Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2208 Ferryman! Star Mine Bureau?

Even Jiu Lan looked at the majestic and majestic Great Wall of Galaxy in front of her in shock!

Compared with it, the Styx star field spanning eight million light years is nothing!

The vastness of the starry sky is shocking!

It was also the first time she saw that Jiu Lan spent most of her life in the Styx star field!

There are only a handful of times I come out, most of them are to complete the task, and I have to go back soon!

Don't let her stay any longer, although the starry sky is extremely bright, but she has never seen the splendor it should be!

Thinking of the unknown journey to be taken next, she couldn't help but look forward to it!

Being a hostage seems pretty good too!

On the other hand, Chong Feiyu was standing on the deck, looking at the Great Wall of Galaxy, feeling complicated!

After many years, I set foot in this starry sky again, and I am no longer the big mine owner who is above ten thousand people and has infinite scenery!

But an inconspicuous little bug!

I lost all my career in this starry sky, my best friend betrayed me, my race plotted against me...

It seems to be abandoned by the world, and has experienced an unprecedented trough of insect birth!

Now that he comes back again, can he take back everything that belongs to him?

Chong Feiyu unconsciously raised her little hand, grabbing something towards the starry sky...

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't worry too much, it should belong to you, and it will come back to you in the end! I'm here!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and touched Chong Feiyu's little head!

Chong Feiyu took a sneak peek at Jiangnan, and it was rare that he didn't resist, but blushed pretty, and nodded silently!

Jiangnan waved his hand:

?*??(ò ? ó*)??*? "Rough hair! Cross the torrent of martial arts, target! My private money coffer! Duck!"

The gangsters beat their chests and roared angrily:

(?ò优ó) "For the ticket! Oh la~"

The Huanyu-class starship accelerated rapidly, heading straight towards Wuxian? The Great Wall of the Northern Corona!

Plunging headlong into the torrent of Martial Immortals, the energy cannon at the bow of the ship fired loudly!

The crimson Collapsing Star cannon column is like a spear piercing straight into the torrent of Martial Immortals, splitting it open!

However, it was soon obliterated and annihilated, and the infinite gamma ray burst crazily bombarded the energy shield of the starship!

There are also a lot of cosmic rays and super high-speed meteorites mixed in it!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a deafening roar in my ears, and as soon as I entered, the starship immediately issued a damage alarm!

The attacks that the energy shield can withstand have far exceeded the limit it can withstand!

At this moment, I saw the little brother Na Gama flying up, spreading his arms, and infinite dark green brilliance bloomed on his body!

"Field unfolding? Emerald sky!"

"Ray deflection! Emerald eggs!"

At this moment, those gamma ray bursts that hit the energy shield of the starship were assimilated and controlled!

A thick emerald-colored eggshell was formed outside the energy shield to resist the bombardment of the Martial Immortal Torrent!

It is barely able to resist it!

The corners of Jiangnan's eyes twitched, shit! Is there a mistake, I don't even know the name of this little brother, but he has a domain?

Also a hand who can destroy planets? The name of the field is still so nice?

And at this moment, Tarot tugged at the metal cable tied around his waist!

Turning around, he asked, "Is it tied firmly?"

Satsuma raised his hand and gestured to o98k, Jiangnan swallowed:

(???.??)???? "You... what are you going to do?"

Tarot took it for granted and said:

(¬ ?¬( ??~?? ) ?﹃?) "What are you doing? Open the way?"

With a roar while speaking, he started to run wildly on the deck, and then jumped out in front of everyone's horrified eyes!

Passed directly through the energy shield and the emerald eggshell, and stood on the outermost side!

With the body to bear the bombardment of the torrent of Martial Immortals, meteorites and rays hit Tarot's body, making a roar like iron!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened!

∑(°口°?) Damn wow! Are you so brave?

I only heard Tarot laughing, with six arms open!

"Starlight? Gather!"

At this moment, the star logo above Ta Xingluo's head lit up with incomparably bright starlight!

All kinds of miscellaneous energies in the Martial Immortal Torrent are absorbed and refined by Tarot, and even the surrounding stars are attracted by it!

Dazzling starlight lit up on his body, and he grabbed it with his big hand, and an incomparably huge sword of starlight converged in his hand!

Tarot roared, his eyes widened!

"Rage God Star Brilliance Slash!"

The starlight giant sword in his hand slashed down violently, and the torrent of martial arts in front of the starship was cut open by the sword like a wave, sweeping towards both sides!

Even the rocky planets in front of the starship were split by a sword!

Tarot laughed loudly, constantly absorbing the starlight, and the starlight giant sword in his hand was also cut out again and again!

Really open the way!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

=????(??? ????) "Damn it? Huang... Are the Huangshen clan so fierce? Can the Martial Immortal Torrent also be absorbed? What kind of ability is this?"

Wang Youzhi laughed straight:

(????) "You don't know that, do you? In the era before the Cosmic War, the Desolate Gods were very tough. They had the name of the God of War in the Starry Sky, and they were brave and good at fighting!"

"It seems that it was born to venture into the starry sky, and can absorb the energy emitted by most stars, stars, various planets, etc., and its three heads belong to three different energy systems!"

"In the starry sky, there are even more stories about the immortality of the stars and the eternal existence of the Rage God. I have a lot of them in my library!"

"It's a pity that the path of evolution is a bit biased, and the three heads can't make up half a catty of brains. Otherwise, why did the wild gods decline like this?"

Jiang Nan covered his face, sure enough! Is the decline of the Rage Gods related to their own wisdom? After all, they are existences that can pinch themselves!

And the younger brother of the Jing Clan also projected a starry sky compass from his eyes to measure the distance and identify the direction!

"I found it. Here and here, the rudder is turned 27.5°. The Martial Immortal Torrent over there is weaker. Let's go deep into the core area first!"

Looking at the bullies who are busy with their work, Jiang Nan has a gratified smile on his face!

It seems that there is no chance of doing it yourself? Having a younger brother is to do things!

"Fei Yu, do you still remember the location of my small treasury? Don't forget it!"

Otherwise, the Great Wall is so big, it’s hard to find!

Chongfeiyu:? ? ?

Why has it become your little treasury? Hey!

"Hmph~ how is it possible, I clearly remember the location, and I also left protective measures!"

"Not everyone can get in there, you can find it!"

Originally, there were not many people coming to the Martial Immortal? The Great Wall of the North Crown, let alone the core area!

Otherwise, Chong Feiyu wouldn't have hidden the small treasury here!

And Jiulan looked at the berserk Martial Immortal Torrent outside the ship, resting her chin in thought!

(??ˇ?ˇ??:) "Is it true that there are people who are willing to risk their lives to smuggle across the torrent of Martial Immortals? If they are not careful, they will stay here forever, right?"

"There is clearly a more convenient and faster star road, why not take it?"

The younger brother of the Jing family laughed straight: "Sister Jiulan, you don't know this, do you? Once you go on the star road, both people and goods will be recorded by the Star Mine Bureau!"

"It's okay to be charged a high toll, and the goods delivered will also be inspected by the Xingkong Mining Resources Management Bureau, and these goods have become well-known goods!"

"However, some precious goods are inherently shady and cannot be exposed. Some big mine owners want to embezzle the mined resources, treasures, not to be drawn, or they don't want to be included in their own race's inventory and become their own treasures!"

"Naturally, it needs to be smuggled. After all, what is smuggled is your own! In the Beimian Starry Sky Mine, smuggling is a very common thing!"

Chongfeiyu nodded incessantly:

(??? ???)? "I understand this! I understand it!"

Jiangnan covered his face, you must have done a lot when you were a mine owner, right?

The younger brother of the Jing Clan laughed and said, "Over there in the mine, the smuggling business has even formed its own industrial chain, giving birth to the profession of ferryman!"

"Professional smuggling, and the Martial Immortal? The Great Wall of the Northern Crown is not really impossible to cross, and there are relatively less risky routes to go!"

"The ferrymen who control the safe smuggling routes are the favorites in the eyes of the major mine owners! Of course, these are not things that can be said in the open!"

"Although smuggling and chaos occur frequently, the Xingkong Mining Resources Management Bureau doesn't care too much. After all, compared to the overall output of Xingkong Mine, smuggling is only a small part, it's just a drop in the bucket!"

"However, if you really bump into someone from the Star Mine Bureau, you still have to avoid it, after all, you can't see the light!"

Nine Blue's face was suddenly stunned, and a complete industrial benefit chain was born!

Sure enough, where there is light, there will be darkness. Light and shadow have always coexisted since ancient times!

These things are still very novel to Jiulan!

"So we are now smuggling?"

Jiang Nan couldn't help laughing: "No, no, no! This is called smuggling!"

But the eyes turned, so the one who is in charge here and has the right to speak is the Xingkong Mining Resources Management Bureau?

Referred to as the Star Mine Bureau!

It is directly under the department of the Holy Law Society, and is mainly responsible for the Beimian Starry Sky Mine!

As time goes by, the starship goes deeper and deeper into the Great Wall of Galaxy!

Due to the chaos and disorder in the space, the torrent of martial arts became more and more intense, and the starship could not maintain the state of warp speed all the time!

It can only start and stop from time to time, but it is gradually approaching the core area of ​​the Great Wall of Galaxy!

At this moment, Martial Immortal Hong Liu is almost unstoppable with little brother Gama alone!

And the gangsters of the bully gang have shown their magical powers one after another, and those who have domains will release domains, relying on the superposition of domains to resist the torrent of martial arts!

However, at this moment, the pupils of the Jing Clan boy shrank!

"Damn it! Don't go any further, change the route, and the full power of the warp engine will be output at full left rudder!"

"If you don't run, you won't be able to run away!"

Chong Feiyu asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Jiang Nan squinted and smiled: "It's a black hole!"

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