say the king but not talk! Civilize you, me, and him!"

(????) "Don't get me wrong, I'm just scolding you..."

[┐艹?艺┌] "Tsk~~%?...;#*!"

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