Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2472 Even Jiangnan doesn't want to face such a powerful enemy as Shang Wugui right now?

Under this dark energy transmission, I don't know how far I ran!

Out of the Gumbutz energy matrix, dark matter and dark energy are everywhere, and the Emperor Ye and all dark universe bodies are finally no longer restricted!

It can really be said that the sea is wide and the donkey is free to swim, and the sky is high and the birds are free to fly!

However, under this energy transmission, it directly exceeded Zhang San's skill range!

Existence erasure doesn't work anymore, and the hundreds of dark cosmic bodies that escaped have regained their existence, and they can be observed by innocent people again!

Wugui's powerful sensory ability instantly noticed Ye Huang who was running away!

His eyes were filled with murderous intent!

(Laughing dish?) "Sure enough! Sure enough, it was you who did it. You did it just now, right? I want you to die!"

"Even if I chase you all the way to the ends of the earth and exhaust the Great Ruins of the Creation Realm, I will kill both of you sisters!"

"The Herrscher Troop! Chase me!"

The anger of innocence has not yet subsided, how could such a great opportunity be missed?

You must know that these sisters are all capable of swallowing stars, once they swallow stars, they will open the night emperor form!

The combat power will far exceed that of ordinary swallowing stars. At that time, the swallowing stars owned by the dark universe and the two of them will become seven!

In this way, the threat of the dark universe body becomes extraordinary!

So being able to cut off the two sisters in the Great Ruins of Chuangjie, Innocence will never delay!

Innocent, they immediately chased after him!

Hiiragi looked at Osamu angrily:

(¬益¬?) "What did you guys do? You can't even understand such a trivial matter?"

"I think you did it on purpose, right? You deliberately left a tail to delay my innocent brother's business?"

"This account will be settled with you later!"

However, Gang Xiu was also impatient at the moment:

[┐?皮?┌] "I don't know why the Gumbutz energy matrix was broken. Letting go of the dark universe body is not beneficial to my family. Why should I do it!"

"Look at me? I haven't settled with Wu Gui for killing so many star anti-mechanical soldiers of my clan, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Hiiragi had already caught up!

Although the dark energy transmission of the dark cosmic body is abnormal, the dimensional leap of the Bose family is not covered, and it can catch up!

As long as the Ye family sisters are still in the Grand Ruins, there is nowhere to escape!

At this moment, Zhang San was standing on the Xingming Battleship, waving kindly in the direction where the Ye Huang was escaping!


Brother can only do so much, live well ~ and then go revenge innocent!

No need to thank brother ~ brother is just a legend!

I saw that after all the bosons went to chase, only a piece of wreckage was left in place!

Osamu Oka, who was pointing the middle finger at Hiiragi and the others a moment ago, suddenly calmed down!

He turned to the Shadow Warrior: [┐¬_¬┌] "Have all the firefly baits been implemented?"

The Shadow Warrior nodded: "All the Herrscher troops of the Bose Clan, including the Dark Cosmic Body, as long as they have stayed in the Gombots energy matrix, they have all been contaminated with firefly bait!"

"Even if it ascends to the fourth dimension and crosses dimensions, the firefly bait will not dissipate, and it will last for a month!"

"In this way, we can control where each Bose tribe does what, and the specific location!"

Tao said expressionlessly: "The detection radar has shown the location of the entire Bose family, and the firefly bait is operating normally!"

"Whoever is responsible for the secret operation of the Bose family will be detected by us! But at present, according to the information collected in the field, the Bose body has not taken any action!"

Gang Xiu's mechanical eyes flickered: "Is that because the time has not come yet? No matter what the Bose tribe is planning, this world hunting is the key!"

"My family will stop it from happening at all costs!"

Obviously! Si Ji also has his own little thoughts, why did he choose to cooperate with the Bose clan to encircle and kill the dark universe body?

Removing threats is only one aspect. The deeper purpose is to arrange firefly baits and control the actions of each boson so that there is nothing wrong with it!

Only in this way can it be possible to unearth the secret plan of the Bose clan, and no fish that slips through the net is allowed!

And the special substance of firefly bait was specially developed by Siji for this purpose, as long as it is contaminated, it cannot be metabolized!

After all, Bose bodies are too difficult to track, and it is really difficult to control the movement without some means!

On the one hand, the Gombots energy matrix is ​​aimed at the dark space body, and on the other hand, it is also a means of distributing firefly bait on the silicon base!

Innocent and they don't know at all that they have been tricked!

While using the silicon base, the silicon base is also using you!

Apparently, Silicon has figured everything out!

Zhang San's eyes are bright: (*???) "Oh, what? Is there anything else to say? Mounts can do it? Do things secretly?"

"Isn't this a coincidence? It's like-minded people!"

Zhang San has been thinking about the breeding plan of the Bose family, but the Bose body always crosses the latitude, so it is impossible to track the tail!

And the hands-on operation of the silicon base is also of great help to Zhang San, right?

As long as I follow the silicon base, I can always anchor to the seeding operation of the Bose tribe!

Gang Xiu's eyes turned: "How is the preparation of the Shenji Battalion?"

Tao nodded and said: "I have made all preparations, the pit has been dug, and the Shenji Camp is not afraid of anyone's attack, even if Jiangnan comes directly to attack the Shenji Camp, with a big move! He will definitely come back!"

Several mechanical prosthetic bodies looked at each other, and there was a slightly sinister expression on the mechanical face!


Apparently, Siji has never left behind its countermeasures against Jiangnan!

They didn't come here for second this time! But to climb to the top!

Zhang San:! ! !

Conspiracy! conspiracy! Is this okay? These tin cans are very careful, right?

Can you still trick us into Nanshen?

So I quickly took out the colorful snail shell!

In front of several silicon bases, he said loudly:

(??? Mouth??)? "Crooked? Fourth brother? Remember to contact Nanshen later, and don't attack Shenjiying! There is a trap!"

"Yes, yes, yes! It is said that it is aimed at him, but even if you use a big move, there will be no return!"

"They seem quite confident, don't forget to say it!"

After finishing speaking, hang up the snail!

Gangxiu and the others are still laughing slyly, they don't know that there are ears every centimeter!


At the same time, Ye Huang ran for his life with only a few hundred remaining Dark Universe bodies!

Due to the excessive consumption of the source of life, the two sisters are a little bit powerless to maintain a fit state, but they dare not separate easily!

Because Wuzui's bite was very tight, and he didn't seem to let go at all, the attack was menacing!

Obviously, he will not give up until he kills the Dark Universe Body!

I saw Yehuang running and muttering to himself!

(#???br/\u003e??) "Sister~ what should I do? You can't get rid of this group of dog-skin plasters at all? If you continue like this, you will be caught up sooner or later!"

Even without the restriction of the energy matrix, these hundreds of dark cosmic bodies would have to be wiped out once they were entangled by innocence!

(#?~?) "It's really not possible, and we can only divert the trouble to the east, and drag them to the position of the group army, or the joint army of other big clans!"

"Although there will be infamy, but for the sake of race, it has to be done!"

Yehuang's face was gloomy, but his eyes became worried again!

"Other sequences can't stop the innocent? Who wants to fight against the Bose family? The effect may not be very good!"

At this moment, Ye Huang's eyes lit up:

(#???口???) "Sister? Now is the time of last resort, right? Human! Jiang Plane must be able to do it? Is he so strong?"

Ye Huang bit his lower lip tightly: "But this is equivalent to bringing trouble to humans, and they will be disgusted by them!"

"Besides... and I'm afraid Jiangnan doesn't want to face such an innocent and powerful enemy right now?"

"In case Jiangnan can't stop the innocence, so he leaves the stage, the relationship between the dark universe body and human beings will be..."

She has a lot of things to consider, and it is indeed a good way to go to Jiangnan, but she can leave such a big trouble of innocence to human beings!

What would human beings think about the dark cosmic body?

And Ye Yuanwei, who knows the power of innocence, is not sure that Jiangnan can stop him?

Yehuang was hesitating, thinking about whether to go to Jiangnan!

But he didn't know that Jiangnan's unlucky time hadn't passed yet!

Although the tormented three hours are about to pass!

But when Ye Huang muttered, it never passed!

At this moment... it's still the core of that rocky planet!

With a bruised nose and swollen face from being hammered, Jiang Nan was covered in big red envelopes and was carrying a gold kola sack on his back!

She was about to rush out with red eyes, but she was hugged by Xia Yao, and even Mira used the time static light ball!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of madness!

Let go! Let me go! I'm going to attack the Shenji Battalion! I want to make a big move, instinct! This is my instinct!

Xia Yao closed her eyes tightly:

??(??br/\u003e??) "Xiao Nan! No! You can't do this! If you are in this state, you will have nothing!"

Wu Liangzhi felt chills down his spine, and kept shaking his head against the rock wall!


Little Cherry is really too scared!

Zhong Yingxue said urgently: (????br/\u003e??)? "Xiao Nan! Hold on! There are still more than three minutes, and the bad time will pass! Hold on!"

"When the time passes, I... I will reward you with a kiss, the one with strawberry prints!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

Tolerate! I can bear it! three minutes!

However, at this moment, the expression of Qianben Sakura who was in charge of vigilance suddenly changed!

(o口o*) "Oops! Abnormal spatial fluctuations, someone is coming, is it a Bose body? Hiss~ Innocence! Innocence brought the Herrscher troops to kill, and the attack is menacing!"

"It seems to be chasing after the dark universe body, and there are only a few hundred of them left. What's the situation?"

"It's over! I found us, and came here!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked, their eyes terrified!

What the hell?

Killed innocently? Still with the Herrscher troops?

When there are three minutes left in your unlucky time?

Pfft~ Can this horse riding be any more unlucky?

You have to kill me, this is it?

It is conceivable that once Jiangnan confronts Wugui in his current state, and the two confront each other, then they must speak harshly?

Once Innocence has a whim and chatters about something, it will be realized immediately, right?

Jiang Nan will do it directly, is it full of loopholes?

In a duel between masters, a flaw is enough to be fatal, let alone such a tricky guy as innocent!

Even for three minutes, once innocently discovered the secret of the Reverse Word Spirit, it would be enough to kill Jiangnan a hundred times!

Obviously, Ye Huang's sentence "I'm afraid Jiangnan is not willing to face such a powerful enemy as Wugui now" has been directly realized, okay?

It's alright if we turn around and face each other?

Yehuang didn't do it on purpose either, she was hesitating, God knows when she was running away, she wandered over by accident, hey!

Qianben Sakura turned pale: (′-?br/\u003e-`;) "Innocence is so strong! What should I do? Run away?"

Jiang Nan grinds his teeth, it would be really bad if he runs away, once Wu Gui knows that he is not in good condition, why not take advantage of my illness and kill me?

"You can't run! You must not be cowardly at this time! You can only find a way to survive these three minutes! Once the three minutes are over, if you are innocent and want to fight, I will accompany you to the end! Who is I afraid of?"

"Back off! I'm going to start pretending!"

After speaking, he went straight to Zhong Yingxue!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Don't do it again at this time? The situation is urgent! Hey!

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