"They are the heroes of Fishman Island!"

Neptune's voice was passionate and the radio transmitted this voice to every corner of Fishman Island!

"Fellow residents, we will now introduce it to you with great pride!"

"They are Lord Lorne, Lord Lockes, and Lord Newgate!"

"It is because of them that we, Fishman Island, dare to take action against the Celestial Dragons today!"

"From now on, the fish people will bid farewell to the past history and usher in a bright future!"

""Cheer up! Fellow countrymen!"

Neptune said with a smile, turning his huge body.

Rocks, Lorne and Newgate appeared in front of everyone!


"I know, I know, they are the Rocks Pirates!"

"Without them, we wouldn't dare to attack the Celestial Dragons even if we were given a hundred thousand guts!"

"After all, taking action against the Celestial Dragons would definitely incur the wrath of the admirals!"

"The Admiral of the Navy is not someone we from Fishman Island can handle!"

"Moreover, they also gave us fishmen some land and ensured our safety!"

"And we just hand over the heavenly gold that is given to the world government to them"

"Help them complete some work on weekdays"

"Those jobs are too hard for humans, but for us who have ten times the strength of ordinary humans, it is child's play!"


"Lord Lorne, Lord Rocks, Lord Newgate! You are such great people!"

The fishmen have already started cheering.

The sound almost broke through the huge bubble covering the Mermaid Island.

After all, the fishmen knew the level of Neptune and the Royal Guard.

If there was no one to back them up, they would never attack the Celestial Dragons!

It is precisely because of the existence of the Rocks Pirates that Fishman Island can be proud today and avoid tragedy!

Otherwise, the Celestial Dragons would definitely go on a killing spree here.

For a time, the fishmen's admiration for Rocks, Lorne and Newgate was like a surging river.

"I swear, I will work hard to practice, I want to join the Rocks Pirates! I want to become a member of the Rocks Pirates!"

"Humph, me too, I want to follow Lord Lorne, Lord Lockes and Lord Newgate!"

"I want one too! I want one too!"

Some young fishmen have already regarded joining the Rocks Pirates as their dream to pursue!

Seeing this, Lorne and the other two also smiled with satisfaction.

Especially Rocks, who didn't expect that his suggestion would work so well.

Now it seems that these fishmen actually regard the Rocks Pirates as their [dream]!

The Rocks Pirates will gain another group of loyal members!

"I didn't expect the effect to be so good. Brother, it has to be you."Locks looked at Lorne and said.

With the help of the fishmen, Wano Country will prosper!

"All this is thanks to the Celestial Dragons, brother."Lorne said to Rocks with a smile.

Without the sudden intrusion of the Celestial Dragons, how could such an effect be achieved?

"Yes, you know what, these idiots are sometimes quite useful."Locks nodded.

"Well, fellow countrymen, now is not the time to cheer."

"If we defeat the Celestial Dragons, the Navy will definitely send out the Admiral"

"Now let's leave Fishman Island immediately and head to Wano Country!"

At the same time, Neptune continued his speech.

Just now, at the suggestion of Lorne, Neptune had sent fishmen to Marinford to monitor the movements of the Navy Headquarters.

After all, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters could not remain indifferent to the Celestial Dragons.

These fishmen monitored the Navy Headquarters underwater and were almost impossible to be discovered.

The Navy Headquarters had neglected Fishman Island for a long time, and even the warships had not been coated.

However, although the Navy was ready to dispatch the Navy Admiral, the coating would take some time.

This time could be used to allow the fishmen to escape from Fishman Island.

"No..."Oh no, Your Majesty Neptune!"

Just then, the catfish fishman left minister ran over in a hurry, with an expression that said he was in great trouble.

"What's wrong, Left Minister?" Neptune asked.

"navy...The navy ships are here!"

"And above...He was also riding on the Thunder Dragon, one of the three generals!"


After hearing this news, Neptune's huge body almost couldn't stand still.

"Didn't they say that the navy coating would take at least six hours?"

Neptune's tone was a little impatient.

The fishmen sent out to monitor the situation reported that it would take at least six hours to complete the coating.

This made Neptune think that he had enough time to escape.

"forward...The fishman monitoring in front said that originally there were a dozen warships that needed coating."

"No....However, it seems that Thunder Dragon is very worried about the safety of the Celestial Dragons, so this time only one well-coated warship came."

"Perhaps the navy will have continuous reinforcements soon."

The left minister quickly reported the intelligence sent back to Neptune.

Lei Long was too worried about the safety of the Tianlong people.

So with only one warship coated, he led the vanguard to set off first.

"hateful...Damn the general! The running dog of the Celestial Dragons!"

Neptune couldn't help cursing and said to everyone:

"Fellow countrymen, please speed up."

"The admiral of the navy has arrived at Fishman Island!"

The voice resounded throughout the entire Fishman Island through the radio!


"The Navy General is coming!"


The fishmen heard this and hurriedly prepared to run.

The admiral of the navy was not someone they could resist. At the same time, a well-coated warship had arrived in the deep sea dozens of miles away from the fishman island.

"I didn't expect there would be an ambush here. How boring!"

"Can you fishmen stop me?"

On the deck of the warship, the tall admiral Lei Long, wearing a cloak of justice, directly displayed his observation Haki in the deep sea.

Although the Thunder Fruit is powerful, it is impossible to become an admiral just by relying on the fruit.

Skilled armament Haki, observation Haki.

And powerful physical skills, combined with top fruit abilities.

This is why the admiral is hailed as the highest combat power in the navy!

Lei Long's observation Haki immediately noticed that there are many fishmen lying in ambush in the reefs, corals and other dark places around the Fishman Island.

After all, the fishmen can't just wait for the arrival of the navy.

From the moment he attacked the Celestial Dragons, Neptune arranged some fishmen who are good at naval warfare to lurk around the Fishman Island at the suggestion of Lorn.

Once a warship is seen, no instructions are required, and the attack is launched immediately.

In this deep sea, as long as the coating of the warship can be broken, even the admiral of the navy will have to suffer here!

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