Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2209 Black Hole Jet

The starship quickly exited from the state of warp speed, and made a sharp U-turn!

The Tarots hanging on the outermost side to open the way were all thrown out, and their bodies were pulled wildly by the cables for a while!

It smashed on the asteroid, knocked all the asteroids apart, and let out a muffled sound of "Eh! Ah~"!

Under the huge strong gravitational field, the hull of the starship made a tooth-piercing sound of deformation!

And at this moment, everyone on the deck finally saw clearly the black hole lying in front of the Star Road!

Everyone's eyes were attracted, goosebumps all over!

This is an ordinary medium-sized black hole, huge and violent!

The black hole is surrounded by a distorted event horizon, which is bright yellow, and it is used as a division. Inside the event horizon, it is pitch black and completely invisible!

Above the event horizon, even time is stopped, the closer to the event horizon, the slower the flow of time!

The appearance of black holes is often accompanied by the time dilation effect!

What's even more frightening is that this medium-sized black hole is still moving, like a behemoth in the starry sky that devours everything!

The surrounding space flows towards the black hole at a terrifying speed beyond the speed of light!

Along the way, use your own powerful gravitational field to capture and attract all the surrounding stars, and then tear them apart!

Formed an extremely dense accretion disk, devouring it bit by bit!

This is obviously a black hole that is full of food and drink!

With a slight smile on Jiang Nan's face, he looked at the black hole, his eyes full of fascination!

(?? ????﹃????) "It's so charming~"

This is the first time Jiangnan has seen a real black hole in the starry sky, a violent and charming behemoth!

However, many bullies on the starship have already started screaming!

Charming fart, hey, can you still laugh in this situation? As expected of the boss of Nanshen! Are you in such a stable state of mind?

"Damn it! Can't escape! Even if I reacted fast enough, I was still captured by the gravitational field of the black hole!"

"Think of a way! Quickly think of a way? This is not a joke. If you are pulled by a black hole, there is no possibility of survival?"

"No! You can't get any closer, or the time dilation effect will come. We've been here for an hour, and it may be more than ten years outside! Are you still making a fart ticket?"

No one in the starry sky knows the horror of black holes. Even with the current level of starry sky technology, it is still impossible to fully analyze black holes and reveal their secrets!

Under the gravitational force of the black hole, even if the starship turned on the warp speed engine and fled at full power, it was still slowly pulled over!

This is just a medium-sized black hole!

Chong Feiyu was furious, even in his heyday, he would take a detour when encountering a black hole!

Is it going to be cold here today? The Zonghuang's revenge is not halfway and the middle road collapses?

How can this work? Hey!

(???﹏??)? "Whoever has a trick, hurry up and think about it? Go in and you'll be gone!"

I saw the impatience on Acrylic's face, and the infinite momentum bloomed on his body!

(¬~¬)? "Stardust gravitational field? Gravitational slingshot!"

With a wave of the acrylic hand, infinite stardust blooms, and the powerful gravitational field covers the entire starship, surrounding the black hole, with the help of a gravitational slingshot!

He just threw the starship out, and the huge starship rolled in the starry sky!

But finally escaped the gravitational capture of the black hole, and was able to use the warp speed to travel away, so as not to be pulled over and swallowed!

At this moment, everyone looked at the acrylic gratefully!

Awesome! Is it a gravitational slingshot?

What about the stardust gravitational field? Isn't that the ability of the Stardust Clan? How about acrylic?

Jiang Nan grinned and gave a thumbs up to the acrylic!

Acrylic's expression froze, he turned his head directly, sneered and said coolly:

(︶~︶〃) "Don't get me wrong, I'm not for you! It's for myself!"

"If I don't get out of the black hole, I will die myself, don't get me wrong!"

Jiang Nan teased:

(?? ???) "Oh~ If you want to help, just say so! Are you quite arrogant?"

Acrylic stared: "You..."

But he didn't say anything, but turned his head and snorted coldly!

However, at this moment, Wang Youzhi hurriedly talked about Jiangnan:

( ?° ? ?°) "Hey hey hey~ Watch carefully, something exciting is coming, not everyone has the opportunity to see this scene!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, what's wrong?

At this moment, the accretion disk on the edge of the medium-sized black hole began to collapse crazily!

The dense matter that makes up the accretion disk is accelerated by the black hole's distorted magnetic field!

A bubble similar to a dome structure is formed outside the black hole!

The next moment, the bubble in the dome burst! Two jets of incomparably hot ultra-high-temperature material spewed out from the center of the accretion disk up and down in two directions!

The jet is extremely dazzling bright blue, where the material jet passes, planets are destroyed, stars explode, and nebulae are blasted out with huge holes!

The torrent of Wuxian was broken by the jet of ultra-high temperature material emitted by the black hole, and nothing could stop the jet!

The jet stream extends outward for an infinite distance, and even runs through several galaxies!

Everyone looked dumbfounded, this is like a bright blue lightsaber that can split galaxies and destroy everything!

And such a spectacle really happened in front of everyone's eyes!

If he left later and was swept by that jet, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving!

The jet continued for a long time, until the accretion disk at the edge of the black hole disappeared, and it was finally over!

And the black hole that erupted in a wave regained its refreshment, and once again captured and devoured the surrounding matter, the endless cycle!

Jiang Nan looked at this scene in horror, the torrent of Wuxian that was split has not been healed yet!

Σ(?口??)? "Just... what was that just now? Isn't the black hole swallowing everything? Why is there still a jet?"

Wang Youzhi laughed straight, his eyes sparkling: "Who said black holes can only swallow? The one just now is the black hole jet phenomenon!"

"The dense matter in the accretion disk is accelerated by the distorted magnetic field, and when it reaches a critical value, it will form a black hole jet. You also saw the jet of ultra-high temperature matter just now!"

"Even if it is swallowing a star, you have to take it slowly. This is just an inconspicuous medium-sized black hole. If it is a large black hole, a super-large black hole, their black hole jets can easily blow up the entire galaxy, even Can kill swallowing star!"

"Those ejected substances contain all kinds of basic substances that make up planets. After natural evolution, they will form planets and stars again..."

"The existence of a black hole not only means destruction, but also the power of creation! Destruction and rebirth! Do you understand?"

Wang Youzhi is not talking nonsense. When he was bored before, he did not miss these things, so he just used them to pass the time!

He knows the essence of some things in the starry sky, and how they come from!

It's like squatting on the ground to watch ants bored...

Jiang Nan swallowed:

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Is it a black hole jet? This is the first time I know it, what if I... this... this can work?"

Wang Youzhi looked forward to saying:


"If the time dilation effect of the event horizon is used well, it will be more abnormal than this black hole jet. Any path will have something in common with other paths at the end!"

"Why don't you try it next time?"

Jiang Nan's heart also became excited. To be honest, the last time he released the black hole swallowing star field, he was completely out of control, and he was in a daze!

Not to mention the control, if you have a careful understanding of the mystery, it will be good if you can come back alive, okay?

Jiangnan will never use the domain again before becoming superhuman, otherwise it would be purely playing with his life!

After all, it is not perfect!

But after going to Transcendence, I don't know if there will be any new changes in my field!

The scene just now has been rubbed by Jiangnan Soul!

If you have a chance, you can try it, whether you can use your own black hole swallowing star field to simulate the black hole jet phenomenon!

If possible, is this a proper star cannon?

( ?° ?? ?°) "Sure! I will definitely try it next time!"

Chong Feiyu frowned:

(???.??)???? "Try? Try what? How does it feel to try to resist the black hole jet?"

"You will definitely die if you try this, right? Don't mess around, you?"

"But the jet stream just now was really scary~ I don't know if I can handle it in my heyday. If anyone can control the black hole as a weapon, it will be invincible?"

Sam smiled and waved his hands:

(︶.?︶〃)? "Elder sister, you can hold back your jokes. Black holes are pure giant beasts in the starry sky. How can human beings control them?"

Borden said with a smile: "Isn't it? You can hold back your whimsy, let's think about something practical!"

Wang Youzhi spread his hands: ?( ?′~?`)? "Where is the whimsy? Isn't there a pervert around you who can control black holes?"

While speaking, he pointed to Jiangnan!

At this moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan smiled shyly:

?(〃?? ???) "Oh~ I can't say I can completely control it~ It's just that after I released it, the three swallowing stars didn't dare to fuck me~ ahahaha~"

As soon as these words came out, the bully gang was startled, and they laughed even louder!

"Should I say it or not, Nanshen's bragging is as real as it is! It seems like that!"

The smile on Jiangnan's face froze, and he couldn't help but stare:

o(?口?*)o "I'm not lying! I really can!"

Sam covered his mouth and smirked:

(?????) "Puff puff puff ~ then Nanshen Boss, put one for everyone to have long eyes!"

Jiang Nan's face darkened even more:

(???~?? ??)? "Due to some personal reasons, I can't release it at this stage!"

The eyes of the crowd became even more teasing, and Jiang Nan said unhappily:

(???Dish??)? "All right! I can't! I can brag about it, right? Bah!"

As he said that, he ignored people, and everyone giggled, won't they go back?

However, Jiulan on the side didn't mean to laugh at Jiangnan at all, because she knew that Jiangnan was definitely not bragging!

He should really know it, otherwise the Law Society would not explain it, and must pry out the secret method of artificially forming black holes from Jiangnan's mouth!

But Jiu Lan really couldn't think of how human power could control the black hole-like monster in the starry sky?

Talking and laughing all the way, everyone has broken into the core area of ​​the Great Wall of Galaxy, getting closer and closer to the location of the small treasury!

What Jiangnan and the others didn't know was that an extremely fierce battle was breaking out at another location in the Great Wall of Galaxy!

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