"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, how do you think they rule this world?"

At this moment, a deep and strange voice came from the deck.

"What is this?!"

The next moment, the guards in black suits looked in the direction of the voice and shuddered in their places!

Gibek Rocks!

Gibek Lorn!

And Edward Newgate!

The three core masters of the Rocks Pirates!

"you...When did you come?"

The guards in black suits felt their legs trembling.

Even if the three strong men did not release their domineering aura, the momentum of just standing there was enough to scare these inferior guys.

""Go to hell, you lackeys!"

Rocks and Loen rushed directly towards the dozen or so members of the Celestial Dragon Guard without any further ado.

In the eyes of Rocks and Loen, these lackeys were as hateful as the Celestial Dragons.

"Protect Saint Izramani!"

The lackeys did not forget to protect the Celestial Dragons even when they were about to die.

"Don't worry, this pig will meet you in hell in the near future."

Locks sneered and punched a man's chest, making it dent.

The sound of bones breaking could be clearly heard.

"You lackeys, taste the pain my parents suffered before they died!"

Lockes did not think of killing these people directly, as that would be too easy for them....Let them feel what hell is like!

"Bro, you're so gentle."

"Do you know what the most painful nerve is? It's the fingertips."

"There are the most nerve endings here. Even if you pierce it lightly with a needle tip, your whole body will feel like it is burning by fire."

Lorne also showed a devilish smile. I don't know where he found a one-inch long steel needle.

He grabbed a man in a black suit, aimed at the tip of the other's index finger and inserted it fiercely!

The one-inch long steel needle was completely immersed in the index finger of the man in the black suit.


A trembling and distorted scream suddenly sounded, and even the entire Fisherman's Harbor was clearly visible!

"Brother-in-law, you really are..."

This scene made Newgate's scalp numb.

The pain was so intense that Newgate couldn't even imagine it.

What was certain was that this pain was absolutely excruciating.

"Oh? Brother, is there any other method like this?"

Hearing the heart-shaking scream, Rocks followed suit and found many one-inch long steel needles.

These things are too easy to find on the Tianlong people's ship.

After all, the Tianlong people are best at all kinds of torture and torment.


At the same time, more than a dozen men in black suits screamed miserably.

The intense pain made them roll on the ground, almost fainting!

"It's finally your turn, pig."

After torturing the dozen men in black suits and killing them all, Rocks and Lorne gradually approached the Celestial Dragons.

"cheap...Untouchables...Don't..."Don't come over here!"

At this moment, seeing that all his guards were killed, the Tianlong finally realized that he was in extreme danger.

He subconsciously raised his gun and wanted to threaten Rocks and Lorne.


Rocks kicked the gun out of the Tianlong's hand with a heavy kick, and at the same time broke his hand.

The Tianlong's hand was bent at 90 degrees, and the scene was very horrifying.


The Tianlong people suddenly burst into a pig-killing scream.

At the same time, feces and urine flew everywhere, and conspicuous urine stains appeared on the crotch of the white space suit.

For a moment, the smell of lewdness was overwhelming.

"They are more disgusting than pigs and dogs."Lorne said with disdain.

"Don't kill me..Don't kill me..."

The Tianlong people retreated in fear

"Haha, don't worry, we won't let you die easily."

Locks and Loen smiled at each other, then walked towards the Tianlong people with a grim smile..............

Meanwhile, in the Holy Land, Marijoa

"What did you say?!!"

In the Hall of Power, the faces of the five elders were so gloomy that water was about to drip out!

They just received the information sent by CP0 from Fishman Island.

The fishmen have joined forces with the Rocks Pirates!

Now, they are attacking the Celestial Dragons!

After receiving this news, the Five Elders were almost stunned.

Just that group of fishmen who were so honest that they didn't dare to resist even if they shit on their heads, actually dared to attack the Celestial Dragons?

Are you kidding? Even if you lend them 500 courages, they still wouldn't dare!

If it weren't for the situation reported by CP0, the direct unit of the Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders would have suspected that this was fake news.

"Is it the Rocks Pirates again?"

"Last time I heard, the navy sent out admirals to encircle and suppress them, but they failed!"

"Now, something like this happens again"

"These guys have only been out to sea for a few months, but the things they have caused are getting more exaggerated every time!"

"Now they are planning to attack the member states of the World Government!"

Several old men were so domineering that they immediately shattered the floor and windows of the Hall of Power.

As the nobles of the world, the Tianlong people would never allow blasphemy!


"A member country of the World Government actually joined forces with pirates to rebel. If they really succeed in this, where will the face of the World Government be?"

"The government's credibility was damaged when the admiral was sent out last time and failed to eliminate the Rocks Pirates."

"If they make such a big fuss again this time......"

"Immediately dispatch the admirals from the navy, and if necessary, destroy Fishman Island as well!"..........

Naval Headquarters, Marinford

"Call the three admirals to my office immediately!"

The Admiral's face turned pale after receiving the news.

"Report...Report to the Marshal, of the three generals, only General Lei Long is still at the headquarters, the other two are out"

"Then call the Thunder Dragon to me!"


Soon, Admiral Lei Long arrived at the Marshal's office.

"Thunder Dragon, Emergency Mission"

"You take people to Fishman Island immediately"

"The Rocks Pirates have joined forces with Fishman Island and are now attacking the Celestial Dragons!"

The Admiral immediately briefed Lei Long on the intelligence.

"Is it the Rocks Pirates again?"

Lei Long gritted his teeth when he heard about the Rocks Pirates.

"Marshal, don't worry. I let them escape from me last time, but I won't do that again this time!"

The last time he was humiliated by the Rocks Pirates was still vivid in his mind.

Now such a big thing has happened again!

To be honest, if he could have dealt with the Rocks Pirates last time, this wouldn't have happened today.

If he lets them escape again this time, a great general like him will never be able to raise his head in front of the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land of Marijoa!

"Thunder Dragon, remember"

"The main task of this goal is to rescue the Tianlong people."

"If the Celestial Dragons are dead, then there is no need for Fishman Island to exist!"

The Navy Admiral's eyes projected a sharp light.

If Neptune really joined forces with the pirates to kill the Celestial Dragons, then Fishman Island must be buried with them!

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