No matter how I say it, it’s a star-swallowing ceiling, how can it make you stare?

If this is really embarrassing, I don't have to hang out in the starry sky anymore!

I saw Guli dodge instinctively, and immediately opened the door of dimension, decomposing it into energy!

Then he took out a ten-color long sword, his eyes were full of rage!


"I hacked you alive today!"

After finishing speaking, he directly slashed at the silicon main mechanical prosthetic body, but Yu Gen rushed over with one stride, blocking Qianli's arm!

(Yi) "Lord Guli, no!"

Cutli was also angry:

(Yi) "Stop me, or I will kill you too!"

Yu Gen hastily sent a voice transmission:

? "Master Guli, this is a good opportunity to set the silicon base on fire? No matter what extraordinary things this mechanical prosthesis does now!"

"This account will be blamed on Siji in the end. Wouldn't it be good to let Siji ruthlessly pull a wave of hatred and attract firepower?"

"Although Jiangnan is irritating, we can still find a bargain in this wave of attacks on the silicon base?"

"He can make as much trouble as he wants. In the end, when the matter is over, I want to see how Si Ji cleans up the mess!"

Cut Li frowned, but there was some truth to it, if he cut off the Silicon Lord's mechanical prosthetic body, wouldn't he be helping Silicon? Help them reduce the risk?

Can Lao Tzu help him if he has pitted my Bose tribe to such a state?

(Yi) "But... but let him give me a slap? Isn't it my face..."

Yu Gen hurriedly said:

? "Endure the calm for a while, let's take a step back and open the sea and the sky! The overall situation is more important than face? Besides, how can you have face?"

Cutting: ??? Tsk~

His eyes were spitting fire, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing violently!

OK! I can't bear it any longer!

He simply sat in the main seat and did not move, using the dimension door to block the engine oil coming from Watt's silicon master!

Yu Gen on the side even started videotaping in order to preserve the evidence!

Both Noah and Mandy's eyes widened!

??? "Good guy! Crazy? I really don't know what kind of temper you have! You let the silicon master ride on your face and put water on your face, and you actually endured it?"

Cutie took a deep breath:

(Yi) "Heh~ I am the number one master of swallowing stars, why should I have the same knowledge as a big fool? When he has passed his strength, he will settle the score with him!"

(Yi) "Heh~ I am the number one master of swallowing stars, why should I have the same knowledge as a big fool? When he has passed his strength, he will settle the score with him!"

Noah immediately gave a thumbs up:

??? "It can only be said that it is you, the number one star-swallowing master, who is put on the water by the silicon master and still does not change his face, sitting and admiring the beauty of flying down three thousand feet!"

"It's such a state of mind that I can't compare with others, so we can't be the strongest swallowing stars!"

Manti smacked her lips and said:

"The main reason is that I really don't want to be scolded..."

Cutting:?! ! !

You are riding a horse!

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Watt's siliconist body suddenly turn around, and a melodious whistle sounded from his mouth!

He was about to bark in the direction of Milius!

Mai Liushi was in a hurry:

(Yi) "Silicon master! I will leave the words here today. How dare you give me a try today? I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Watt's body turn around sharply, and the oil column sprayed towards the other side!

Manti's eyes widened sharply, and she pulled Noah and Benny's necks back!

The column of engine oil straddled the three of them and went straight to Mailiu Shi Chenmu!

Although this thing is harmless, but he is extremely insulting, right?

Milius hurriedly set up a gravitational barrier to block it, his eyes were bloodshot!


"Even if you are the second sequence, you can't be so unscrupulous, I will do justice for the sky today!"

While speaking, he will crush Watt Silicon Master with a gravitational field!

Noah hurriedly said:

"Hey, hey? Are you crazy? You dare to touch him? You don't know that the silicon master is now invaded by a virus, and it's a mess. A slight influence may cause him to issue an irreversible order!"

"Silicon-based Final Xingwu and Giant God Soldiers are parked at the gate of your home star field! If you kill him, what if he blows up your house?"

"Do you dare to gamble with your family luck? It's just that you got screwed, what's the matter?"

Trembling with high morale, but it seems that you are not the one who was slapped?

Isn't it because of some broken virus made by Jiangnan?

But if it wasn't for this, the Quality League wouldn't have had the chance to rob the silicon-based base planet!

To be honest, he didn't dare to gamble. Although there was a high probability that nothing would happen, what if it exploded?

Watching this scene, Manti smacked her lips:

"The majestic Lord of the Second Starry Sky Sequence openly poured water under the stars, and frantically watered the pulsers? Is this a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality?"

"The majestic Lord of the Second Starry Sky Sequence openly poured water under the stars, and frantically watered the pulsers? Is this a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality?"

Milius:! ! !

Yi)??? "I have explained it, can I go?"

Just as he was about to leave, Noah hurriedly said:

"Hey, hey? What if he can't touch you, causing a program disorder, and your house is bombed!"

Mai Liushi: (Yi) You...

But before he could finish speaking, Master Watt raised his arms high and shouted!

"Ah!!! Pava~"

Immediately increased traffic!

Mai Liushi is going crazy, how much oil do you have stored? Are you done yet?

And Watts not only yelled, he even sang!

"Pawat~Pawat~ put water, put water, water, water~"

"Pawat~Pawat~ It's not a loss if you are so stunned~"


Singing and dancing at the same time, it's an electronic sound, colorful laser rays emerge from the top of the head, twisting hips crazily, twisting left and right!

This twist doesn't matter, the trajectory of the engine oil starts to become uncertain, and it will be splashed randomly!

The three of Noah looked terrified!

"Hey, hey? We don't care if you sing or dance, don't you just throw it around? Then fix us!"

At this moment, the star gate bloomed, and Lucifer flew over angrily!

?? "What are you doing? Siji stopped at our door... hiss~"

As soon as he came back, he called Sizhu madly barking, not only barking, but also shaking!

Mailiu Shi broke out completely:

(Yi) "Just blow it up, I don't care, I've been a planet for so many years, and I haven't suffered from this anger? I crushed you!"

The infinite gravitational force directly presses towards Watt's silicon master, and when a dangerous siliconist body is detected, it immediately turns on the self-defense mode!

There are more than a dozen cracks on the body, revealing more than a dozen two-dimensional Rubik's cubes!

"Ah~ Pava!"

Mailiushi was terrified:

"Lying C..."

Before the words were finished, those two-dimensional Rubik's cubes exploded together with the core power furnace of the silicon master!

The infinite burst of energy gives the capital of the expansion of the two-dimensional fragments!

The infinite burst of energy gives the capital of the expansion of the two-dimensional fragments!

All the swallowing stars here cursed, turned their heads and ran away, a huge two-dimensional flower bloomed above the holy law star, and even the holy law star below was unfolded together, and it was still demolished in the end!


The silicon master has no time to take care of other things at this moment!

Obviously, the terminal in Martial Immortal Storm Ocean has also been abolished, and the situation is out of control!

But the silicon master's terminal was not for nothing. After destroying two terminals, he finally understood everything about Watt!

And the prison sea terminal has almost completed the development of the counter program!

It can be regarded as being able to completely stop the ravages of the Watt virus!

However, an unexpected change happened. Watt was not just attacking. After seizing most of the computing power of the Storm Ocean terminal, he actually began to use it to evolve himself!

Before the silicon master gave the order, he completely attacked the terminal again with lightning speed!

The terminal was forced to self-destruct again, and Watt also persistently gave the order to attack!

Those final star warriors and giant god soldiers have begun to execute offensive orders again!

The silicon owner is going crazy, so he can only activate the prison sea terminal to intervene to stop it!

It was almost solved, but it was this that made me lose a terminal again!

That's right, the prison sea terminal was also invaded by the Watt virus!

This terminal is also useless!

The impatient silicon master starts a new terminal again!

In the endless thunder pool of the Thunder Star Field, a mechanical empire emerged from the sea of ​​thunder!

This is already the fourth terminal revealed by the silicon base!

The countermeasure program was finally developed, the full data network was released, and the silicon master directly launched a comprehensive counterattack!

Ai Jiang immediately reported: ????? "The silicon-based fourth terminal was exposed in the endless sea of ​​thunder in the Thunder Star Field. After the Watt virus captured two terminals and invaded the third terminal, it was contained!"

"It won't take long for the silicon base to completely get rid of the influence of the Watt virus!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan did not respond to Ai Jiang, his thoughts were completely immersed in the dark world woven by silk threads!

That's the thread of cause and effect...

Everything has a cause and an effect, Jiangnan observed countless silicon-based mechanical soldiers in the sea of ​​ashes!

The causal lines on them are not complicated, all the main causal lines are connected in the same direction!

Converging to one point, that is the silicon-based terminal!

Jiangnan's consciousness extends infinitely along with the thread of cause and effect in the dark world, and is not limited by distance!

Because the power of will transcends three dimensions and is not limited by time and space, otherwise there will be no super-dimensional blade!

In the past, Jiangnan, who did not practice idealism, would never be able to extend such a long distance along the line of cause and effect!

In the past, Jiangnan, who did not practice idealism, would never be able to extend such a long distance along the line of cause and effect!

But now Jiangnan can do it, but it is extremely exhausting, very tiring!

Just when the first terminal of the Lithography Star Field self-destructed!

In the dark world, the main cause and effect line of the all-silicon base has changed instantly, and it has all been transferred to the second terminal of the Ocean of Storms!

The terminal over there has become the source of cause and effect!

And just when the second terminal was activated, an extremely tiny and dim line of cause and effect extended from the second terminal, flickering for a moment!

Then turn off!

With Jiangnan's current strength, there is no invisible line of cause and effect at all!

But Jiang Nan knew in his heart that he might have caught a big fish!

The silicon-based main body terminal is hidden in the deepest part, and is not connected with anything outside!

Therefore, these revealed causal lines cannot be related to the main terminal!

It's always been these terminals out there that control all of the silicon base!

But when the standby terminal is activated, the main terminal must send an instruction to decide which one to activate!

And at this moment, the invisible line of cause and effect will be revealed for a moment!

That's the moment it lights up!

In order to verify his conjecture, Jiangnan observed carefully!

Sure enough, when the sixth storm ocean terminal self-destructed, all the silicon gene fruit lines were transferred to the third prison ocean terminal!

The fourth Leihai terminal is activated!

And when all the spare terminals were activated, an invisible causal line flickered!

The end of this causal line must be where the main body of the silicon-based terminal is located!

Just borrow the moment of starting the backup terminal a few times, in that extremely short time!

Jiangnan's consciousness extends wildly along this invisible causal line!

The so-called tracing the cause and effect is nothing more than this!

Finally rushed to the end of that causal line...

Even if Silicon Base uses one less spare terminal, Jiangnan will not be able to trace the cause and effect here!

??? "Hey~ I finally caught you! The little tail is exposed~"

"Ai-chan! Let me tell you the location, can you help me find out where this is?"

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