Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2471 Can't move

Zhou Shu was originally extremely hidden and extremely fast, but the weakness of eventually having to direct the attack into the Ming Realm to cause damage was completely erased and covered by Zhang San's existence!

This also led to the fact that he couldn't detect the attack until he was innocent!

There is no way to defend and evade in advance, unless you hide in the four dimensions and get out!

With such god-level assists, Yehuang can make innocent pay the price for every attack, and hit him hard again and again!

Wuzui was restless and furious, no matter how he probed, he couldn't sense the source of the attack!

Attacks fail again and again!

It's even useless to enter the Dark Realm by using Zoushu!

How to fight an attack that can only be detected by cutting on the body?

But innocent didn't mean to hide at all, the pride in his heart made him refuse to escape into the fourth dimension to confess!

Instead, he chose to be tough, and no matter what he said, he would bring out that invisible existence!

With the continuous use of means, even the domain has been expanded to the extreme, the space around the body is continuously upgraded, and the scope is destroyed!

But even so, there were still wounds on innocent body, and the body was chopped up again and again!

Not only was innocent angry, but even Hiiragi was extremely angry!

"What the hell! Dare to hurt me innocent brother? If you have the ability, come at me!"

Then Hiiragi Xu's body also began to have wounds, and the continuous slashing, even cut a gap in her ten-colored glass corners!

"Who! Who the hell! Come out! Have the guts to come out!"

Whoever is played in such a way, can't even see the shadow of a ghost, and his mentality will collapse, right?

The Emperor Ye fought more and more smoothly, with the fatal eruption of the Dark Universe Body and the increase in the number of people who were wiped out by existence!

The number of casualties of the Herrscher troops also began to increase!

No matter what, Ye Huang sees hope!

And this hope was given by that dark giant!

At this moment, outside Julang City, countless sequence support groups are also paying attention to this battle!

After all, this is the first time that the top ten series of clans have collided head-on since the start of the Universal Hunt!

And from the very beginning, it was the main event where the boss and the second joined forces to kill the third?

Why is it not worthy of attention?

Originally thought that this wave of the dark universe body was over, and was restrained and calculated to death!

However, the battle situation in the field became more and more weird!

"What the hell? Innocent Hiiragi, are they crazy? Are they fighting something? Why are there inexplicable wounds on their bodies? Is this also the method of the Dark Cosmic Body?"

"But the Dark Cosmic Body is also strong enough? It actually caused a reduction in the number of Bose's Herrscher troops. If it wasn't restricted by the silicon base, maybe the ending is really hard to determine!"

"Hey~ Being targeted by the boss and the second, the dark universe body is also unlucky, the public relations didn't understand it!"

The images in the void are clearly photographed, and you can see the attack of the Night Emperor, as well as the flickering shadow of the Dark Cosmic Body!

But no one noticed, even the Ye family sisters, as leaders, should be the most worthy of attention!

However, when everyone was discussing, they naturally ignored them, like a background board, without any sense of existence!

Hei Shen looked at the image in the void, his eyes sparkled!

Such a weird scene, needless to say, was assigned to be the work of that non-existent person?

What's the name? It's Zhang San, right?

Even if it was the Black God, he couldn't notice those people who were wiped out by Zhang San's existence in the void image at this moment!

I couldn't even notice Zhang San's position!

After all, the Chuangjie Great Ruins is not the territory of the Black God, and his power cannot affect the outside world!

He only remembered that there was a perverted non-existent person among human beings, and as time went by, his memory even became a little blurred!

On the throne of sequence!

Noah's face was as gloomy as water, and things were still developing as he expected!

No matter what the result is, after this incident, the team of the Dark Cosmic Body will be hit hard!

Don't talk about striving for the top, if you lose more, it will be hard to keep the third position!

The following sequences are all tigers and wolves. Sending carbon in the snow is bullshit, and killing you while you are sick is the truth!

Yu Gen looked at the screen and smiled slightly:

(¬?¬) "Be a human being, how capable you are, how much you can eat! If you don't have the skills, you still want to eat more, be careful if you are overwhelmed, and if you lose your job, the gain will outweigh the loss!"

Obviously, this Yu Gen is also an old onmyoji!

Noah couldn't help clenching his fists: "Really? I don't think so? The world is still uncertain, isn't it too early to say these things?"

"I'll return the same words to you. If you can't eat it, you want to eat it hard. Be careful not to break your teeth! The situation in the field is not very good for you!"

Yu Gen sneered: "So what? The important thing is not the process, but the result! Whether there is guilt or not, the result will only be the result I want!"

"After this battle, even if there are still remnants of the Dark Cosmic Body, it's not a good thing. It's hard to compete with the following sequence, right?"

Noah clenched his teeth, glared at Yu Gen angrily, didn't say anything, but turned to Muke!

"Looking for skin with a tiger, beware of being swallowed by yourself, a short-sighted existence, only looking at immediate interests, doomed to fail in the long run, let alone climb to the top of the starry sky!"

Muke's expression remained unchanged: "There is no need for others to dictate the silicon-based matter, we will make our own decisions! You should worry about your own team!"

Noah closed his eyes and calmed down his emotions!

"This is just the beginning, and it doesn't mean the end. I will ask you to settle this account during the serial offensive and defensive battle!"

Obviously, even he is not optimistic about this battle anymore, no matter whether he wins or loses, the army of the dark universe body is completely bruised!

Even if the dark cosmic bodies on the battlefield have launched a counterattack, it will not help!


On the battlefield, the innocence at this moment was not tired of being troubled by the attack that cut him inexplicably!

Haven't found any clues so far!

Suffering severe injuries repeatedly, even the ten-color glazed horns on the top of his head became dimmed, and the source of life in the Dark Origin Orb was exhausted!

Even his life was threatened, and he hid in the four-dimensional recovery several times!

This is the ultimate humiliation for innocence!

The anger that was suppressed to the extreme in my heart completely broke out!

I saw innocent holding a long knife and roaring to the sky!

(????) "Ahhhh! Who~ who the hell is beating me! Bastard! Today I am not guilty of beheading you, I swear I will not!"

There is nothing to hide anymore, even if you will pay the price for it and go through a period of weakness, you have to use it yourself!

The furious innocent slashed with the long knife in his hand, and a dimension door appeared in front of him, and he rushed in!

Immediately the door to the dimension is closed!

Ye Huang froze for a moment!

What's the meaning? After getting angry, I hide in the four dimensions and can't come out!

However, at the next moment, a grotesque ten-color long knife suddenly appeared in everyone's sight!

Then came the arm, half the body!

In the end, the whole body of the innocent person is manifested!

It's just a grotesque and incomprehensible figure, manifesting in three dimensions with a four-dimensional posture!


Boundless ten-color world-destroying particles bloom crazily!

"The final form of high-dimensional strike? Four-dimensional body!"

The previous Danding also played similar tricks, but it was only in the fourth dimension, allowing his arms to manifest, and carrying out high-dimensional strikes with a knife!

And the innocence is more thorough, directly manifesting the entire body in the form of a high-dimensional blow!

His whole body is a high-dimensional strike that can move flexibly!

Ye Huang had already attacked the moment he appeared innocently!

However, at the moment when the Huanyu Jingyuan Knife touched the innocent four-dimensional body, it was directly decomposed into energy!

I can no longer touch his body. Strictly speaking, both of them are not in the same dimension!

After innocent being attacked, he didn't dodge, but slammed back with his body!

Ye Huang was startled and retreated violently, but half of his body was still directly disintegrated into the purest energy!

Innocence roared: "Are you still here? I'll kill you right away!"

While speaking, he turned around and slashed down violently, the long and narrow high-dimensional slashing sword light traversed the battlefield!

The light of the sword passes, everything disintegrates!

Even the army of mechanical soldiers was wiped out thousands of units by Wu Gui!

"Let you cut me? Come? You come again? You try to cut me again?"

The innocence at this moment was completely berserk, sweeping across the battlefield with a long knife, slashing out with a knife!

He has no target, let alone where the enemy is!

It's over if you hack all the horses to death!

(???Yi???) "Die! Die for me! Ahhh! High-dimensional expansion!"

The terrifying dimension descends with innocence as the center and erupts outrageously, annihilating everything, blooming unceasingly, it seems that it will not stop!

He even appeared on the battlefield in the form of a four-dimensional body, cutting out thousands of knives in a second!

Dao Dao is the kind of fierce high-dimensional slash that traverses the battlefield!

Indiscriminate attack, no matter what kind of mechanical legion you are, dark cosmic body, or Bose clan, just cut!

Just like the posture of destroying everything!

The innocence mentality was destroyed by that inexplicable attack!

How can the mechanical legion withstand this? Originally, not many were killed by the Dark Cosmic Body, but innocents killed more than the Dark Cosmic Body!

Even those dark universe bodies that were wiped out of existence, many died by innocent swords!

Because even if the existence is wiped out, facing such an attack, there is simply no way to dodge it. Innocence has no aim at all!

The frightened Bose bodies all ascended to avoid, and they all trembled!

It's too scary for Mr. Innocence to make such a surge, isn't it?

Now, even if Emperor Ye was wiped out of existence, facing the innocence of the four-dimensional body, he didn't withdraw at all!

There is no way to hurt him in this state, the body manifested in four dimensions, how to hit him?

Innocence's fighting power is simply terrifying!

The Emperor Ye could only keep avoiding innocent chopping, and watched the dark universe bodies die one by one by the innocent knife!

She couldn't save her, let alone stop the innocence that went mad!

My heart is bleeding!

Such a powerful existence, how to defeat him?

At this moment, Gang Xiu was in a hurry, and frantically avoided the innocent attack with the warp speed engine!

=????=????[┐?皮?┌] "Innocence! Calm down! Calm down! What are you doing? Follow the plan! We are allies, why are you cutting down the mechanical army?"

"I don't understand your actions, please stop attacking, stop immediately! Not guilty! Not guilty! I'll kill you!"

At this moment, even Gang Xiu couldn't help swearing. They loaded the swearing program to deal with Jiangnan!

Who knew that this would be done on innocent people!

Zhang San covered his head and rode Gangxiu hurricanely, looking at the innocence who went crazy, his face turned pale!

?(??w???)? "Why is this horse riding crazy? Why is this young man so poor mentally?"

"I still want to give a wave of assists to the Dark Cosmic Body and let them consume the combat power of the Bose Clan. This... this is completely unstoppable!"

Did you overturn the car with your sister? Innocence's combat strength is simply beyond the charts, and the four-dimensional body is used. No wonder the Bose tribe is confident. Who is so aggressive with the trump card of innocence?

If this continues, all dark universe bodies will be hacked to death in the energy matrix!

None of them survived!

If innocent one goes crazy and cuts to his side, wouldn't he also be taken away with a knife?

It's a pity to just watch the Dark Cosmic Body exit the stage like this, I will definitely not stand by and watch if it can ruin their business!

"Tsk~ try it!"

At this moment, Zhang San didn't want Gan Xiu's mount anymore, but ran to the edge of Gumbutz's energy matrix!

When I tried to touch it with my hands, I met extremely strong resistance!

Even Zhang San couldn't make it easy!

Zhang San took a deep breath!

"Field unfolding? A realm without me!"

The moment the domain blooms, there is no shocking momentum, gorgeous special effects!

Zhang San's whole body dimmed, and began to become transparent, his sense of existence was even lower, as if he was going to disappear half of this world!

In the end, it turned into a ghost form like a ghost!

But this time, Zhang San tried again!

His hand stretched into the energy barrier like this, as if he had passed through it, although there was still resistance!

But it's not that big anymore!

Seeing that it was feasible, Zhang San squeezed into the thick energy barrier without hesitation, and walked through it for a long time!

Suddenly, it squeezed out from the inside of the Gombots matrix!

If Siji saw this scene, the CPU would burn and smoke!

Looking back, the mechanical army was almost completely wiped out by the innocent, and the dark body was also dead, leaving less than 10%!

Yehuang, who had been stabbed a few times, suffered severe injuries, his eyes were full of despair!

Zhang San's heart tightened, he must hurry up!

So I picked a few huge, seemingly important star warships and rushed over!

The figure keeps shuttling back and forth among several node starships, but it's too busy for him!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Not long after, a series of explosions sounded, and all seven extremely important node spaceships exploded!

It exploded into a gorgeous flame in the starry sky, and a terrifying energy shock wave bloomed in the starry sky!

The energy matrix made up of star warships burst a huge gap on the left side due to the lack of conduction nodes!

Gang Xiu suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the explosion!

[┐⊙口⊙┌|||] "Impossible! How could it be!"

At this moment, the inside and outside of the energy matrix were connected, and Ye Huang, who was trapped in the formation, suddenly noticed the influx of external dark energy!

Eyes full of joy!

Chance! How could this array break for no reason?

Gang Xiu immediately issued an order: "Start the backup plan!"

The rest of the starships tried to reduce the envelope to make up for the gap!

However, for the Emperor Ye and the Dark Cosmic Body, only a moment is enough to break through!

"All dark cosmic bodies! Go!"

Under the transmission of dark energy, only a few hundred members of the Dark Cosmic Body that were beheaded disappeared into the formation!

Not guilty:! ! !

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