The battlefield in the Sea of ​​Embers was in chaos, but those small clans had no intention of watching how the seven-star ladybug reproduced!

They only care about whether there is anything wrong with Jiangnan!

I saw that it was in the center of the completely two-dimensional position!

A two-dimensional ball violently shattered the connection with the surrounding two-dimensional fragments!

Maintaining the airtight two-dimensional armor, drove the Mobius ring and flew straight to the black hole!

And what Jiangnan is holding in his hand is the star cage that holds all his family assets!

At this moment, the complexions of those small clans flushed with excitement, and they raised their arms and shouted!

?(???????)? "Niubi! Nanshen Niupi! We love you so much!"

Isn't this bank vault too safe?

The entire carbon alliance position is two-dimensional, and everyone's base planet is okay?

Nan Shen is serious about saving money?

Jiang Nan felt so tired that he was about to explode, but he knew that the real battle had just begun at the moment when the Watt virus was released!

It's not over yet, since the hole card has been thrown out, it is necessary to deal the most painful blow to Siji!

And to grasp the most critical point in this process!

Jiangnan quickly got in touch through Aijiang!

(? °? Yi °?) "Brother Jian! How is the evacuation going?"

Yang Jian immediately returned:

(??v_v?) "Don't worry, most of them have been evacuated. The previous emergency plan has worked, and the damage is within the acceptable range!"

Jiang Nan nodded and let out a long sigh of relief: "Notify all members of the Carbon Alliance to activate the highest alert state!"

"The All-Carbon Alliance launched the Black Jade Project to transfer the core planet of the race to the gap between the dimensions. The next actions of the silicon base will be unpredictable!"

"Also...send someone to the Styx star field, you know what to do, don't let any handle fall into the hands of Si Ji!"

Yang Jian nodded: "It's clear, I'll leave this to you, and I'll take charge of the Carbon Alliance. How long will it take?"

Ai Jiang responded: "It depends on when Siji can develop an anti-watt killing program, although Siji's computing power is much stronger than mine!"

"But don't underestimate the ferocity of the Watt virus!"

Everyone knows that during the period of silicon-based poisoning, it is the prime time for Carbon Alliance to prepare!

How much you can do during this period will directly determine whether you can gain an advantage in the subsequent battle!


After speaking, he sent a message to You Ming immediately, and You Ming's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he covered his face and disappeared together with Chong Feiyu!

Hei Shen condensed a small bench and sat on it with Erlang's legs raised!

? "This is interesting, maybe it will directly evolve into Star Wars!"

But whether they can fight or not depends on whether Jiangnan can grasp any key bargaining chips during this period!

At this moment, Jiangnan rushed to the event horizon of the black hole with the star cage!

Wrap the star cage with a Mobius ring and place it in the time still area!

This black hole is the natural protection of the family property!

His eyes swept towards the battlefield, and the corners of his mouth curled up!

(?°??°)? "Silicon base! Just enjoy this feast and experience the joy of being a big fool!"

At this moment, the silicon-based star formation is completely messed up!

Those three leaping star rings seemed to go crazy, leading the positions to leap indiscriminately, jumping wildly!

And those mechanical soldiers also became abnormal. Those imitation Nan mechanical troops equipped with Nanshen voice packs drove warp speed bubbles in the base one by one to create chaos!

Piercing back and forth, swearing and swearing while doing it!

Shadow Warrior is also watted at this moment, he directly turned on the mimicry, his body surface turned bright yellow, and he poked holes all over himself with a lightsaber!

Then trot all the way, singing while running!

[?┐'?'┌]? "Nest ~ ready ~ nest ~ ready ~"

Just ran to Tao!

Stretching out his little hand, under Tao Mengpi's gaze, he directly tore off one of his arms, and waved it in his hand a few times!

[?┐'﹃'┌]? Arm... "Goose Box~ Pai Daxing~ Let's catch jellyfish together!"

pottery:? ? ?

[┐▼皮▼┌] "Catch Nima! My big star is busy making art, who wants to catch jellyfish with you?"


After speaking, the direct core power furnace exploded into a boundless flame, which is exactly the shape of Pai Daxing!

Art is an explosion, it is Pai Daxing~

Shadow Warrior didn't know how far he was thrown by Beng Fei, his parts fell off like crazy, and he was covered in smoke!

But still stubbornly got up, Goose He smiled and went to find the next mechanical prosthesis!

[?●'﹃*]? "Goose Box ~ Pai Daxing! Let's catch jellyfish together?"

[┐o'w'o┌] "Huh? I... am I Pai Daxing? Okay... okay! Zhuo!"


Then he exploded too!

Now in the entire sea of ​​ashes, not a single silicon-based mechanical soldier's actions are logical!

All staff were watts, and in the Xinghui position, there were constant roars, and some mechanical soldiers directly activated the neutron star collider in their own position, the two-dimensional Rubik's cube!

Black holes and two-dimensional planes appear all over the position!

The entire Xinghui Formation didn't work for a while, and they lost themselves!

Not only that, even the No. 2 position, which is fighting against the Bose clan, is also broken!

All the mechanical soldiers went crazy, not to mention Watt, the position began to output crazy firepower regardless of the cost, and opened the self-defense mode!

Not only hit the Bose, but fire at all life forms within the range of the weapon!

Tianli and the others are completely paralyzed, what kind of virus is this horse riding?

Is it so fierce?

You don't have to wear it if you get engine oil in your head, right?

Before he was in a trance, Tianli suddenly saw a base planet particle transmitted to his left, and fired!

Then another jump disappeared!

Tianli: =????(???#????)? ? ?

Jiang Nan was terrified of seeing it, and he took out his war horn and roared:

(??? Pan??)? "Tianli! You are a big fool! Such a good opportunity, why are you standing here? Are you robbing their base planet?"

"I have created such a good condition for you Bose people to turn around, why are you cosplaying the telegraph pole here?"

"If you don't grab it again, the silicon-based base planet will be destroyed by themselves in a while!"

Tianli was shocked, although he was scolded by Jiangnan, but he was right!

Now is not the time to be timid, no matter how crazy this position is, it is a fact that the silicon base is out of control!

If you don't grab it now, when will you wait?

"Brothers! Come on! Rob him!"

And Zhimeng, who has been pulled over as cannon fodder, sees that the opportunity has come!

Immortal Kingdom Mingsha and they were all angry:

?(▼例▼*)? "What's the big deal? Grab it! Grab it hard! Let's get back the main star of our quality alliance first!"

For a while, it can be said that the wall is overthrown and everyone is pushing!

But even if the silicon base is full of watts, their base planet is not so easy to grab, and the position is outputting at full capacity!

The amount of weapons reserves here has reached an astonishing number, and those base planets are dishonest, running around and walking around!

??? "Hey~ I can't catch it~ You can't catch it? You can't catch it? I'm so mad at you, just a little bit~"

Fairyland:? ? ?

(??Yi?)σ "I was ridiculed by a base planet when I stepped on a horse? Are you still used to this problem? Catch me! Catch it!"

The corners of Ming Sha's mouth twitched, so have you forgotten the fact that you are also a planet?

Even so, the silicon-based base planet at this moment is much easier to handle than it was before Watt!

It is enough for the Bose tribe and the Zhimeng to enjoy a wave of dividends!

And Jiang Nan, who was watching from the edge of the black hole, watched this scene with joy!

Isn't it all right now? If the Bose family returns to the book from Siji, they won't be in a hurry to flip the table!

The quality alliance can also make a fortune, everyone is happy, right?

A world where only the silicon base is wounded is born!

And it is not only the silicon base that is affected, even the mechanical prosthetic body of the silicon master is affected. It is conceivable how powerful the Watt virus is!

I don’t know how many offline products of silicon-based technology have been affected!

In the starry sky, someone answered the phone with a smart brain, and then the smart brain exploded directly, knocking people out on the spot, and their face collapsed into black!

In the silicon-based spa shop, those massage robots are all incarnations of free combat heavy gunners!

The guests who were still comfortably massaged at the last moment were hit on the spot with heavy blows, and they were all swollen from the blows, screaming with bruised noses and swollen faces, but they couldn't break free from the restraints!

They all crawled out of the shop!

The starship malfunctioned and played with the bumper boat, automatically taking the Xingyuan point machine and spitting out Xingyuan energy blocks frantically!

And all the personal and private information stored in Zhinao has been publicly released on Qunxing Network!

Browser records, learning materials, cool photos of yourself and others, ambiguous chat records...

The astonishing melon burst so hard that I couldn't eat it!

Countless silicon-based products in the starry sky began to watt up, and now it's all messed up!

All the people in the starry sky were blown up, and there was nowhere to vent their anger, but at this moment they were surprised to find out!

The Xinghai network of the Carbon Alliance humans was not affected, so a large number of people of all races flooded into the Xinghai network to vent their anger!

(?﹏?.) "The cleaning robot at home is fighting with the cooking robot, and the scolding is something I don't understand? It's so scary! The cleaning robot won the fight, and now it's coming to beat me!"

?(?Yi?.)? "Maybe you think I'm a piece of rubbish and you want to clean me up? I'm hiding under the table now, what should I do? Wait online, it's urgent!"

"I'm cutting my hair in Silicone's barber shop! Nima! Their hair-cutting robot cut off my head! Fortunately, I have nine heads! Isn't this service too good? Nine pythons! No! Spray~"

(??????)? "My account! Suddenly there are more than one billion star points! Silicon Bank called, what's the matter? Can I spend it? I want to buy and use this wallet. Is it against the law? what?"

Σ(°△°|||) "Damn! Mine is too much! So many zeros? This, this, our area, all received payment!"

"Upstairs! Where are you? I'm going to pick up money in your district now!"

"Ahh! Siji! I just ~%?...;#*’☆\u0026, all my browser records were seen by my girlfriend, and he said I was a pervert and wanted to break up with me!"

Xinghai Network is full of scolding Siji, but this is just the tip of the iceberg!

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