Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2473 Imperial Prestige

The embarrassing Yehuang was running with the remaining dark body, thinking of how to get rid of the annoying innocence!

Still debating whether to go to Jiangnan!

As a result, his eyes suddenly fell on a rocky planet, his face was full of astonishment!

She clearly sensed the existence of more than a dozen breaths of life there!

Can't help but carefully explore the past!

Dare to act on a small scale during the fierce battle? Who has the guts to be so fat?

Is it possible...

After the investigation, Ye Huang's heart tightened!

A look of joy can't help but appear on his face:

(#?????) "Sister! It's Jiang Plane! Sure enough, there is no unparalleled path?"

However, in the next second, a wry smile appeared on Yehuang's face!

(??br/\u003e?#) "It's over! I'm afraid I will be misunderstood by Jiangnan..."

I really don't know if these people are unlucky or lucky!

Unlucky enough to be killed and hundreds of people left, and lucky to bump into Jiangnan while running?

And with such a big trouble of innocence!

Although Emperor Ye had the idea of ​​bringing disaster to the east, he really didn't want to lead innocence to the human side!

Who knew that while running, they would run into each other by accident?

The Chuangjie Great Ruins is so big, and there is no one who can come across it by coincidence!

I hope Jiangnan will not get angry, otherwise it would be interesting to clear the only remaining fruit of the dark universe body in a fit of anger...

In any case, since we met, Jiangnan is now the only big tree that the dark universe body can rely on!

For the sake of race, the Emperor Ye has no choice!

Can I just apologize afterwards?

So Yehuang no longer ran away, but led people to stop outside the rocky planet!

Not only did Emperor Ye discover the traces of Jiangnan, but so did Innocence!

He has already noticed Qianbenying's spatial fluctuations, Jiangnan and his party don't go to harvest points, what are they doing here?

With a ruthless look in Wuzui's eyes, he directly blocked Yehuang with someone!

The ten-colored long knife in his hand was aimed straight at the Emperor Ye, with killing intent in his eyes?

"Why don't you run away? So this is what you rely on?"

"Do you think I'll be afraid of him, or can he stop me?"

"No matter who you ask to be a helper today, it can't change the ending of the two of you sisters! I will decide your fate!"

The innocence at this moment was extremely strong, Ye Huang bit his lower lip tightly, and couldn't help closing his eyes!

The reaction from the rocky planet determines the fate of their sisters!

Will Jiangnan make a move...or will he choose to stand by and watch!

Not only Yehuang was extremely nervous, but even the hearts of all the sequence support groups outside Julang City were raised in their throats!

Finally, is the fifth natural disaster about to meet the trump card of the Bose tribe?

Everyone has seen the ability of innocence just now, and the level of strength is completely worthy of Jiangnan!

Which of them is stronger or weaker?

Is this about to be decided?

At this moment, Yang Jian is already numb, shit! Why did we meet at this time? Jiangnan is unlucky!

Calculated by time, the unlucky time has not passed yet, right?

Just a little bit?

If he was innocent and took the opportunity to clear out because of this, it would be a big loss!

However, Yang Jian still had a calm and confident expression on his face, and he sneered at Wugui!

Chong Feiyu's eyelids twitched, and he was still acting at this time, so the three-eyed boy is also dedicated enough?

On the throne of sequence, even Noah clenched his fists, no matter what, the Ye family sisters escaped!

Although there are hundreds of people left, as long as they are still there, there is a chance!

It can be said that the direction of the dark universe hunting this time depends entirely on whether Jiangnan will intervene!

Noah's heart also tugged, Jiangnan!

How would you choose?

He couldn't help looking at Yang Jian with complicated eyes!

Yang Jian:! ! !

Depend on! Don't look at me? Our Jiangnan is also very difficult now?

God knows what Jiangnan will do?

Just as Wuzui walked towards the Emperor Ye with a knife, an extremely violent fluctuation came from the inside of the rocky planet, and the roar was deafening!

Innocence paused, frowning and looking at the rocky planet!

And Ye Huang followed in astonishment!

next moment...


A blazing glass-colored light flashed, and the entire rocky planet with a diameter of 30,000 kilometers was divided into two, and the fracture was smooth and neat!

The planet split open, fell apart, hot magma surged, bursting out dazzling fire!

I saw Jiangnan wearing flowery shorts and flip-flops on his lower body, and a white short-sleeved shirt with the logo "Murder for Money" printed on his upper body!

Dressed in an unusually casual way, just like this against the flames of the collapse of the planet, he stepped towards this side with his hands in his pockets!

Every time you take a step, there is a space barrier under your feet, and you can walk in the starry sky wearing flip-flops!

With a flash of one step, a few steps came to under the starry sky, beside the Emperor Ye and those hundreds of dark cosmic bodies!

Didn't even look at Innocence!

And the members of the capital team that Jiangnan said had cherry blossoms on their heads, followed behind Jiangnan, led by him, looked up at the Herrscher troops with disdain!

I saw Jiangnan half-opening his eyes, turning his head to look at the embarrassed Yehuang, his eyes were dazed for a moment!

(?△??) What the hell? Who is this? Among the people who came in from the dark universe body, does anyone look like this?

Why does it look so familiar? But I haven't seen it at all!

Ye Huang's eyes were filled with surprise, did Jiang Nan still choose to take over this trouble?

The dark body is saved!

At this moment, in Yehuang's eyes, Jiangnan, who was originally a villain and synonymous with devil, suddenly became sacred!

Even the casual clothes looked so wild and uninhibited!

Ye Huang lowered his head and picked his fingers, with guilt in his eyes:

(??br/\u003e??) "Yes..."

However, E Jiangnan didn't wait for her to finish, so he tilted his head and gave her a look!

Signal them to stand behind him!

Yehuang's cheeks couldn't help but two blushes rose!


Ahhh, he is such a domineering boss? Did you let yourself stand behind without saying a word?

It means, you sisters, I am in Jiangnan?

She had guessed countless times before whether Jiang Nan would make a move, but she didn't expect him to be so decisive!

I have to say that Ye Huang was silenced, and the cool Jiang Nan was handsome!

In Jiang Nan's heart, he scolded the blossoming, and it's bad luck!

It's fine to lure innocent people here, but don't talk nonsense anymore, if you praise me again for being handsome or something, believe it or not, I'll show you right where I am?

Yehuang hurriedly led people to the back of Jiangnan, and was protected by Zhong Yingxue and the others!

Ye Huang said apologetically with eyes full of eyes:

(′-?br/\u003e-`〃) "We..."

Zhong Yingxue grabbed her little hand, shook her head, with a serious expression:

(??????????) "Needless to say, everything has him!"

Yehuang:! ! !


What the hell sense of security is this?

Are all human beings this good?

Little did they know that Zhong Yingxue and the others had done the greatest help to Xiao Nan just by asking these dark bodies not to talk nonsense!

Just don't make things worse!

At this moment, Jiangnan said that the capital team and the Herrscher army were facing each other in the starry sky!

And Jiang Nan's eyes also fell on innocent body, half-opening his eyes, looking completely uninterested, standing there loosely, as if he was out for a walk!


Innocence squinted, staring at Jiangnan firmly!

how? Are you determined to protect them?

I haven't troubled you yet, but you jumped out to meddle in my business?

Others are afraid of you, but I am not!

I saw the ten-colored long knife in Wuzui's hand pointing directly at Jiangnan, with fighting spirit in his eyes!

Everyone who participated in the whole world hunting game, in the eyes of innocent, only Jiangnan is worthy of being called an opponent!

He didn't know how long he had been looking forward to this battle in his heart, he was thinking about it in his dreams!

After beheading Jiangnan, he is the well-deserved number one under Star Swallowing!


Unable to suppress the fighting spirit in his heart, the innocent and wild momentum exploded!

The turbulent flow of bosonic particles mixed with colorful particles blooms brazenly in the starry sky, singing all the way!

The aura is so powerful that it even drives back the surrounding Hiiragi Oo and Herrscher Bose!

The illusion of space is born and disillusioned, and under the action of the particles that create and destroy the world, world phantoms are constantly created and then destroyed, and the cycle repeats!

Ice crystals condensed in the starry sky due to the extreme cold, and the space around the innocent body began to become grotesque, constantly switching between three-dimensional and four-dimensional!

Ye Huang was shocked, and his complexion turned even paler!

What? When fighting with our sisters, did Innocence not use his full strength?

The aura of innocence at this moment is stronger than that at the time of the siege!


Even Zhong Yingxue and the others' hearts sank to the bottom!

Such a strong boson? Worthy of being an ace!

However, in the face of innocence, the overwhelming momentum like mountains and seas!

Jiangnan feels like a breeze blowing on the face, standing still!

(???~??) I am afraid of you?


At this moment, the ferocious aura belonging to Jiangnan burst out, his clothes were fluttering, and the glazed spiritual flame was ignited on his body!

Boundless scarlet flames spread out, covering the entire starry sky, like billowing wolf smoke!

The ferocious killing momentum went straight to the Herrscher troops!

What's even more frightening is that behind Jiangnan, a phantom of a super-giant black hole suddenly appeared!

The size of the horror is not even weaker than the absolute final black hole!

And this black hole phantom surrounds the extremely shining golden event horizon, tearing apart the galaxy, and thousands of stars are born and disillusioned under the black hole phantom!

That alone is already amazing!

However, at the next moment, under the shocking eyes of everyone!

The giant black hole phantom actually began to gradually change its shape, no longer maintaining a spherical shape!

Instead, it turned into an extremely huge human-shaped black hole, like a pitch-black god! Master the stars!

right! That's right! It is a black hole in human form!

The event horizon exuding a golden halo surrounds the human-shaped black hole, like a golden emperor's robe, draped over the human-shaped black hole!

At this moment, two red glows lit up on the face of the human-shaped black hole!

It's not just as simple as a red glow, but a pair of blood-colored eyes!

Looking at Innocence coldly!

And the master of the black hole, who was like the master of the starry sky, moved slowly, and just opened his arms!

Thousands of stars revolve around it, shining brightly, this moment! He seemed to be the center of the universe!

King of this world!

Proud of everything, above all living beings!

A fierce emperor's might that could suppress everything overwhelmed the audience, like a day of panic, unstoppable!

Jiang Nan obviously didn't notice the change in his phantom, but looked at Wu Gui in suspense!

(??°??°) What?

Are you scared? Ah ha ha ha ha!

Compared with Lao Tzu's momentum? Scared you?

But Wang Youzhi looked at the humanoid black hole emperor exuding imperial power with horror on his face, his scalp was numb!


What is this riding horse!

Everything shown in the phantom has even surpassed the cognition of the Black God!

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