Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1782: White gold wing Dapeng

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I am with the wind, I am with the wind, I am with the wind...

Sun Hao goes with the wind, the shadow seems to be everywhere, free and easy, in the uncertain wind domain, with the wind.

Within the scenery, go with the wind.

After 30 years of tempering, the sword of the wind is small, and the wind and the sword are great. There is still a line between the big and the perfect, and the ball in the hand has never been able to reflect the shadow of the wind beast.

In this regard, Sun Hao is not in a hurry.

The records of the male and female witches record that there is no wind in the wind, there is a positive wind and a biased wind.

The so-called positive wind is the wind in the four positive directions of the southeast and northwest. It is called the forward wind. Sometimes, after the monk comes in, the last positive wind that meets is equivalent to a huge level. In the past, this level, monk It will enter the "biased composite wind domain". At that time, the monks encountered by the monks and the chances of the monks encounter are the special products of the truly uncertain winds.

As the customs winds and winds, the difficulty is naturally normal.

Thirty years later, Sun Hao appeared on the top of a tall hill with his side, looking at the front and saw a large forest.

It is no longer an indefinite needle, but a real forest.

The scenery wind blows, the forest floats, like the sea waves, the scale is spectacular, and it is more spectacular than the forest sea that Sun Hao felt in the past.

The main reason is that the winds in the unrestricted winds are much larger, and the winds are blowing, and the forests are ups and downs, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Lin Hai, means that Sun Hao has finally begun to advance into the composite wind domain, and the emergence of Lin Hai means that Sun Hao may get more cultivation resources within the uncertain wind domain.

Over the years, Sun Hao has been killing all the way, exploring a lot of areas and killing countless wind beasts. However, until now, Sun Hao has not been able to find even a flying feather illusion.

Until now, Sun Hao has not been able to find a soul of the beast that he can see. The most powerful beast is just Feng Peng.

After nearly a hundred years, I finally saw Lin Hai, standing on the hill, and Sun Hao shouted.

Sun Hao’s voice went with the wind and floated in the forest.

In the final area of ​​the wind domain, it is a forest. As long as Sun Hao has passed through this forest, he can step into the composite wind domain, which is the true indefinite wind domain.

However, the unrestricted winds are naturally not the place where the monks can arbitrarily chase.

Sun Hao’s long whistling sound did not fall. In the middle of Linhai Feitao, a white cloud rose to the air. “嘎,嘎” long sounded, hula flashed, the white clouds seemed to shrink, the volume became much smaller, but the speed was extremely fast. , rushed in the direction of Sun Hao.

The impact of Baiyun is very powerful, but the strange thing is that it is like a white cloud is a wind, a wind is a white cloud, and Sun Hao is not blowing the wind. There is no extra airflow fluctuation, just like the flying white cloud is just like Jingfeng. It is the same as the scenery.

Sun Hao's body floated with the scenery, his eyes looked at the white clouds that were quickly attacked, and his face showed a smile.

After entering the unrestricted winds for so long, Sun Hao finally had the privilege of seeing the target of the soul that he might use. The white clouds in front were a "white-winged Dapeng bird."

Among the uncertain winds, Sun Hao’s ideal soul target is the sacred beasts of Kunpeng, Fenglong and Qinglan. If the chances are not enough, they can’t be seen or can’t be met after seeing them, then, Sun Hao’s The goal is the more common "six-color golden-winged Dapeng bird" within the unrestricted wind domain.

Now attacking Sun Hao's white giant bird, he has a pair of golden wings, which is fundamentally different from the wind Peng who played against Sun Hao.

In the front, Sun Hao also killed white Feng Peng, there is no such gold.

Undoubtedly, Sun Hao has found a goal that can satisfy the most basic requirements of his own soul. Now, what Sun Hao has to do is to defeat the white golden-winged Dapeng bird, extract the soul, and prepare for his future soul.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian brushed forward and flew forward. The gentle and soft atmosphere filled the sky in an instant. Sun Hao’s body shook slightly and blended into the entire scenery, and the body floated with the wind.

Hey, hey, hey... Shen Xiangjian uploaded a whistling sound, and Sun Hao felt his body sinking slightly, and the huge impact force on his body, involuntarily, rolling, Sun Hao drifted backwards.

Looking at the white golden-winged Dapeng bird, Sun Hao’s heart is full of surprise, strong strength.

Shen Xiangjian flashed and flew back.

Baiyun was in front of Sun Hao, and a pair of Dapeng eyes looked at Sun Hao without expression. As the absolute overlord who guarded the square, the white gold-winged Dapeng bird was hard to meet the enemy. I did not expect it. The opponent who came to challenge, his life caught his own blow.

Two sounds, Bai Dapeng fanned a pair of golden wings, and the two huge tornado vortexes continued to expand with its fanning. They instantly became two huge tornado columns, Bai Dapeng, Yang Tianming, and the two wings sent forward. The tornado column whistling, the bigger the volume, the more overwhelming.

Watching the white-golden Dapeng bird up close, Sun Hao's heart is still quite satisfied. If you can't find the beast, this white Dapeng can be a very good choice.

This white gold-winged Dapeng bird, the claws of the pig iron, flanked by the horns of the diamond diamonds, the top of the forehead is filled with the jewels of the shining light, the golden eyes flash like the sun and the moon, the steel is generally strong mouth like an iron hook, the pair of body Golden wings, white jade body dancing in the air, the golden blade of the feathers in the gap between the constant cooling of the hot sand, a tornado storm.

The white Dapeng bird is slender and agile, and the attack power is also very powerful.

However, its ontology is also subtly transcending the category that Sun Hao can perceive. Although the hierarchical law of the indefinite wind domain may be different from the ordinary large domain, a big principle is unchanged and transcends Sun Hao’s perception category. Exist, then, that is, at least Gao Sunhao has a big order.

In other words, the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird is at least similar to the existence of the fit period.

After the start of the war, Sun Hao suddenly felt that his strength was insufficient. Shen Xiangjian appeared to be sunk and was shot. The violent tornado column directly smashed Sun Hao into the air, and could not fall for a long time, even if it was a body. The sword of the wind is small, and Sun Hao still can't control the tornado. What he can barely do is not torn by the tornado, and tightly hold his own body.

The raging tornado blew for a long time, and Sun Hao slammed into the ground far away.

After half a ring, tenaciously climbed up, Shen Xiangjian shook, and Sun Hao rushed up.

The white gold-winged Dapeng iron-like mouth screamed forward, and the air screamed, and a curved, cold-lighted iron hook was hooked to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao screamed, and Shen Xiangjian had a cross in front.

When the loud noise, the iron hook smashed on the agarwood sword, Sun Hao rushed to the body like a projectile, and quickly fell down.

Platinum Wing Dapeng was unceremonious, and stretched out his own steel-like mouth. Dangdang Dangdang quickly slammed down seven or eight times, directly taking Sun Hao as a nail, and broke into the wind, hard and incomparable. In the middle of the ground.

A pair of wings, an exhibition of white gold wings, Dapeng, a pair of iron claws, fell on the ground where Sun Hao was smashed into the ground, and Sun Hao was completely sealed in the ground, Yang Tian called "嘎嘎", two white-winged Dapeng birds In the midst of a demonstration, he jumped a few times on the ground, like a rammed earth. He wanted to completely bury Sun Hao in the soil underground, Sun Hao felt the power of Wan Hao On his own body, it seems that he wants to make himself into a patties, and the huge force of restraint makes him unable to move.

After half a ring, Sun Hao’s body in the ground slowly faded, and the bandits came into effect.

The soil of the undecided winds is very weird. It is the soil layer that Sun Hao has never seen before. It is strong and strong, and forcibly ejected. After the tea kungfu, Sun Hao rushed down under the body of Platinum Wing Dapeng. Come out, the sword is one, the whole body is with the wind, and the whole sword is focused on, and a sword stabbed the white gold wing Dapeng.

Platinum-winged Dapeng was slightly surprised, his mouth twitched twice, and the white wings went to the next gear.

As soon as, Sun Hao’s Agarwood Sword hit the golden wing of the white gold wing Dapeng, above, the golden light flashed, a golden wind shield blocked Sun Hao’s agarwood sword, a golden wing, a powerful wind came, Sun Hao is like a feather and flies backwards.

However, this sword is not completely ineffective, a sudden sword, but also injured the unprepared white gold wing Dapeng, a few golden feathers, falling with the wind.

The white gold-winged Dapeng bird looks at the flying feathers, and then looks at the soil layer that has been deeply sunken under his two claws, and he can’t help but yell at the sky. (To be continued.)

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