Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2735 Spring is here~

After all, Jiangnan did not choose to take the more extreme path, and gave up the idea of ​​​​opening a black hole to swallow stars!

But this doesn't mean that Jiangnan has no choice, only Silicon has the card?

Lao Tzu's hole card is still useless until now!

Since you dumped Wang Bo for me, don't blame me for being cruel!

Just as Jiangnan made his decision!

Silicon base No. 2 position, Tianli and the others are fighting hard with Silicon base!

And at this moment, a gap suddenly opened in the space outside the position, like a huge black mouth!

An extremely huge diamond-shaped silicon crystal source was projected from it!

The silicon crystal source is translucent light yellow, exuding extremely terrifying energy fluctuations!

It was activated the moment it was revealed!

The blooming mode is very similar to the life source silicon field, and the strange faint yellow energy spreads out like ball lightning!

Covering a large area of ​​mechanical soldiers, even Silicon Base No. 2 position!

Tianli was shocked and quickly defended, but even if he was directly hit by the strange energy, he didn't suffer any damage!

I can't help but feel dumbfounded!

What's the situation?

Where did the attack come from?

But this is Jiangnan's life-saving hole card, how could it not be effective at all?

I saw that those silicon-based mechanical soldiers shrouded in strange energy became abnormal on the spot...

Even the mechanical eye, which looks extremely wise, has become extremely naive!


Some mechanical soldiers didn't care so much at all, "Goose Box~", they blew themselves up on the spot!

"Boom boom boom" exploded in pieces!

Not only that, there are those who cut off their heads with lightsabers, those who deform themselves and get stuck, those who sing and dance mechanical dances, and those who beat up their teammates crazily!

My brain is smoking, and my body is full of engine oil!

What are they doing?

Tianli is directly petrified in place, what kind of wind is this silicon-based?

However, the diamond-shaped silicon crystal source still didn't stop, but kept releasing faint yellow energy pulses in the field!

Everything came too fast, like a tornado!

Sizhu stared fiercely, and suddenly got up:

[┐??Benefit??]? "Destroy that thing! Cut off the global terminal link, it's tile..."

Before I finished talking, the program protection of the silicon master did not play any role at all, and no virus attack was even detected

, he went directly to a black screen!

There was a lot of white smoke coming out of the top of the head, and the machine crashed on the spot!

The last idea born before the card dropped was...

I am riding a horse but a silicon master! The highest wisdom, with my protection level, my prosthetic body can also get the virus?

This unscientific!

I saw that the movement of the silicon master froze immediately, and then the power furnace went out!

The entire mechanical prosthetic body lost its support, and sat on the sequence throne!

Cutli and Noah all looked at Silicon Master with surprise on their faces!

Noah even reached out and poked it!

(????)? "Huh? Wake up? Wake up, you? No battery? Why don't you fully charge the battery before coming to such an important event?"

At this moment, Benny May and Tizuo both have weird expressions on their faces. Doesn't this situation seem a little familiar?

Remember when the Thousand Stars disaster happened before, Muke went crazy for a while?

Is it possible...

What they don't know is that today is different from the past!

The previous Watt virus was still immature, but it had already caused so much damage to the silicon base!

But now, the Watt virus has been evolving freely in Jiangnan's hands for how long!

After finding the Zhizhipai terminal, the development of the Watt virus will certainly not be left behind!

All the excess computing power in the terminal was requisitioned by Aijiang and given to the Watt virus!

Let the craziest and unscrupulous evolution of Watt virus begin since its birth!

As for why Ai Jiang won't be infected?

Naturally, great efforts have been made in this!

The Watt virus was born out of Watt, and it was originally a chaotic bug program!

It can be used as a weapon, but it is also a double-edged sword!

It may have been nothing before, but once human technology develops, it may be full of watts!

Such a time bomb, how dare Jiangnan and Aijiang spend so much effort to cultivate it?

If you still want to turn the Watt virus into a weapon, and reach a height enough to threaten the silicon base!

Then the virus must be controlled!

And when Jiangnan Libing checked the Watt virus, they were surprised to find that there was a little logic in the endlessly chaotic program!

This also means that if the Watt virus is allowed to evolve endlessly, it will sooner or later give birth to wisdom!

So Jiangnan and the others simply did nothing and kept going!

Give the Watt virus a silicon crystal source core split from the Zhizhipai terminal, and write the most core original iron law in the source core!

Endowed the Watt virus with life and consciousness, it can be regarded as a silicon-based consciousness body!

And no matter how the watt with life evolves, it still takes the silicon crystal source core as the core!

The original iron law program that was originally programmed will become a part of its life!

Watt virus will regard the love sauce terminal as its own, mother, and creator-like existence, and will not attack!

And once it tries to attack and infect Ai Jiang, the original iron law program will directly cause it to disintegrate, lose its life, and dissipate its consciousness!

In this way, the Watt virus will not become indiscriminate and uncontrollable!

Of course, Ai-chan can boldly lend computing power to the Watt virus to mutate, and even be able to control the Watt virus attack through the original iron law program!

Turn it into a real powerful silicon-based weapon, not a time bomb!

The consciousness of the Watt virus is still very immature, and it is far from evolving to the point where it can think about complex things!

But even if it evolves into a perfect body, there is a high probability that it should be stupid, right?

After all, even if a fool becomes a genius, he is still a fool!

I really don't know what will become of Watt at that time!

Jiang Nan never only thinks about immediate matters. After getting the Zhizhipai terminal, he has already thought about how to fight against Siji in order to gain the upper hand in the battle!

And this Watt virus, which is controlled by Ai Jiang and can continue to evolve, is one of the trump cards to deal with the silicon-based offensive!

I didn't expect to take it out so early!

After all, once the Watt virus of this level is released, Siji will inevitably realize the fact that human beings have obtained the Zhizhipai terminal!

Because without the level of computing power of the terminal, it is impossible to support the evolution of the Watt virus to this extent!

But under such a situation, there is no need to hide it!

As the Human Soaring Sky Project unfolds, Silicon will know sooner or later that collisions are inevitable!

Being able to delay for so long is already profitable!

But it is predictable that now that the Watt virus has been thrown out and the Zhizhi faction terminal is exposed, it will definitely not be so easy to end this serial offensive and defensive battle!

Things can get very troublesome!


All these changes happened in the blink of an eye!

The Watt virus is spreading crazily through the silicon-based data network, ignoring the silicon-based program firewall as nothing!

Not a single silicon base in the Sea of ​​Embers was spared, and the scope is much more than that!

It's not that the silicon base has nothing to do with the Watt virus!

The computing power of silicon base is much higher than that of Aijiang terminal, after all, they definitely have more than one terminal!

But the problem is that the Watt virus that has evolved to this level is a type that silicon-based program protection cannot immunize at all!

The corresponding virus killing program must be developed according to the specific content of the Watt virus!

And this process takes time and is extremely risky!

Under the erosion of the Watt virus, all the mechanical soldiers attacking the carbon alliance positions fell!

The gravitational tide controlling the attack of the two-dimensional fragments stagnated on the spot!

Those two-dimensional fragments also failed to touch the Styx smoothly, and were destined to dissipate!

Even those two-dimensional Rubik's cubes were infected by the Watt virus before they could be released!

However, the expansion of Styx is unstoppable, but fortunately, the outbreak of the Powat virus bought Jiangnan a little time again!

Jiangnan, who seized every opportunity, no longer tried to drive the black hole through!

Instead, it is wrapping itself with the gravitational field, and it has come to the forefront of the expansion of the two-dimensional plane!

Let the crazily extending two-dimensional plane push you forward!

It can be regarded as rushing over before the star cage is two-dimensional!

At the moment of grasping the star cage, the Mobius ring was released, and the star master was used to control the gravitational field, and countless two-dimensional fragments were pasted outside the Mobius ring!

Formed a two-dimensional spherical armor!

Then he hugged the star cage tightly and didn't let go!

I have worked so hard to get the family property, so that the silicon base will not be destroyed!

Let's go all the way and criticize Lao Tzu for being stupid!


In an instant, the two-dimensional spherical armor was overwhelmed by the expanding two-dimensional fragments!

An extremely spectacular scene was staged in the starry sky!

The river channel alone is three light-years wide, and the moat of the Styx River, which is tens of light-years in length and width, was unfolded on the spot by a blooming two-dimensional plane!

Turned into a beautiful picture of the starry sky!

The carbon alliance position completely ceased to exist!

And all of this happened in a very short period of time, and the ten thousand races in the sea of ​​ashes had no idea what struggles Jiangnan and the others had made during this period of time!

I only know that the Carbon Alliance position is completely gone, and it has been two-dimensionalized!

At the same time, there was a diamond-shaped crystal on the silicon-based position, and the silicon-based mechanical soldiers exploded crazily one by one!

But the hearts of these races are all broken!


Nan Shen, you can't lose, you? Our net worth is all on you, right?

They quickly looked at the points ranking on the Star Ember Tower, but the Star Ember Tower had a black screen!

What is projected is not a ranking at all, but the animal world!

The elegant Chinese echoes in the starry sky, and the music is soothing and melodious~

(?°???°)? "Spring is here! Everything is revived! It's the season for animals to breed again, and the air in the mountains and forests is filled with the smell of hormones~?(`﹃?)? Ah! Pava~"

Not only is there a commentary, but there is also a special picture. Hey, all the people in the starry sky are watching the seven-star ladybug breeding offspring in bewilderment, can you believe it?

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