Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1784: Windy

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The blood stained the white feathers, the wings became more and more powerless, and I didn’t know how many times I rushed. Finally, the injury accumulated to a certain extent, and the platinum-winged Dapeng bird slammed into the face of Sun Hao. Just right, fallen to the opposite side of the little bird.

A pair of golden eyes, showing a soft and helpless look, looked at the ground, while the animal husbandry under the claws helpless sad Xiaopeng.

Bianmu Wang screamed and smugly, stepping on the forehead of Platinum Wing Dapeng: "Wang Wang, Wang Wang, finally got it, boss, drinking blood and eating meat, this white bird is absolutely big to make up..."

Bianmu jumped away, Xiaopeng bird finally stumbled and rushed to the Dapeng bird on the ground. The small body of the meat screamed against the white-golden Dapeng bird, rubbing it, whispering .

Sun Hao turned from the hills and turned around. What he saw in his eyes was that Platinum Wing Dapeng gently licked Xiaopeng’s body with his mouth. The ignorant Xiaopeng, felt safe and cheerfully called a few sound.

Perceived Sun Hao's gaze, Platinum-winged Dapeng fanned a few wings, failed to fly, and the iron hook moved, and Xiaopeng was guarded under his own body, screaming at Sun Hao.

Xiaopeng stretched out his head from under the mother's neck and called out to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao secretly sighed in his heart, and slowly raised the incense sword in his hand.

In the wind of the landscape, for many years of cultivation, Jingfeng Jianyi has never been able to complete the perfection, and his own sword of the wind is still only small, and the flesh and blood of the platinum-winged Dapeng bird will be important for him to get the wind and wind. way.

The spirit of the white-golden Dapeng bird can also be one of the alternatives to consolidate the sixth soul.

The scene of the life of the white gold-winged Dapeng and Xiaopeng birds makes Sun Hao’s heart slightly intolerable, but the monk’s life is like this.

I can't bear to kill.

Shen Xiangjian seems to be extremely slow, but the speed is extremely fast, pointing to the white gold wing Dapeng bird.

The white gold-winged Dapeng bird screamed and tried to avoid it, but the heavy injury made it impossible to move at all. Seeing its neck, it was to be pierced by a sword.

Underneath it, the little Peng bird instinctively perceives the mother's crisis, and the fleshy body is not afraid of death, instinctively blocking the front of the incense sword.

The Platinum-winged Dapeng bird did not know where the strength came from. At this moment, he was very brave, bowed his head, and the golden horn on his head was accurate and topped on the incense sword.

As soon as it was, Shen Xiangjian was opened and flew back to Sun Hao’s hand.

Under the Dapeng bird, there was a cry from Xiaopeng.

Sun Hao shook his head, and the agarwood sword in his hand flew again.

At this moment, the platinum-winged Dapeng bird made an action that Sun Hao did not think of. It lowered his head, but the paw grabbed Xiaopeng, his head extended to Sun Hao, but his claws extended to the distance, a pair. Among the golden eyes, there was a pleading.

Standing on the head of the white-golden Dapeng bird, Bianmu was not screaming in the sky, but looked at the Xiaopeng bird who was sent to the side and was still struggling.

In an instant, Sun Hao understood the meaning of the white-golden Dapeng bird. It was willing to accept the neck, but asked Sun Hao to let Xiaopeng bird pass.

Look at the white gold-winged Dapeng bird on the ground, and then look at the Xiaopeng bird. Sun Hao’s heart is not instigated for a while, and it’s a long time ago. The memory that has been almost forgotten for a long time has come to mind.

At that time, Sun Hao had just been in the refining period, Junshan would hunt, and when he first met Xia Wei, he suffered a great disaster in Junshan, and the seven land bees. At that time, Sun Hao also played the little bee king, and their mother had to face The situation that was annihilated by oneself.

However, Sun Hao remembers that at that time, Xiao Yan finally talked with the Seven Lands, and let go of a few queen bees, and got his own royal alchemy royal jelly.

What is the similarity to that day?

The white gold-winged Dapeng bird is persevering, and the spirit of saving his son is indeed to let Sun Hao’s heart rush into the incitement. This is an instinctive greatness that makes Sun Hao feel the greatness of his heart.

Do you really need to take the opportunity for progress, squat down, kill the Platinum-winged Dapeng bird, and completely defeat the great scene that touched your heart?

The cultivation must be progressed, the soul must be completed, and the sword is also consolidating.

The chance is on the body of the platinum-winged Dapeng bird, not killing!

Sun Hao’s heart was horizontal, Shen Xiangjian was lifted again, and the heart’s killings rose, but at this moment, I don’t know why, looking at the hands of Shen Xiangjian, Sun Hao’s eyes seemed to have seen a white pear flower, instant, grandson Hao feels that he has returned to the time of cultivation and murder.

It seems that after I feel that I am full of my chest, I cast into the embrace of Xiaoqing, feeling the endless tenderness, the gentle wind blowing on myself, Xiaoqing’s soft singing seems to sound in her own ear, Platinum Wing Dapeng White feathers, like white pears, whitened the hills...

Sun Hao’s eyes were unconsciously, and he took out a drop of crystal tears. His hands were like Xiaoqing’s caressing the incense sword. He stroked the agarwood ridge and gently whispered in his mouth: “Xiaoqing, you also think, I Shouldn't it kill now?"

Shen Xiangjian shook gently.

Kill, the opportunity is.

It is not only the chance of the sword, but also the soul of the sixth.

However, killing is contrary to the heart.

Kill or not kill!

Sun Hao holds a fragrant incense, seeing the white-golden Dapeng bird, and fighting with the inner world. At this moment, how should I choose? Comply with the heart and give up the chance?

After a long time, Sun Hao held a heavy incense in his hand and laughed at the belly button.

The laughter resounded through the wilderness and remained for a long time. After laughing, the white light flashed in the hand and fell on the white-golden Dapeng bird in front. The white light passed everywhere, and the injury on the white-golden Dapeng bird quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a doubt in the golden eyes. The white-golden Dapeng fan flapped its wings and found that he could already take off again. He grabbed the Xiaopeng bird and slowly flew into the air. The white-gold-winged Dapeng bird headed out. A cry of "嘎...", the voice, full of new joy, twin wings, disappeared in the eyes of Sun Hao.

On the ground, Bianmu finally reacted. Wang Wang shouted: "Yes, Boss, this is a busy life for more than ten years. You will let go of the birds you have, and Lao Tzu is also serving."

Sun Hao’s tall body flew back and forth, his head stretched out, and his face had a faint smile: “The monk practiced, you can’t forget the heart. Today, the platinum-winged Dapeng bird makes me feel guilty, but it’s Can't kill..."

When the words were not finished, Sun Hao’s face showed a strangely surprised expression. In an instant, his face showed a surprise smile. In his hand, Shen Xiangjian flew back.

The tip of the sword is forward, gently pointing, suddenly, in front of the sky, the scene winds and flutters, turned into a huge tornado, slowly rotating up, Sun Hao body with the sword, dancing with the wind, around, the wind is loud, the bright wind The hurricane, the wide wind, the wind and the sea breeze are intertwined, forming a huge wind field.

Sun Hao is like an elf in the wind. He is free to squat in the wind field. He laughs in his mouth: "I understand, haha, I understand, it turns out that it is..."

After Sun Hao entered the Jingfeng, he practiced for decades, and the sword was stuck in the peak of Dacheng. It was always difficult to complete the perfection. Sun Hao thought that he needed to kill the white-winged Dapeng bird, eat meat and drink blood, and then he could see the sword. Dacheng, but in fact, after letting go of the big bird, Sun Hao shuns his heart, and his heart is peaceful and peaceful. Even at this moment, he realized the true meaning of Jingfeng, Jingfeng, and the peaceful景The wind sword is the sword of peace.

Peace, naturally, there is no need to fight and kill.

At the same time, the spirit of the sword is great, and the sword of Sun Hao is great.

Within the Jingfeng winds, Sun Hao danced with aroma, and actually produced other types of winds, which shows that Sun Hao is now not only able to walk freely in the wind, but also to control the wind.

The so-called one drink, one has a leading edge, if not Sun Haoxin feels, and can hold on to this heart, where can you comprehend the thoroughness of the scene at this moment?

The sword dances in the wind, and the body floats with the wind.

The mind is unobstructed, and the wind is moving.

Sun Hao dances with a fragrant incense, and his heart is clear, but if he realizes it, since he has soared, he has met too many, experienced too much, and bravely improved, and has become the main theme of his cultivation, once, for Practice, for progress, gave up a lot.

Now I want to come, unconsciously, I am impetuous, unconsciously, the haze has blinded my eyes, the scenery is peaceful, I know clearly, but I still can’t stop killing, if it’s not a platinum-winged Dapeng bird. Inadvertently touched the string in my heart, maybe you will go further and further on this wrong road. (To be continued.)

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