Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2742 Ah, just handle it~

The Silicon Master, who was aggressive before, turned off all of a sudden!

Once the terminal position of the main body is exposed to Moli, the Bose family will take action!

The Hongmeng Cave can't stop the invasion of the Bose tribe, not to mention that the Bose tribe not only has only one moat, but also the Xun ancestor!

The main body terminal is the most important core for the silicon base, and everything about the silicon base is recorded inside!

There must be no loss!

Although the main terminal is destroyed, the silicon base also has a spare terminal that can be used, and it still exists!

But every time a spare terminal is exposed, it means that there is a risk of being wiped out!

Once the terminal position of the main body is exposed and destroyed, Siji will lose the calmness to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai!

Caught in an extremely passive situation!

The foundation of the silicon base may collapse because of this!

The phrase "the stars are full of hungry wolves" is not just words!

The silicon master stopped talking, but it was precisely this kind of reaction that made Guli more certain that Jiangnan really knew something!

I saw the cut and said urgently:

(???Yi??)? "What hole seven? Why are you still playing riddles with me at this time?"

"Are you talking about the specific location? I'm already hungry and thirsty for my long sword!"

"If you don't talk about it, they will change positions in a while!"

Jiang Nan smiled and said:

(???〃) "Don't worry! Silicon master dare not! At least not now!"

"If you change it, it means that you have taken the initiative to expose your position!"

Cutting mad in a hurry, he waved his hand:

(︶Yi︶?)? "Go! Go and check for Lao Tzu, find out what the meaning of Dongdong Qi is, and use the method of elimination for me!"

"Be sure to find out where the silicon-based body ends!"

At this moment, the Dongtian Clan Dongyao is dumbfounded!


What... what do you mean? Shouldn't the silicon-based main terminal be placed in the cave?


Hidden things in our house? The Dongtian Clan doesn't even know?


What's the difference between this special meow and putting a time bomb in our house?

I saw Master Silicon's eyes were cold!

[┐?'Yi?'┌] "I just want to know, how did you know the location of the main terminal!"

"The main terminal has never been revealed in front of people, nor does it receive or send any commands. Moreover, even Zhizhipai Technology cannot trace the source of silicon-based instructions!"

"Don't tell me you're fooled!"

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and said: (???〃) "There is an old saying in human beings, if you want to be unknown to others, you can't do it yourself! There is no secret in this world that can be hidden forever!"

"As long as something happens, it will leave traces, and the starry sky world will naturally record it all. I just need to trace the source!"

"Believe it or not? Even if you change the hiding place of the main terminal afterwards, I can still find it, as long as it still exists in the starry sky!"

"And all of this only requires a tiny opportunity!"

Jiang Nan is not lying and scaring people!

The main terminal does not have any contact with the outside world, and minimizes its own cause and effect!

But as long as the main terminal activates the backup terminal and sends commands, the causal line will light up for a moment!

Jiangnan can be found along the invisible line of cause and effect!

And the opportunity is nothing more than abolishing a silicon-based spare terminal!

As long as the Watt virus continues to evolve, it will have the ability to attack the silicon base after a while!

No matter how bad it is, it still has the strength to kill a terminal!

Of course, there are many ways, even if you don’t rely on the Watt virus and cooperate with the Bose family, they use the backup terminal and find the main position by themselves, the result is the same!

Perhaps when Jiang Nan's will is stronger, he will be able to see the invisible line of cause and effect clearly with his own strength!

And even if the main terminal is hidden and self-enclosed, its cause and effect with the silicon base will continue!

I saw Jiangnan grinning grimly:

(???????) "Silicon master! From this moment on, there will always be a pair of eyes on the top of Siji's head staring at you!"

"Just feel... the fear of being watched!"

The silicon master was completely silent!

Damn it! damn it!

What method did Jiangnan use, the staring eyes above his head? Could it be that he made some py deal with the peepers? The main terminal position that money buys?

its not right? Peepers cannot interact at all!

Or did he see what happened in the past? Use that time to bond with girls...

It's even more impossible, it all happened billions of years ago, even if the time system has the ability to know the past, it can't see so far!

I saw Si main squinting:

[┐? Benefit??┌] "So what if you know about it? I, Siji, still control the most powerful force in the starry sky world!"

"Still nothing has changed!"

Jiang Nan sneered:

(¬?¬) "Really? So... now it's my turn to threaten you!"

"If Siji dares to attack any member of the Carbon Alliance, I will immediately announce the specific location of the main terminal of Siji, and shout with a war horn to let everyone in the starry sky know!"

"The main terminal of your silicon base will be killed by the boson! Indeed, your silicon base can activate the backup terminal and continue to exist!"

"But enabling one spare terminal means that one will be exposed. How many spare terminals can be activated on your silicon base? My eyes will always be on you!"

"Even if you can defend! Can you hold up Xunzu? Will he not be able to kill him? From the dark to the bright, can you bear the price?"

"Are you really sure! Is this the price that the silicon base can bear? Do you think it turns from darkness to light! Can the silicon base survive to the next era?"

Master Silicon gritted his teeth, calculating all the possibilities crazily!

indeed! Silicon base can do whatever it takes for Zhizhipai terminal!

But the question is, what if the price exceeds the limit that you can bear?

There are many ways to solve the problem, but no matter how you do it, you can't avoid one point!

The silicon owner doesn't know how Jiangnan is positioned, so he can't guard against it!

No matter how the main terminal changes its position, it is not safe!

The main terminal is too important to the silicon base, and the feeling of being manipulated is simply too uncomfortable!

That is to say, before Silicon Master finds a way to block Jiangnan's sight, Jiangnan will always be able to handle him!

But just watch the Zhizhi faction end in Jiangnan's hands, and do nothing?

This... How can I bear it!

In this way, wouldn't all the losses caused by Silicon's previous trials be in vain?

Starry Sky Battlefield fell into a long silence!

Silicon masters are weighing the pros and cons!

And no matter how he chooses, Carbon Alliance can only accept it!

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely tense!

Cut Li's complexion is also not good-looking, I have to say, this time the Bose tribe was indeed used as a weapon by Jiangnan!

But if Jiangnan is really willing to tell the location, this gun is also willing to be his own!

talk? What do you mean? What the hell does hole seven mean? Damn!

And Noah's insect Qianjin Youming and the others also became nervous!

No one expected that Jiangnan would finally throw out such a hole card to curb Siji!

But the result is still unpredictable!

Jiang Nan squinted and smiled, Siji is an absolutely rational existence, even the Siji master cannot escape this law!

When you pay a terrible price to pursue something that is almost impossible to get, you need to consider whether it is worth it!

Perhaps when human beings consider these, they will mix personal emotions, but the silicon base will not, they will only consider the gains and losses of interests!

Absolute rationality, coupled with the short-term victory method pursued by the silicon base!

It's not hard to guess what Silicon Master is thinking!

When Jiangnan finds the main terminal position, it means that Jiangnan will win the game!

At least temporarily!

I saw that the silicon master was in a panic, and his eyes were red!

[?┐?'Yi?'┌] "Then you and I will each take a step back. If you don't mention the terminal position of the main body, I will not attack the Carbon Alliance!"

"But please remember clearly, this does not mean that this matter is over. I must get the silicon base of the Zhizhipai terminal!"

"There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved. As long as there is a problem, there is a solution!"

"Once I Siji finds a way to block your sight, I will immediately send troops to the Carbon Alliance and try my best to seize the Zhizhipai terminal. And that day will not be too far away, just wash my neck and wait!"

"The starry sky is so big, there is always a place that your eyes can't reach, I will find it!"

As soon as this remark came out, many members of the Carbon Alliance let out a sigh of relief!

The silicon base was manipulated in the end, and I didn't choose to risk the exposure of the main body terminal to attack the carbon alliance!

Choose the safest one!

Solve the problem, then attack!

Time is not a problem for them, they have waited for more than two billion years, and they can afford to wait a little longer!

Jiang Nan grinned, really?

Girls' minds are hard to guess, but Siji is much easier to guess!

(????) "Then I'm looking forward to it. Our Watt virus is not a vegetarian. You should have experienced the joy of being a big fool, right?"

Silicon master:! ! !

Are you hurting horses?

After suffering such a big loss this time, how could Siji not guard against it?

Try it next time and see who can do it better than whom?

Jiangnan looked down at the emperor's new watch!

(???~??)???? "Are you still fighting the next ~ serial offensive and defensive battle? There is still one and a half days left before the end of the month..."

"It's nothing to start with. Otherwise, the counting would end like this. I'm quite tired. I want to go home and catch up on sleep a long time ago. What do you guys think?"

I have to say that this sequence of offensive and defensive battles was the most thrilling and exciting in many sessions!

The situation in the starry sky was beaten to the brink of collapse three times!

All because of Jiangnan!

The plate of the Age of Thousand Stars is almost on the verge of shattering!

But every time, he was held back by Jiangnan with means, and he was stunned to bring the situation back to the weird balance!

But in the same way, every time it will deepen the rift of the times!

Again and again and again and again, maybe there will be no more four...

Who knows if you can hold it down next time?

But everyone knew in their hearts that no matter how hard they pressed, the result would not change!

Perhaps the era will eventually come to an irreversible end, and the most chaotic era may not be far away!

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