Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2737 This melon can really fight!

Not only that, even some authors who coded with their brains lost their hair, and the half-chapter of the manuscript that they worked so hard to code was lost!

Angry, he smashed the keyboard angrily on the spot, hit the table with his head, and was incompetent and furious!

You know, silicon-based products have penetrated into every aspect of life in the starry sky, and silicon-based manufacturing can be seen almost everywhere!

And these products are all in disorder, the consequences are incalculable, and the daily life of all the people in the starry sky has been seriously affected!

Although it has happened once before, the scope of influence is still small, but this time it is completely out of control!

Even if not all silicon-based products are recruited, the impact is quite wide!

These are just some everyday products, what about the silicon-based arsenal as numerous as stars?

The sea of ​​ashes is in chaos, and the silicon-based lithography star field is completely blown up, okay?

The initial blocking didn't work at all, the Watt virus had already spread through the silicon-based data network, and began to poison the lithographic star field, killing everyone crazy inside!

If you look at it from a distance, you can see the strong lights flickering from time to time in the lithographic star field, which is as gorgeous as fireworks!

This is not some fireworks, but a self-explosion show by Watt's mechanical soldiers!

Machinery factory, arsenal, resource storage, everything has been recruited!

Those weapon devices even started to attack their own star field uncontrollably, starting the crazy batch mode!

The most pitiful one is the Xueji clan. The control modules in the back of their brains were infected by the Watt virus, and they all turned into idiots, self-destructing without even blinking!

Today's lithography star field is like a pot of popcorn that is exploding, and the lid is about to explode!

The loss of every second is an extremely astonishing astronomical figure!

At this moment, the silicon-based terminal located at the core of the lithography star field has begun to run at full capacity!

Because the Watt virus has invaded the terminal!

The silicon master is very busy at the moment. If you think about it with a diode, you can imagine that all the silicon bases on the sea of ​​stars and embers have all fallen!

I can't even imagine what kind of mess it has become over there, and I have lost contact!

It was clearly a perfect plan, why did the situation get out of control?

How did that Powatt virus evolve to such a difficult level that it could even break through terminal protection? Infected terminal?

Even if all the computing power of the Carbon Alliance is added up, it is impossible to evolve the virus to this extent!

The only possibility is that humans also have computing power comparable to that of terminals!

The Watt virus broke out, and it only took a little speculation before the Silicon Master realized an amazing fact!

What humans get is not the crystallization of Zhizhipai technology at all, but the Zhizhipai terminal?

In this way, everything makes sense!

Silicon base has been looking for a Zhizhipai terminal that has not been heard from for more than two billion years, but it has fallen into the hands of human beings?

how do they...

Tsk~ I don't have time to think about this issue now. The most important priority right now is to contain the Watt virus!

This thing is killing crazy in the terminal, any part infected by the Watt virus, the offline products connected to the terminal will become Watt!

Silicon masters are even gradually losing control over tools!

Now he can only constantly delete the infected Watt data, so as not to let him become bigger and stronger!

By the way, analyze all the characteristics of the Watt virus and develop countermeasures!

But this will not work at all, the Silicon Master has never been able to understand everything about the Watt virus, and wants to develop a countermeasure program as quickly as possible!

There is only one way, and that is to feed the wolf with your body!

No longer restrict the invasion of Watt virus, but fight with him in the terminal, so as to see all of Watt virus, and then transfer the data to another terminal!

Use this to develop counter programs!

In just an instant, Silicon Master calculated the optimal solution under the current situation!

One more second of hesitation, the loss of the silicon base is incalculable!

This may be the most significant loss since the silicon base entered the era of thousands of stars!

Silicon master suddenly became ruthless!

[┐?°?优°?┌] "I am willing to give up this terminal, come! I will fight with you!"

Now the Watt virus is directly killed in the core terminal of the lithography star field, and more and more silicon-based products are affected by the Watt virus!

At the same time, in the Great Wall of Wuxian? Beimianzuo, the place where Wuxian torrents ravage the most, is the deepest part of the restricted life zone known as the Ocean of Torrents!

A mechanical empire that has been hiding here for countless billions of years has withdrawn from its invisible state!

And inside this mechanical empire, there is actually a terminal, and this terminal starts to calculate with all its strength!


Beside the black hole of Sea of ​​Embers, Ai-chan immediately reported:

????? "The Watt virus has successfully invaded the silicon-based terminal of the Lithography Starfield, and the progress of the strategy is 642%!"

"At the same time, another silicon-based signal source was detected in Wuxian Great Wall and Wuxian Storm Ocean, which is suspected to be another terminal body of silicon-based! The probability is 7%"

"Silicon is using this method to understand the Watt virus and develop countermeasures!"

Jiang Nan's eyes are shining, what the hell? Was the Watt virus killed in the terminal?

Is this melon so strong?

really! The one in the silicon-based lithography star field is not the real subject at all!

There is actually one hidden in Martial Immortal Ocean of Storms?

????? "Strategy progress 443%..."

Ai-chan keeps reporting the progress of the strategy, and as the proportion of Watt increases, the extent of the Watt virus becomes more and more terrifying!

Jiangnan hey hey straight music, kill it, make trouble, although it is clear that the Watt virus will be analyzed and deciphered sooner or later, but the damage caused to the silicon base is real!

Even if Watt is finally countered, he can continue to evolve!

(???????) "A terminal has been pulled out, the main body, where is the main body?"

At this moment, Jiangnan directly closed his eyes, and countless crystal threads emerged from the darkness!

No one knows what Jiangnan wants to do!

Ai sauce immediately reported:

????? "The progress of the strategy is 100%, the silicon-based terminal of the lithography star field has completely fallen, and the Watt virus has achieved full control!"

"The silicon-based terminal's self-destruct program is activated, and it cannot be stopped! It's about to explode! Hiss~ there is really a final Xingwu hidden inside!"

In the photolithographic star field, at the core of the terminal, a small black square suddenly swelled!

Wrap the inner circle of the center of the star field, the next moment!

Everything in the center is instantly annihilated, nothing remains!

It is the eraser of Chuangshishen!

The silicon-based terminal is gone, and everything around it is gone, leaving only a huge void!

But Watt wasn't responsible for it either. At the moment when he completely controlled the terminal and was completely destroyed, it sent a command!

The next moment, streaks of white light took off from the lithographic star field and disappeared instantly, there were 11 of them!

At the same time, a total of 10 Giant God Soldiers were also activated, and the leap disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, the skies above the home planets of Tianchen, Stardust, Chaos, Angel, Metal, Crystal Clan, Lumu, Star Mirror and other races!

Either a pure white ball appeared, or a giant soldier appeared!

Especially the Bose family, being taken care of!

Three giant god soldiers, and two white spheres, all ran to the gate of the home galaxy of the Bose star field!

Now those races were completely paralyzed, holding their heads and screaming in horror, and even started writing suicide notes!

Because of these giant god soldiers, Zhong Xingwu started to activate one after another!

Once it breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous!

Who would have imagined that the Watt virus took advantage of this opportunity and directly launched a wave of differentiated attacks?

As soon as you went out, you saw Zhong Xingwu and the Giant God Soldiers standing at your door!

Who doesn't panic about this?

The silicon master is going crazy, if this horse blows up, the silicon-based cliff will be besieged by the entire starry sky!

It is impossible for the terminal in Martial Immortal Storm Ocean to look at it anymore, so it can only stop it and issue an order to end the attack!

But as soon as the order was issued, those giant god soldiers stopped moving one after another, turned on the strongest defense and stood still!

Those white balls have also stopped, and are in a state of being activated!

But as soon as this command was issued, the Watt virus had a channel to invade the Storm Ocean terminal!

Terminal 2 was also infected by the Watt virus!

Silicon Master: ~%?...;#*’☆\u0026c$︿!

[┐? Yi? ┌] "Ahh! Come again!"

Tianyuan Clan, Dark Tianyuan!

Under the absolute forbidden zone of life, bright brilliance shines!

Another mechanical empire hidden in the silicon base emerged, and Terminal No. 3 was exposed...

Ai Jiang: ????? "The silicon-based signal source was detected again, and the location is located at the bottom of the Dark Sky Abyss Hell Sea! The Watt virus is invading the Storm Ocean terminal!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, this is riding a horse! Three are revealed!

Silicon base can really hide!

How many terminals did they hide?

And the places where they are placed are not places where people can go?

It's really amazing!

The silicon master only had time to stop the order, and couldn't release the recycling order at all!

So those final star warriors and giant god soldiers were all on standby, and the races that were targeted were almost scared to death!

Cutthroat, Mailiu Shi Chen admired them completely going crazy, glaring fiercely at the dead silicon master mechanical prosthetic body!

(? 艹义) "What do you want to do? Have you sent Zhong Xingwu and Giant God Soldiers to our home star field?"

"Does the silicon base still want to mess around? Damn! You guys have hidden so many of such powerful things?"

"Quick! Get this thing away from our door! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impatient with you!"

And at this moment, the silicon master who had been dead until now suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes glowed scarlet!

One sideways aimed at the cut!

Just when everyone was wondering what the silicon master was going to do!

I saw the silicon owner "Goose Box" smile!

[┐??﹃?┌] "The big green stick is drinking vigorously~ Today I must be a big brother~"

While speaking, the engine oil drain was opened, and the pressurized hot engine oil mixed with coolant turned into a water column and went straight to the face of the cut!

[┐?﹃?]~Goose Box



In the blink of an eye, it was in front of my eyes!

Cutting: Σ(?△?|||)? ? ?

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