Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1783: Witch battle

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The white gold-winged Dapeng bird is superb and more powerful.

However, Sun Hao is very tenacious, tenacious, and has a superb sense of fighting. Although he is slightly inferior, but the dead battle does not retreat, it is difficult for Platinum-winged Dapeng to completely defeat Sun Hao.

The battle on the wind is glued up.

Sun Hao will often be hit, and will often be crushed into the ground, and will even be directly hit by the body. However, if he hits the fly, he will come back. If he enters the ground, he will still get up, and he will be injured. It will take a long time to return to his original condition.

Sun Hao is like a fighting machine, and tirelessly consumes the white-winged Dapeng bird.

The battle has been played for three months. The white-golden Dapeng bird is a native of the undecided landscape. He feels that the platinum-winged Dapeng bird, who is never tired in this wind attribute, is upset and keeps roaring. , began to use the powerful and powerful power of the powerful.

The area of ​​Sun Hao’s injury has suddenly increased. Although he can’t do anything about himself, his senses are not very good.

After two days of confrontation, Sun Hao roared in the sky, his head shrank, his body expanded rapidly, and became the body of the sorcerer's day. He held the shield on his left, changed his right hand into an incense sword, patted his chest, and swallowed his mouth. Roaring non-stop, against the white-golden Dapeng bird.

The opponent who suddenly became bigger made the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird startled, but in an instant, he was furious and the attack became fierce.

Sun Hao’s subjective consciousness is simply incarnate and sneaky, and ran to hold the tombstone to cultivate his own yin and yang combination method. Sun Hao feels that when he is incarnate in witchcraft, the practice of this yin and yang can be complemented by yin and yang, which is extremely beneficial to the yin and yang. The common progress of Han Yujin and the ridiculous punishment of Tianjin.

The spirit of the tombstone was driven by Sun Hao, and it was exuded by the feminine power. With Sun Hao’s practice, it was very unexpected that Sun Hao discovered that after his years of cultivation, the tombstone’s spirits also improved greatly, and the feminine The force is more and more pure, and, because of its own yang, it is mellow.

Minuohayou, who is far away from the underground palace, has a faint smudge on his face. The heart said, damn, after so many years, you finally remembered the old lady, okay, this time, watching the old lady not pressing you Underneath, turned over the serf and sang.

After half a day, Minorha blessed helplessly, good boy, progress is actually faster than the aging mother, count you, close your eyes, cooperate, double repair.

The subject consciousness fell into the practice of yin and yang, and the battle was completely handed over to the sorcerer of the sorcerer. Within the body, the subject consciousness is still only driven, and only the sword of Xiaocheng’s wind is only available.

Then, even more unreasonable fighting was staged in the Jingfeng domain. Sun Hao in the state of punishment and sorrowfulness was arrogant and arrogant, with one force and one sword, entangled in the white-golden Dapeng bird.

In those days, the body of the headless man was in the cemetery of the ancient cemetery, and the fighting was repeated. Sometimes, a fight was calculated for hundreds of years, but now it is just a funny opponent.

The unparalleled sword bone is the ridge, and the wildness is hard. The spirit of the Sun Hao fighting spirit in the state of witchcraft is high, and the spirit of the battlefield is filled with the wind and the wind, and the battle with the platinum-winged Dapeng bird has been carried out for a long time. .

This fight has been played for more than a year, and the sorcerer is still very fierce, fighting high spirits, never shrinking.

But the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird is afraid, even if it doesn't have much intelligence, but in the face of playing only the skeleton is still able to stand up and fight, being swallowed into the belly, still can still be noisy The opponent also felt that he had nothing to do.

Yes, the strength of the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird is very strong, but on the long-lasting combat power, it is estimated that there are few monks and strange beasts who can catch up with Sun Hao’s torture.

There is no reason, only fighting.

Life is not limited, fighting is endless.

This is the true core fighting spirit of the sorcerer's body, and this is undoubtedly more in line with the spiritual principles of the wilderness.

Sun Hao, who is in the state of ghost repair, can clearly perceive his own progress in the wildness of the wild, and has driven his own rabbit, Han Yujin, to practice rapidly.

When there is a fight, it is indeed suitable for the fearless punishment of the sorcerer to come out for a while. After such a battle opportunity, it will be handed over to the sorcerer to deal with it, and he will spend some time practicing.

I don't know how long it has been. In any case, this time is not short. The battle of the sorcerer has been stagnant. Sun Hao has not waited for two days, and the war has revived.

Then, the battle enters a continuous intermittent state, playing a section, stopping for a period of time, intermittently, it should be the punishment of the day, the sorcerer has prevailed, and began to pursue the white-winged Dapeng bird.

Bianmu and Zhitian Wuxi are the best partners. They don’t need Sun Hao to come forward, and chasing the white-winged Dapeng bird is definitely a chase. The war at regular intervals is proof.

However, the speed of the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird is extremely fast. It is difficult for the criminal sorcerer to really catch it. It is estimated that this chase will eventually disappear.

When Sun Hao thought about whether the ontological consciousness took over the body, he accidentally heard the voice of the side animal husbandry: "Sun boss, Sun boss, come out, never come out again, the barbarians have to waste a great opportunity..."

Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and God’s knowledge led his own sorcerer’s body.

When the huge body was shaken, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that at this moment, he was standing on a small hill, holding a shield, holding a sword, and roaring in the sky.

In the air, the white-gold-winged Dapeng bird screams louder than a scream, but it is not circling, a pair of wants to fight and dare not look like.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao emulsified his eyes and looked at his side.

Bian Mu saw Sun Hao looked at himself, not to be called by Wang Wang: "Boss, boss, you are here, I am already the eighth time to catch Xiaopeng birds, but every time, the barbarians are one When I hit it, I forgot about the business. I was robbed of the Xiaopeng bird by the big bird..."

Sun Hao saw that under the paws of Bianmu, he pressed a piece of meat, and the feathers were not so long and full of Xiaopeng birds. They were struggling, their heads were stretched out, and they were screaming at their mothers. call.

I will pay attention to it again. Sun Hao couldn’t help but cross the body. It’s too much to make this guy. One paw pressed the little bird, the other paw, and the little bird just kept scratching. The strength of the developed parts is not small, so that the little birds keep screaming.

When the sorcerer and the side animal husbandry together, the side animal husbandry did not control the bunch, it was really something to do, but it seems to work well, the top of the white gold wing Dapeng always hovered, the sound whispered.

Sun Hao’s navel eyes are in the air, and he screams: “Go down, or kill the bird.”

The strength of the animal husbandry and claws is greater, the **** is crowded, and Wang Wang shouts: "Yes, good, down the battle, or else the dog, my claws are not merciless."

The little bird screamed again.

Above the sky, the white gold-winged Dapeng bird couldn't stand it, and flew down.

Sun Hao found that after these days of fighting, the feathers of the platinum-winged Dapeng bird have been injured many times, and the strength is only about 70% of the time when they just saw it. What is more crucial is that their own sorcerer’s body has already It is natural and instinctive to capture the attack route of the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird.

The left-handed shield was thrown in the air, and it was rotated. The agarwood sword in the hand was also flying, and it was attacked by the white-winged Dapeng The body also instinctively rushed out, trying to take the flesh. The body should fight against the white gold wing Dapeng. If this is the case, then it is indeed 100% heavy to create a white gold-winged Dapeng bird, but at the same time, the platinum-winged Dapeng bird is hurting himself and can also save the Xiaopeng bird.

When the white-winged Dapeng really slammed down, the guy would surely escape very quickly, and he couldn’t stop it.

This time, Sun Hao was the main consciousness in combat, resisting the driving power of the body, still standing on the hills, did not rush up, blocked in the sky above the Xiaopeng bird.

嘎...The air screamed and screamed, the white-golden Dapeng bird was hit by Fang Ding and Shen Xiangjian Fly again and fly.

Bianmu screamed screamingly: "Go down to the battle, or I will kill the bird, the bark, or the boss is smarter..."

The bird was stimulated and shouted again. In the air, the white-winged Dapeng bird rushed again.


Time and time again, the platinum-winged Dapeng bird rushed down.

Every time the shock was struck by Sun Hao, who was standing on the hill, he had to shed a **** rain and re-opened his wings. (~^~)

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