Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2206 Martial Immortal? The Great Wall of the North Crown

The two kidneys were saved, but they were pulled out twice, and at the same time as the two stars were drawn out, four big red envelopes swelled up on Jiangnan's back!

Successfully upgraded from Jiang bully to Jiang Sibing!

But pulling out two stars is already the limit, Jiang Nan has never tried it before!

Bugs can be stuck in an appropriate amount, but too many bugs can hurt your body!

Under the supply of Xingyuan energy, Jiangnan quickly returned his level to Daotian Eight Stars!

And sprint towards Daotian Nine Stars crazily!

And the Huanyu-class starship pulling the gang of ten thousand bullies is also advancing towards the north of the starry sky at top speed!

This time, there is bound to be another storm, stirring up the starry sky!


At the same time, in the Starfield of the Styx River, there was only a loud "plop", and endless waves rose on the Styx River!

The Styx koi, who had fought fiercely with the Nether until now, flicked its tail and disappeared...

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Finally realized the fact that no matter how much you can beat the Death Star of Styx, you can't beat the fact that it tastes good, so you can only leave with a disappointed mood!

Seeing You Ming half-kneeling in the starry sky, gasping for breath, his whole body swollen, his clothes torn, and his face full of bad luck, he couldn't help but wipe the blood off his face!

(¬义≠(#) "Those who ride horses can be regarded as sent away..."

Turning his head, he saw the Death Star of Styx floating quietly on the river surface, the surface of the planet was blooming everywhere, burning and smoking...

Where does it look like a planet? It clearly looks like a burst of popcorn, as if it will fall apart and sink when touched!

You Ming has a dark face, is this a fart? It is no longer worth repairing!

When my family has money in the future, I will rebuild another one. The current one is already qualified to be called a ruins!

At this moment, You Ming suddenly remembered that Jiang Nan seemed to have said that he left a big gift for himself in the golden house?

You Ming, who swallowed his saliva, hurried back to the Styx Death Prison, and found the Golden House cell in Jiangnan!

The layout inside has been messed up by Starquake, but the dumb sacks scattered on a pile of gold bricks are very conspicuous!

There is even writing on the bag with a cow and horse pen!

"Great gift!"

Nether black face:

(?????????????(#) "It's really a great gift?"

So he stepped forward to untie the sack, wanting to see what kind of treasure was inside, but remembered Jiangnan's temper!

You Ming shuddered fiercely, the moment he opened the sack, he disappeared into the cell in an instant, hiding behind the wall and carefully looking towards the sack!

Seeing that there was no explosion and no smell, I was relieved, but I didn't cheat me!

After opening it, You Ming's expression couldn't help froze, and then a wry smile appeared!

I saw Dali and Chicken Soup neatly placed in the sack, a huge amount!

Before Jiang Nan left, he exchanged all his remaining grievance points, and it was all here, leaving it to You Ming for emergencies!

"That stinky fish was beaten away by me, and I found out about this? Is my crime for nothing?"

After the fact, that's all it is, right?

[Resentment value from Nether +666! ]

I saw You Ming took out a note from the sack, with Jiangnan's handwriting on it!

Dear Brother Nether:

"By the time you see this note, I've probably escaped from prison, so I don't have time to shake hands~Yah~"

"Thank you brother for your trust and care during this time! You still chose to take this step, maybe the miracle will start from this handshake!"

"Because people who believe in miracles are as great as miracles themselves. I can't promise you anything, but you will live up to me! I will never let you down!"

"The good news for me is, let's go and stir up this starry sky together, see you next time, maybe it's time to break out of the cage!"

——Jiangnan stay

You Ming looked at the note in his hand, and smiled unconsciously on his face: "Hey~ this kid!"

When he squeezed his big hand while speaking, the note instantly turned into powder!

The emotions in You Ming's chest surged, and the light in his eyes flashed, is it when he breaks the cage?

At this moment, You Ming seems to have regained the spirit of hard work, never bowing his head, and compromising that he had when he was young!

Then wait for the good news from Jiangnan... You Ming left the Golden House with a sack on his back!

The Styx Death Prison has been repaired, but it is still a dilapidated place. Without Jiangnan and Nanshen Small Shop in it, it has lost a lot of popularity!

Unexpectedly, Nanshen really led the gang of bullies to successfully escape from prison, and accomplished something that no one has ever done before in history!

Now I regret that I didn't join the bully gang!

But fortunately, when they left, they didn't take their wives away, but they left behind Bo's inheritance, and their lives were not considered lonely!

However, neither Xing Luo nor Karl, who had been locked in the cell, knew what happened!

I felt crazy shaking, after a whole day of star quakes, I fell into a mess!

At this moment, I can't help but look out through the observation window:

(#)?~?(#) "Brother Jailor? What happened to the kidneys outside? Such a big movement? It just stopped now?"

Obviously, after these three months, the two of them have learned to be humble, and even their tone of voice has become much more humble!

The jailer raised his eyebrows:

(??д???) "Don't you two know? That's right...Jiangnan escaped with more than 10,000 prisoners, and he escaped successfully!"

"Nan Shen is really awesome, I don't know how he did it!"

Xing Luo and Carl's pupils shrank, and they couldn't help but look at each other, the depths of their eyes were full of surprises!

?(ˊ?ˋ(#)? "Yahoo!!! It's over, everything is over!"

The two hugged each other excitedly, bouncing and dancing, celebrating crazily, with tears streaming down their faces!

(???口??(??口??c): "Woooooo~ Lord Xingluo! We've made it through! We've finally made it through! The King of Hades is gone!"

Xing Luo and Karl wept with joy, their eyes filled with the joy of the rest of their lives!

Although Jiangnan escaped from prison, which means a mistake and bad news for the Bose clan, but it doesn't matter at all!

For Xing Luo and Karl, this is great news, huh?

I don't care what will happen to the Bose tribe, as long as I don't have to be beaten!

The jailer looked at the two of them in a daze. Did they have some serious illness?

Wasn't Jiangnan imprisoned on the basis of the Bose clan's claim? Why did he escape from prison, these two are so happy?

At night, Karl and Xing Luo lay comfortably on the bed and closed their bloodshot eyes!

finally! Finally got a good night's sleep!

However, only the familiar sound of unlocking the lock can be heard!

The eyes that the two had just closed suddenly opened!


I saw the cell door open, and the one standing at the door was Chong Daxun holding the cell key!

Dozens of burly boys followed behind him!

I saw Chong Daxun smiling kindly!

(?????) "No way? You don't really think that Jiangnan is gone, so you don't have to check in every day, do you?"

Xing Luo: (#)? Benefit? (#)

Carl: (#)? Mouth? (#)

Nima! Jiangnan Du Temiao escaped from prison, why are there still people coming to check in!

Chong Daxun clapped his little hands:

(???????????) "Come on, brothers, don't worry, come one by one, let the two of you experience our enthusiasm, okay?"

I saw the fierce men grinning grinningly and breaking their fists, walking towards Xingluo and Karl!

(#)??Д??(#) "No! Don't! Don't come here on horseback~"

[Resentment value from Xingluo +1009! ]

[From Carl…]


Not long after, the familiar screams sounded again in the cell, and the prisoners in the next cell fell asleep peacefully listening to the wonderful screams!

Hell never ends!


While Xing Luo and Carl were enjoying the fierce man check-in package, Jiang Nan and his party had already arrived in the northern part of the starry sky on a Huanyu-class starship!

It is already extremely close to the range of the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine!

And Jiangnan's level has reached the peak of the Daotian Nine Stars, and is charging towards the Daotian Ten Stars under the supply of Xingyuan energy!

This perverted breakthrough speed is estimated to have broken the human record!

Jiangnan didn't simply get three stars, but five, and two were saved!

Even now, Jiangnan doesn't feel the bottleneck, and the Daotian Ten Stars are already a certainty!

During the training period, Jiang Nan was not idle, but checked the information of the Beimian Starry Sky Mine through the brain on the starship!

It can be regarded as having an understanding of it in advance!

The Northern Crown Starry Sky Mine has a very early origin, even dating back to before the cosmic war more than two billion years ago!

And the scope of the starry sky mine is huge, far beyond Jiangnan's imagination!

In the northern part of the starry sky, there is an incomparably huge large-scale fibrous structure, composed of countless dense clusters of galaxies!

It is the largest galaxy structure known in the universe, and it is called the Great Wall of Wuxian by the world!

The first pass in the starry sky!

One end of it extends to an astonishing length of 10 billion light-years, with twists and turns!

The length at the other end is also 7.2 billion light-years!

This largest known structure is not just talking, its scale is really outrageous!

Across the starry sky, it is like a bright Great Wall of Galaxy, dividing the entire starry sky into two!

No one in the starry sky knows, Martial Immortal? The name of the Great Wall of the North Crown!

And what makes Jiangnan's scalp tingle even more is that Wuxian? The entire range from the north of the Great Wall of the North Crown to the end of the starry sky!

All belong to the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine. What a huge area is this?

Even throwing away the Milky Way Star Field to which human beings belong is a drop in the ocean, inconspicuous!

And the Northern Crown Starry Sky Mine is also the area with the richest resources in the entire starry sky!

As if it is a unique preference for the starry sky, the rare star source mineral stars, various rare gold materials, spiritual materials, energy spars, etc., can be seen everywhere in the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine!

It's as if it was separated by Wuxian? The Great Wall of the North Crown!

The vast star area and rich resource reserves are also the real reasons why the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine has been developed and continues to produce a large amount of resources for the development of civilizations of all races!

It is not an exaggeration to call it the starry sky granary!

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