The fishman pirates fell to the ground with serious injuries one after another, and Croobi, a cadre of Arlong's group, punched them directly.

Thousand Watts Punch!

This is the name of Croobi's punch, the name is loud and the power is also good.

Noah blocked with the sword of the Black Stone Sword, but facing the power of Croobi's "Thousand Watts Punch", Noah still took three steps back.

In fact, Noah could dodge, but Noah wanted to test the wrist strength of the fishman.

"You are very good."

"But that's all."

Noah took the Black Stone Sword wrapped in the Armament Haki, teleported with the Navy Six Styles "Shave", and disappeared from the sight of the fishman pirate Croobi.

When Croobi reacted, he could only feel the severe pain in his body.

Noah cut a bloody wound on Croobi's chest with a sword.

The battle between Noah and the Dragon Pirates was seen by the villagers inside and outside Arlong Paradise.

At the beginning, these villagers did not have any expectations for Noah.

In their eyes, the fishmen were invincible.

But as Noah defeated the fishmen pirates who were invincible in their eyes one by one, the confidence of these villagers was ignited by Noah.

Especially under the leadership of Ajian, the villagers also rose up to resist the fishmen pirates.

The fishmen pirates are bearing the rage of humans for several years.

The villagers of Kokoa West Village still have blood, but their blood needs a strong person to lead, otherwise they will never resist the Dragon Pirates in their lives.

Just like Nami carries Kokoa West Village on her own, and all the villagers of Kokoa West Village know what Nami has done, but the villagers of Kokoa West Village are still quietly watching Nami work hard for Kokoa West Village.

The only thing the villagers do for Nami is to remain silent.

This is equivalent to doing nothing.

Faced with the danger of life and death, the villagers of Kokoa West Village seek benefits and avoid harm. If there is no hero to give them hope, they will do nothing.

So Noah's evaluation of the villagers of Kokoa West Village can only be said that these people still have a little blood.

In Noah's previous life, if the ancestors of Blue Star faced such invasion and oppression, they would go through fire and water to kill the invaders even if they were powerless.

Maybe this is the cultural difference between the Pirate World and the Blue Star World.

Noah will not comment much, just follow the local customs and watch quietly.

Noah is not a saint, he is not here to liberate all mankind in the Pirate World. If Noah did not want to take Noah Nami under his command, Noah would not come to Arlong Paradise at all.

In Noah's "East Sea Devil Fruit Prey Plan", there is no Dragon Pirates at all.


The current Arlong Paradise is completely caught in the battle.

Colonel Mouse led the marines to retreat to the navy ship.

The scene of Noah ruthlessly crushing the fishman pirates frightened Colonel Mouse.

In the battle.

Two cadres of Arlong's group were seriously injured and defeated one after another, and Arlong knew that he should take action.

At this moment, behind Luo Chuan, a huge monster jumped out of the sea and rushed straight towards Noah, trying to crush Noah.

Gravel splashed and a big pit appeared.

It was the sea beast Moo that appeared in the big pit.

Although Noah has not awakened the observation Haki, Noah's perception is already good.

Noah will be able to awaken the observation Haki soon.

Noah relied on his perception and the teleportation of "shaving" to avoid the back attack of the sea beast Moo.

The huge figure of the sea beast Moo shrouded the villagers, and the fear of the sea beast shrouded the villagers.

Facing the sea beast Moo, Noah was not afraid at all.

Noah knew that the sea monster in front of him was just a show.

Noah covered his right foot with his Armament Haki, jumped up at the speed of teleportation, and kicked the sea monster Moo Moo in the chest. The sea monster Moo Moo was kicked directly to the sea surface by Noah and fainted.

The cadres of the Dragon Pirates were just like soldiers to Noah.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

If Arlong didn't take action, Noah would defeat all the fish-man pirates.

From the beginning to now, this battle has been Noah's personal show. It is precisely because of Noah's victory that all the villagers inside and outside Arlong Paradise regard Noah as the hope of getting rid of the Dragon Pirates.

Even Nami is no exception.

All of them hope that Noah can defeat the Dragon Pirates.


Endless flames appeared from Noah's body, gathered towards the sky, and condensed into fist-sized fireballs in the sky.

Noah is ready to end this battle.

Since Aaron still won't attack, there's no need to attack.

The fireball fell from the sky and turned into a real flaming meteor.

This attackThe name is exactly: Flame Meteor.

The villagers who were out of Noah's attack range retreated directly. The fish-man pirates tried to attack Noah directly, but were blocked by a flame wall summoned by Noah.

Under the flame meteor, there were wails of fish-man pirates.

When all the flame meteors fell, most of the fish-man pirates of the Dragon Pirates were burned by the flames and seriously injured.

The fish-man pirates lay on the ground and wailed. They all lost the ability to resist.

Especially Aaron, he was the focus of the flame meteor.

The power of the flame meteor was weakened by Noah. If not, these fish-man pirates would have turned to ashes.

Except for the wrist strength that is ten times that of ordinary people, the fish-man pirates of the Dragon Pirates have the same strength as ordinary people, and they are also mortal.

Moreover, among the Dragon Pirates, no fish-man pirates can use the Armament Haki.

Such fish-man pirates, facing Noah's fire power, can only let Noah slaughter them.

From Noah's entry into the Along Paradise to the present.

No fish-man pirate has really died in Noah's hands.

Noah will not kill them personally, because Noah wants to leave the lives of these fish-man pirates to the villagers, and let the villagers decide the life and death of these fish-man pirates.

As for how the villagers will deal with these fish-man pirates, it has nothing to do with Noah.

The Dragon Pirates have been dealt with by Noah alone, and the follow-up matters can be completed by others.

Noah came to the navy ship in a few jumps.

As soon as Noah got on the ship, Colonel Mouse trembled with fear, and then fell to the ground. Those marines were afraid of Noah and dared not to take action. Their eyes were full of fear of Noah.

"I don't care what you did before."

"Twenty million Baileys for your life."

"If you continue to collude with pirates and exploit and oppress nearby villagers, I will come back to settle your old and new accounts with you."

"You know, I have the ability."

"You take care of yourself."

Noah left the navy ship after saying that.

Twenty million Baileys was the money that Colonel Mouse had cheated Kaya's parents before, and Noah asked Colonel Mouse to pay it back.

In terms of money, Colonel Mouse did cheat Noah.

However, in the end, if there was no Colonel Mouse, Noah would not have been so easily exposed to the Navy Six-style and Two-color Haki.

From then on, there was no relationship between Noah and Colonel Mouse.

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