As for the collusion between Colonel Mouse and the Dragon Pirates.

Instead of killing Colonel Mouse or reporting to the Navy Headquarters, it is better to let Colonel Mouse make up for what he has done.

If Colonel Mouse is still stubborn, then Noah will deal with Colonel Mouse himself.

After Noah left, Colonel Mouse hurriedly asked his subordinates to sail away.

Along Paradise.

A Jian was leading the villagers to capture and tie up the seriously injured fishman pirates.

The villagers led by Nami were sorting out the supplies and treasures in Arlong Paradise.

The burned buildings in Arlong Paradise were mainly the areas where the fishman pirates had daily activities, so most of the supplies and treasures in Arlong Paradise were not burned by the flames.

And after Noah's battle with the Dragon Pirates ended, the villagers also came to put out the fire.

Noah did not return to Arlong Paradise immediately, but went to the Dragon Star Ship first, and then drove the Dragon Star Ship to the entrance of Arlong Paradise.

After a while.

The supplies and treasures in Arlong Paradise have been sorted out.

In an open space in Arlong Paradise, supplies and treasures piled up into several small hills.

Noah walked down from the Dragon Star Ship, holding a letter in his hand, which was Nami's "indenture".

When Noah passed by the villagers, every villager looked at Noah with gratitude.

Noah walked towards the "hill" of supplies and the "hill" of treasure.

Nami just walked out of the room in Arlong Paradise with a wooden box.

Nami saw Noah, and she saw the letter in Noah's hand.

Nami walked towards Noah, and the two met in front of the "hill" of treasure.

"Here you go." Noah handed Nami's indenture to her.

The Dragon Pirates have been destroyed, and the 70 million Baileys that Noah lent to Nami are no longer useful.

So this indenture has been invalidated.

Nami stared at Noah blankly, she did not take back the indenture Noah handed to her.

Nami hated pirates, Noah was not a pirate, so Nami's first impression of Noah was good.

The second point is that Noah lent her, a pirate and a "little thief cat", with only a indenture. In the past few years, the boy in front of her was the first to trust her so much, which touched Nami very much.

The third point is that on this sea, the strong are respected, and the strong will be worshipped at the first time, plus Noah is handsome and has a muscular body.

Girls admire "strong", and women like handsome. Nami also has these two thoughts.

But Noah is also very rich. Thinking of this, Nami's eyes immediately turned into the symbol of Bailey.

The matter of Kokoa Nishi Village has been resolved. In the next few days, Nami wants to live the way she likes.

Nami thinks Noah will be a good partner at sea.

The most important point is that Noah destroyed the Dragon Pirates, which is what impressed Nami the most.

"Are you still missing a partner?"

"I can draw a sea chart, and I am a very good navigator."

Nami smiled.

The Dragon Pirates were destroyed, and Cocoa Village was saved. Now Nami is a real "little thief cat".

This kind of Nami is Noah's favorite.

"I don't just lack a navigator."

"I also lack a partner who manages money."

"I don't know if you can handle these two positions."

Noah joked.

"I suspect you are playing hard to get."

Nami snatched the indenture from Noah's hand with one hand, looking like you have bad intentions.

"I wanted you since you sold me the indenture." Noah said in a very free and easy tone.

Then, Noah took out the key to the safe room on his waist, held Nami's soft and cold hand with one hand, and handed the key to Nami.

"All the treasures on the ship will be handed over to you."

"You will be my partner in the future."

Just as Noah finished speaking and let go of Nami's hand, Jian walked to Noah.

"Benefactor, I want the villagers in the surrounding villages to judge these fish-man pirates, please agree."

Jian called Noah "Benefactor", which was not only Jian's gratitude to Noah, but also the gratitude of all the villagers present to Noah.

Noah is not a pirate, and the destruction of the Dragon Pirates is not for his own fame and treasure.

Noah is not a pirate hunter, and the destruction of the Dragon Pirates is not for the bounty of the Dragon Pirates.

Precisely because Noah is nothing, Noah's gratitude to all the villagers will be deeper.

Because of this, Nami is more convinced and grateful to Noah.

Noah listened to what Jian said and thought it would be a very interesting thing.

"The Dragon Pirates have been destroyed. What will happen next?"It's up to you to decide for yourselves."

"Yes, benefactor."

Ajian retreated. He felt that Noah was a good man and a trustworthy person. If Nami could follow such a person, Ajian felt that this was a very good result.

So after Ajian asked, he left immediately, leaving time and space for Noah and Nami.

For Ajian's behavior, Noah just smiled and didn't say much.

It was also Noah's ambition to sleep on the lap of a beautiful woman.

For the current Nami, Noah did covet a little bit in his heart, but it was not like or love at all. The combination of the two Noah only admired Nami when he looked at her.

It was because of Noah's eyes that Nami was not opposed to becoming Noah's subordinate or partner.

For a beautiful woman, appreciating her with your eyes and praising her with your mouth can make a girl very happy.

Of course, the premise is that you don't make the girl hate you.

Otherwise, you will become a hot sheep.

Noah looked at Nami and said:

"Since you are already my partner, my navigator, my butler, then remember to take back the 70 million Baileys you borrowed from me before."

"After all, now these 70 million Baileys are not only mine, but also yours."

"See you tonight. "

Noah left Nami's sight in a flash.

Since Nami has become the navigator of the Dragon Star Ship, the original navigator and helmsman of the Dragon Star Ship should also send them back to Xiluobu Village.

After all, the two of them were only on the Dragon Star Ship temporarily, and they became the navigator and helmsman of the Dragon Star Ship only because it was the order of Kaya's parents.

On the Dragon Star Ship, Noah returned to the deck.

The navigator and helmsman of the Dragon Star Ship happened to be on the deck.

Noah noticed that there was tension and fear in the eyes of these two people.

Not long after Noah went out to sea, he directly confronted the pirate fishman Arlong with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, and even destroyed the Dragon Pirates, which had a great reputation in the East China Sea.

This should have been a joyful thing. things, but they only felt uneasy in their hearts.

This is just the beginning. They dare not imagine that if they accompany Noah to sail for a while, the enemies they face will definitely be more terrible.

The caravan of Kaya's parents has been sailing and trading in the East China Sea. The East China Sea is very peaceful, and the possibility of encountering a large pirate group is very small. They are just small navigators and helmsmen. How can they not be afraid in their hearts?

But the two of them buried their fear and nervousness in their hearts.

Because the two of them were acting on orders and could not disobey orders.

Noah understood the fear and nervousness in their hearts.

"After leaving here, I will take you directly back to Xiluobu Village. The order you once received is officially declared completed."

As soon as Noah said this, the eyes of the two people instantly became happy, but they still hid their joy in their hearts.

If it weren't for Noah's sharp perception, Noah really wouldn't have discovered these.

"Yes, young master!" The two answered in unison.

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