The scene returns to the Along Paradise.

Under the leadership of Ajian, the villagers classified the materials and treasures found in Along Paradise.

After that, the villagers will gradually send the divided materials and treasures to the villages that were once ruled by the Dragon Pirates.

By the time they finished distributing them, it was already dark.

A fire lit up the darkness of tonight and ignited the entire Along Paradise.

The villagers watched the whole process from the flames to the flames going out.

This fire made the sea red.

Those fish-man pirates who were seriously injured by Noah and had been tied up and detained were naturally furious when they saw their homes being completely destroyed, and they wanted to eat the flesh and blood of these lowly humans.

From then on, Along Paradise no longer existed.

During this period, the Dragon Star Ship did not leave, and was still anchored on the sea at the entrance of Along Paradise.

The villagers kept their eyes on the Dragon Star Ship from time to time.

Noah has been watching the changes in Along Paradise on the bow deck.

Nami has been with Noah all the time.

Nami looked at Noah with a very gentle look.

Because Nami knew why Noah had been on the bow deck for most of the day.

Noah did this to protect these villagers, suppress the fish-man pirates, and prevent the fish-man pirates from rioting, even if these fish-man pirates were tied up.

Although Noah did not say it, Nami knew everything Noah did.

There were also several villagers who knew what Noah did behind their backs.

These villagers who knew why Noah had been standing on the bow deck spread the news.

More and more villagers looked at Luo Chuan with more gratitude, and many villagers knelt down directly to express their gratitude.

If the Dragon Star ship was not on the sea, these villagers would definitely go on board in person to express their gratitude to Noah in person.

On the Dragon Star ship.

Noah looked at Nami.

"We will leave after you finish judging the Dragon Pirates."

Whether it is Nokigo or Mr. Ken, they all need Nami to say goodbye. Noah specifically said this to give Nami some time to say goodbye.

"By the way, I will not participate in the follow-up of the Dragon Pirates. You can go on my behalf."

The villagers' gratitude to him is actually useless to Noah. Noah is not a revolutionary army that wants to overthrow the world government and liberate all mankind.

Noah only needs Nami.

So Noah will not participate in the follow-up of the Dragon Pirates.

The only thing Noah has to do now is to suppress these captured fish-man pirates.

What Noah doesn't know is that the less he cares about the villagers' gratitude, the stronger the villagers' gratitude to Noah will be.

Perhaps, this is the most deadly invisible pretense!

For example, Nami now looks at Noah with a different look. Nami feels that following Noah is the most correct decision she has ever made.

"I know, Boss."

The change in Nami's address to Noah means that Nami has truly become Noah's partner.

The Dragon Star Ship is not a pirate ship, and Noah is not a pirate. In the pirate world, the word "captain" easily reminds people of pirates, so Nami's address to Noah has become "Boss".

Nami hates pirates very much.

"What is the name of our faction?"

"There is no flag on the ship."

Nami has become the second owner of the Dragon Star Ship, and she is already considering the name and flag of the future faction.

"Faction... Flag..." Noah fell into deep thought.

Nami quietly waited for Noah's answer beside Noah.

Ten minutes later.

"War God Temple!"

"Black Dragon Flag!"

This is the faction name and flag that Noah came up with.

The Temple of War will be a force similar to the Mercenary Union. Noah wants to gather the strong men in the pirate world in the Temple of War and make it a force that is superior to the whole world.

Why did Noah want to form the Temple of War and gather the strong men?

The most important reason is the Panlong Ring.

The Panlong Ring has a spirit, and the spirit is in tune with Noah, but this spirit is similar to the most basic artificial intelligence, with only a question-and-answer function.

The Panlong Ring seals the magic, mask, and spell. After the seal of the Panlong Ring is unlocked, the most important ability of the Panlong Ring will be unlocked.

This most important ability is to sacrifice enough devil fruits to open space travel.

So Noah not only wants to hunt devil fruits, but also to form the strongest force in the pirate world.

Prepare for future battles in other worlds.

The "Black Dragon Flag" is because Noah thought of the Black Dragon Tian in "Wu Geng Ji". Noah wants to become the strongest person in the whole world..

Noah wanted to plant the Black Dragon Flag in every place in the pirate world.

Even one day in the future, the Black Dragon Flag will be planted above the heavens and the worlds.

Both "War Temple" and "Black Dragon Flag" represent Noah's infinite ambitions.

"It sounds quite impressive, not bad!"

Nami approved of the name and flag of the faction given by Noah.

The faction name is "War Temple", which is well separated from the names of various pirate groups, and Nami is even more satisfied.

Because Nami really hates pirates, even though the Dragon Pirates have been destroyed by Noah.

"Then I'm leaving, boss."

"Leave the follow-up of the Dragon Pirates to me."

Nami, who was reborn from the ashes, seemed particularly lively and likable, whether she was talking or doing things.

Nami got off the ship and left, and Noah went to think about how to make the "Black Dragon Flag".


Two days later.

Noah drew the flag of the "War Temple": the Black Dragon Flag.

At this time, the villagers had already dealt with the matter of the Dragon Pirates.

Nami came back to the Dragon Star Ship once in the past two days.

Nami brought back the 70 million berries that Noah lent her, and she also brought back 50 million berries.

Of the 50 million berries, 30 million berries belonged to Nami herself, and the remaining 20 million berries were given to Noah by the villagers.

This was given by the villagers forcibly, and Nami had to accept it for Noah.

When Nami transported the treasure back to the Dragon Star Ship, she also told Noah about the follow-up treatment of the Dragon Pirates and gave Noah a video Den Den Mushi.

This video Den Den Mushi recorded the villagers' trial process of the Dragon Pirates.

Noah took a quick look at the video in the video Den Den Mushi, and then put the video Den Den Mushi in the place where Den Den Mushi were placed in the Dragon Star Ship.

After Nami delivered the video Den Den Mushi to Noah, she left the Dragon Star Ship.

On the third day, Colonel Mouse came to give Noah 20 million berries.

However, the navy officer Colonel Mouse came just in time to settle the bounty of the Dragon Pirates.

The bounty of all the cadres of the Dragon Pirates was as high as 45 million, and the bounty of Arlong was 20 million berries.

65 million berries!

The navy branch of Colonel Mouse could not afford so much berries to pay the bounty of the Dragon Pirates.

Colonel Mouse directly reported the destruction of the Dragon Pirates and the bounty to the Navy Headquarters.

The 65 million berries bounty will be paid by the Navy Headquarters.

When Colonel Mouse left, he also took away a lot of fish-man pirates from the Dragon Pirates.

Most of the remaining fish-man pirates were killed by the villagers.

The villagers who killed the fish-man pirates had their relatives killed by the fish-man pirates.

How could they not avenge their blood feud with their own hands?

The fish-man pirates who were killed included the captain of the Dragon Pirates, the fish-man Along.

Colonel Mouse returned to the Navy Branch with some fish-man pirates, which meant that the Dragon Pirates' affairs were completely over.

The moon is very bright today, but the moonlight is particularly cold.

At the junction of Cocoa West Village and Gosa Town, by the sea.

Noah came here.

There is a stone tablet more than three meters high here, with the words "Dragon" engraved on it. Below the two words, there are pictures of Noah defeating the Dragon Pirates.

This is the tomb of the Dragon Pirates.

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