Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2207 Chong Feiyu: I'm a former Tunxing star, so it's reasonable to hide hundreds o

Looking at the information from the Internet, Jiangnan's scalp tingles, the more he understands, the more he feels the vastness of the starry sky!

I remember the first time I heard the name of the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine, I learned it from the pupils when I was on the moon!

And what is being spoken here is no longer Qianxing language, but Beimian Pu language!

Martial Immortals? The Great Wall of the Northern Crown is not just as simple as a Great Wall of Galaxy!

It is the Unbreakable Gate that really divides the starry sky!

Due to the dense clusters of galaxies in the entire Great Wall of Galaxy, the extremely dangerous process of planetary evolution is going on all the time, stars rise and fall!

There are countless violent stars of all kinds, neutron stars, black holes, white dwarfs, pulsars, hypervelocity meteorites...

Among them, a starry sky natural disaster called "Martial Immortal Torrent" is sweeping all day long!

Its power is no less than that of dark matter tides. The main body of Wuxian Torrent is a gamma-ray burst with extremely abnormal intensity, mixed with various dangerous cosmic rays, strong magnetic fields, and corrosive stardust!

This made the entire Martial Immortal? Northern Crown Great Wall extremely dangerous, even if Tun Xing was free, he would not want to stroll inside!

It is completely unsuitable for life to survive. If there is life, or a starship breaks into it, trying to cross the Great Wall!

What awaits them will be loss, corrosion, life depletion, and endless gamma ray bombardment!

This also makes Wuxian? The Great Wall of the Northern Corona became the natural barrier of the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine, the city wall!

Cut off the star roads on both sides and divide the starry sky!

In actual history, this Great Wall of Galaxy was really used as a fortification!

During the Cosmic War, the two factions belonging to different starry sky camps waged offensive and defensive battles around this Great Wall of Galaxy that stretched over ten billion light-years!

What's interesting is that the cause of the war in the universe was the conflict of interests between the major races, and the fuse that triggered this all-out war in the starry sky was the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine!

Even if the follow-up war is over, the Holy Law Society is established, ushering in the era of the Thousand Stars!

The major races also tore their faces and pinched each other because of the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine!

Also known as the Northern Crown War, it took several times to formulate the current order of the Northern Crown Starry Sky Mine!

After learning about the cause and effect, Jiang Nan couldn't help but smack his lips!

(??Yi???) "Good guy, how many times have you pinched because of a Beiguan starry sky mine?"

Everything starts with profit, and it is enough to see that the Beimian Starry Sky Mine, known as the starry sky granary, is a treasure land that makes all races jealous!

Of course, the Martial Immortal? The Northern Corona Great Wall splits the starry sky and blocks the star road, so it doesn't mean that there is no entrance and exit!

In the middle of the Great Wall, there is a level called Wuxian Pass!

Where does the input and output of resources need to go?

And Bobo Starship and Silicon Speed ​​Starship are also stuck in the necks of the Wanzu, charging high tolls, or resource commissions!

Of course, since Dimensional Star Airlines went online, this monopoly situation has been broken!

After all, Dimensional Star Navigation is going through the gap between dimensions, and it is not hindered!

It's just that even if you walk through the cracks in the dimension, you have to take a detour. The influence of the Martial Immortal Torrent can even penetrate into the cracks in the dimension, making it impossible to build a stable dimensional wind channel! will be affected!

In this way, it will take a lot of time, ten days and half a month, a little farther or even several months!

But that special meow is better than being drawn and raising the price?

How about saying that the Bose family is angry with the silicon base? Such a good business has been snatched away by humans!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin:

( ?° ? ?°) "It would be quicker to go through Wuxian Pass, but we will definitely be investigated if we pass through Wuxian Pass!"

"Is it easy to reveal your identity?"

Wang Youzhi shrugged: "Why don't you go back to the gap between the dimensions. Although the dimension airway requires a detour, it will take a long time, but my queen can move us in directly! We will be there in the blink of an eye!"

"After all, I'm pissed off in the gap between the dimensions!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Then..."

At this moment, Chong Feiyu stood up and raised his hand fiercely:

(?~?)? "Me! I have a suggestion!"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin: "Oh, what's the suggestion? Tell me about it?"

Chong Feiyu looked serious:

(??? ???)? "I suggest, let's cross the Great Wall of Wuxian? Beiguanzuo!"

With one word, the bully gang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Borden swallowed:

∑(°口°?) "Huh? Crossing the torrent of Martial Immortals? Are you not crazy? The Black God can send us directly in! Isn't this just seeing other people's wives can't walk, so it's unnecessary?"

Sam couldn't help nodding:

(??ˇ~ˇ??:) "Although I have never been here, I have heard of the name of Martial Immortal Hongliu. Tun Xing is not willing to go in for a stroll. We are not good people. What are you doing in there? Prove yourself awesome?"

"Isn't this stir-frying sodium chloride with salt and salt! Are you in a hurry?"

Chongfei Yuqi blushed and stared:

(?`~′?) "You two dare to refute my opinion? Why is my eldest sister so ignorant?"

Summer and Borden looked at each other, nodded, then ran to Wang Youzhi's side, squeezed his shoulders and beat his legs!

"Brother Dazhi is the eternal god~"

Wang Youzhi raised his eyebrows proudly at Chongfeiyu!


Chong Feiyu was full of anger:

(ˇ~ˇ?) "Okay~ I admit that he is indeed a god, but listen to me, you must wear it!"

Jiang Nan said with interest: "Why do you have to cross the torrent of Wuxian? What's the reason?"

Chong Feiyu said unhappily: "Didn't I just see that you took a trillion star points for everyone to use?"

"Everyone came here to take risks because of me, and they may have to face off against Tun Xing. It's so dangerous, and I feel very sorry for taking it for nothing!"

"Just... I just wanted to take out some treasures for everyone to use. After all, there are so many of us, food and clothing, and daily practice all cost money. We can't spend your money all the time..."

"I have a small treasury in the core area of ​​the Great Wall of Wuxian? Beiguanzuo. I have hidden some private money in it. I am thinking about giving it to everyone as start-up capital!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Nan teleported to Chong Feiyu with bright eyes!

?(¥ ? ¥??) "What? You still have a private vault? Are there many treasures in it? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Chong Feiyu dodged his eyes and said:

(?? ????) "I'm a former star swallower, and I'm a big mine owner. It's normal to steal billions of treasures, hide billions of private money, etc.?"

Originally, Chong Feiyu had the habit of saving treasures for emergencies!

I thought it would be used for a comeback when I came out for revenge!

But later in the Death Prison of Styx, his heart was worn out, so he just forgot about it!

But now that she was back in the starry sky and brought up the Great Wall again, she remembered it!

Jiangnan at this moment is like digging through the pockets of old clothes, and being excited to find 5 yuan out of the pockets!

Isn't this equivalent to picking it up for nothing?

(?°?д°?) "Isn't it the Martial Immortal Torrent? It's a fart! No one can stop me from hunting for treasure! I'm a southerner who wants to be the Star Thief King!"

At this moment, the bully gang is full of energy!

Samo's face was solemn:

(??????) "Big Sister! When are we going to leave? No matter how dangerous the Wuxian torrent is, I will protect you!"

Borden waved his hand:

(︶~︶〃)? "A real warrior should have the courage to face dangerous challenges and face up to the dripping blood! The flood of martial immortals? It's over just by facing it!"

The corners of Chong Feiyu's mouth twitched, do you want to change your face so quickly?

Didn't he just say that he was doing too much and wasting his time?

This is going to be worn? You are a wall grass, right?

Sona sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??﹏????) "That's what I said, but Martial Immortal Hongliu really isn't that easy to wear. I know you are brave! But it's a natural disaster in the starry sky after all!"

However, I saw that the gang of bullies became more and more excited than each other!

(? ? ?)? "Me! I was in this area before! I'm a veteran of dry goods smuggling. I have done a lot of things across the Great Wall. I know a few relatively safe smuggling routes!"

(? ??*) "And me! I belong to the Jing family. I can tell the direction and find the way. I have also done a few black jobs in smuggling. I have experience!"

"My Gamma family, gamma ray burst, right? Leave it to me to arrange! Martial Immortal Daliu? Isn't this just going home?"

Tarot even patted his chest and said:

( ?° ?? ?°(︶.?︶?)?﹃?) "Martial Immortal Torrent, right? I can still deal with this type of starry sky disaster! Don't break into too violent places!"

The gangsters volunteered one by one, Jiang Nan covered his face, everyone has unique skills, right?

God Meow is doing smuggling!

Among other things, just this group of people gathered together, almost all the races are gathered together, and there are almost no thorny problems that cannot be solved!

At this moment, Ai-chan's announcement resounded in the hall, and the Huanyu-class armed starship also retreated from the state of warp speed!

"Master~ Martial Immortal? The Great Wall of the Northern Crown has arrived!"

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, he wanted to see for himself what the No. 1 Pass in the starry sky looked like!

So a teleport came to the deck of the starship, the next moment Jiangnan's eyes shrank, and his mind was shocked!

What I saw lying in front of the Huanyu-class starship was a giant wall of starry sky exuding endless rage!

No matter from left, right, front, back, up and down, you can't get a glimpse of its whole picture, it's boundless!

The Great Wall of Galaxy is filled with extremely violent torrents of Martial Immortals!

The overall color is dark green, but its color is changing crazily, from dark green to bright blue and then to deep purple, like an overturned paint bucket!

Jiangnan even saw a huge planet being directly blasted into pieces by a powerful gamma ray burst!

There are also countless substances aggregated together under the shroud of a strong gravitational field, and a brand new planet is born!

Countless stars were born and disillusioned, and even Jiangnan saw several extremely bright supernovas erupting!

Just like flashing lights, dotted with Wuxian? The Great Wall of the North Mianzuo!

Showing his rage to the world all the time, this place is like a disordered universe, constantly evolving and repeating in destruction and new life!

Always remind the world to be in awe of the starry sky!

Even though it was so far away, Jiangnan still felt the magnificence and shock of the No. 1 pass in the starry sky!

Even before entering, the dissipated gamma-ray burst caused the Huanyu-class battleship to activate its energy shield, causing waves of ripples after being bombarded!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??ω?? ?) "Are we really going to cross this thing?"

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