"If the fishmen are really in cahoots with the pirates, then they deserve to die."

Lei Long had no objection to this.

Although the residents of Fishman Island did not commit any crime.

But if those civilians and pirates conspired together for rebellion, that would be another matter.


Lei Long took out a golden Den Den Mushi from his pocket.

This is a Den Den Mushi special for the Demon Slayer Order, which can only be possessed by those at the rank of admiral.

Soon, the lieutenant generals of the headquarters who received the order began to assemble quickly.

After a while, ten lieutenant generals of the headquarters and fifteen warships were assembled.

On a warship, hundreds of soldiers were lined up neatly, standing straight, waiting for orders to be issued.

Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane were also among them.

"What's so urgent?"

"Directly launch the demon-slaying order?"

"Where are we going this time?"

The four of them began to discuss.

"The target this time is Fishman Island. The Fishman and Rocks Pirates will join forces to attack the Celestial Dragons."

"Everyone remember, the main goal this time is to rescue the Celestial Dragons"

"If the Celestial Dragons die, Fishman Island must be buried with them."The admiral of the Navy Headquarters came to the soldiers and gave the order expressionlessly.

As soon as the order was issued, it immediately caused quite a stir among the soldiers.

"What? The fishmen attacked the celestial dragons? No way?"

"Fishman Island is also going to be buried with him? Is this really okay?"

"Civilians should be innocent.

Some young, kind-hearted and righteous soldiers expressed their opinions.

"By the way, how could fish-men join forces with pirates?"

"Isn't Fishman Island a member of the World Government?"

After hearing such an order, Garp was also very puzzled.

"Haha, I didn't expect this day to come so early."Zhan Guo didn't seem surprised at all.

"Oh? Sengoku, why do you say that?"Garp asked.

Crane on the side took over the conversation at this time:"Garp, you are stupid, Fishman Island is a member of the World Government, and has always paid a lot of Tianshangjin, but the World Government has never cared about the life and death of Fishman Island."

"There are more and more murloc slaves in the Holy Land, and the price of murloc slaves sold by human trafficking is getting higher and higher."

"The fishmen's desire to live on the ground was constantly rejected."

"If it were me, I would rebel too, but I didn't expect them to join forces with the pirates."

Tsuru has a long-term view of things.

Zephyr nodded. He also knew something about Fishman Island:"Yes, the world government has indeed treated the fishmen too badly."

"Why did they attack the fish-people civilians? Even if the Celestial Dragons died, the murderer should be found and severely punished. How could they hurt innocent people?"Garp clenched his fists, feeling indignant.

"Enough of the nonsense, soldiers!"

""Obedience is the nature of a soldier. If you hear me say this again, get out of the team immediately!"

At this moment, the voice of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters sounded coldly and ruthlessly.

Although his dream when he was young was to punish evil and promote good, and uphold justice, his years of military service had already made this Vice Admiral numb.

What is upholding justice? It's all bullshit.

The Navy...After all, it is an organization that serves the Celestial Dragons.

As for the so-called justice, it is just a slogan used to cover up the truth and deceive civilians.

For a moment, the soldiers were silent.

Even Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane did not dare to communicate.

Soon, the troops were assembled, and Admiral Lei Long was the commander, ready to go to Fishman Island.

"What are you waiting for? Set off immediately!"Lei Long saw that the warship had not moved for a long time, so he gave the order:

"Report...Report to General Lei Long,...The warship has not been coated yet!" said a communications soldier hesitantly.

"What?!! How could you make such a low-level mistake?!"Lei Long grabbed the soldier's collar and asked loudly

"Report....Report! The navy never goes to Fishman Island for reinforcements on weekdays, so there is not even a single coated warship."

"After all, no one expected....The usually docile fishmen would attack the Celestial Dragons."

The signalman scratched his head a little embarrassedly.


Hearing this, Lei Long could only let go and be patient.

The Navy really never cared about the life and death of Fishman Island, so they didn't even prepare a coated warship on weekdays.

Now, it's a self-inflicted consequence.

Now we can only wait for the coating to be completed as soon as possible.

I hope the Celestial Dragons won't be killed so quickly.

"How long does coating take?"

"Even if all the craftsmen were gathered together,...The fastest time is 12 hours...."

"Twelve hours? Absolutely not!! I'll give you six hours....The coating must be completed in six hours!"..........

At the same time, 10,000 meters deep in the sea, on Fishman Island,

CP0 had been solved by the angry fishmen.

The Celestial Dragon Guards were also wiped out by Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate.

Only one Celestial Dragon was left.

The Celestial Dragon was tortured beyond recognition by Rocks and Lorne, with blood all over his face. The glass hood had been broken, and the space suit was covered in blood.

The Celestial Dragon, with his limbs broken, looked like a human nunchaku.

"I...I want to let...navy...Admiral...Kill you...."

"Bundle...Put you...Kill them all...."

The dying Saint Izramani still shouted.

Soon, he was tied up by Rocks and Lorne and hung in the center of the most empty Jilong Court Square in Fishman Island, which was very eye-catching.

"Damn it! Celestial Dragons!"

"Look at his miserable state!"

"It's so exciting!!"

At this time, all the residents of Fishman Island gathered in Jilong Court Square. Hundreds of thousands of people were rubbing shoulders with each other, and it was very lively.

Everyone looked up at the tortured Tianlong people who looked like human beings, and they were extremely excited.

I didn't expect that the world's nobles would also have this day.

"Everyone, be quiet. King Neptune is going to say a few words.

The voice of the left minister sounded on the radio in the square, and all the fish people fell silent instantly.

"I believe everyone understands that today, we have taken action against the world's noble celestial dragons!"

"The reason is simple. The Celestial Dragons have enslaved us for hundreds of years, and countless of our fellow fishmen have died tragically in the holy land!"

"From eight hundred years ago until today, we fishmen still live in the seabed!"

Neptune's voice resounded throughout the audience, and many fishmen even began to sob.

After all, for so many years, the fishmen have really lived too aggrievedly.

"But everything is different from today!"

"From now on, we fishmen will head to the land, where there is unlimited sunshine, fresh air, and vast land!"

"No one will dare to capture our compatriots anymore, and there won’t be a single murloc slave in the Holy Land of the Celestial Dragons anymore!"

"We will start a new life!"

"That was the life we once dreamed of!"

At this point, Neptune became emotional and even shed tears!

Letting the fish people live on land was also his dream as a king.

He didn't expect it to come true so soon.

"King Neptune...."

Seeing Neptune crying, the fishmen couldn't help crying out loud.

"Is it really possible? Living on land?"Some young fishmen were full of longing.

Soon, Neptune calmed down and continued:

"Of course, there is a reason for all this!"

"The reason why we dare to resist the Celestial Dragons today is all because of them!"

"They are the benefactors of Fishman Island!"

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