Marine Headquarters, Marinford!

When the huge World Tree descended, the whole audience was shocked!

Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku was even more furious!

He couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes!

But everything really happened.

Akainu's plan failed.

The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was not only not stabbed by the sneak attack, but he rode the World Tree to break through the Navy's defenses and arrived above the execution platform!

Such a change.

Even Sengoku, as a Navy Admiral, was extremely shocked.

It was even a little unbelievable.

That huge World Tree suddenly appeared, instantly knocked away the Pirate Giant Whirlpool Spider, and then sent Whitebeard into the air.

Such an ability.

Whitebeard couldn't have it.

Then, it must be Mu Fan!

All this was the work of Mu Fan! ?


Wasn't what Mu Fan showed before the ability of the thunder element?

Why can he summon such a huge World Tree to descend on Marinford? How long has it been since the extremely evil incident happened? In this short period of time, what happened to Mu Fan? Why did he become so strong? Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku looked at Mu Fan, who was in a stalemate with Kizaru, with a look of fear and regret in his eyes. If Mu Fan was still a member of the Navy at this moment,


Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

Zhan Guo deeply understood.

From now on, Mu Fan will be a big worry for the Navy Headquarters and the World Government!

In addition to Zhan Guo.

The first person in the Navy to react from the shock was Admiral Akainu.

Originally, his good tactics could make the already old and sick Whitebeard worse, and he would eventually bow his head.

But who would have thought.

It was destroyed at the last moment!

Damn Mu Fan!

How dare he be the enemy of justice! ?

Really looking for death!

There was a clear killing intent in the eyes of Admiral Akainu at this time.

He will kill those who dare to be the enemy of justice!

Especially Mu Fan.

This shameful traitor of the Navy!

Boom- driven by strong anger.

Admiral Akainu finally made a move, clenched his fists and pointed them into the air, and countless giant magma fists blasted into the air.

Meteor volcano!

The terrifying offensive like a volcanic eruption began!

Countless huge magma fists fell brazenly above the huge world tree.

Under the powerful power of the meteor volcano.

The giant tree was quickly destroyed.

However, Akainu did not achieve his strategic goal.

The pirate Whitebeard had already jumped down and rushed to the execution platform!

"The strongest man in the world is coming, everyone, stop Whitebeard from approaching the execution platform!"

At this time, the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku was shocked.

Because Whitebeard was already waving Kusukome Kirei and attacking the execution platform!

���The three admirals of the navy were a little far away from the execution platform. The fastest Kizaru was entangled by Mu Fan at this moment!

That's right!

He was entangled!

The admiral of the navy, Kizaru, who had the speed of light, was unable to come back to help!

"Hey, Mufan, what kind of fruit did you eat? It's so scary~"

Admiral Kizaru's expression was a little distorted, and he sighed in a tone of shock mixed with ridicule.

Because the ability displayed by Mufan was too terrifying.

Even he was shocked by the lightning speed.

The World Tree came to rescue Whitebeard at the critical moment.

Even just now, he felt the change in the wind around him.

And it must have a lot to do with Mufan!

"Gulala, Ace, I'm here to save you!"

The three admirals of the navy were unable to return to help.

Whitebeard fell from a height unimpeded.

The powerful domineering aura was wrapped around the supreme sword Kusukumokiri.

The soaring momentum of the world's strongest man was at full fire!

At this time, rescuing Fire Fist Ace was within reach.

Whitebeard didn't need to hold back his strength.

For him, being able to rescue Ace and allow most of his crew members to leave the navy headquarters safely was a victory!

As for his own life and death, he had already put it aside.

And the appearance of Mu Fan undoubtedly saved him a lot of effort.

If he followed the normal process, he wanted to approach the execution platform in person. He would inevitably be frantically obstructed by the navy.

At that time, even he would probably be surrounded.


Whitebeard was very clear about his decision to form an alliance with Mu Fan!

Mu Fan, that kid, is really a scary, but reliable guy at the same time!


Fire Fist Ace couldn't help but yelled when he saw his daddy coming to the execution platform.

But he was a little more responsible now.

On the one hand, he naturally hoped that he could be rescued.

But on the other hand, he was more worried about his daddy's comfort.

After all, his daddy was old and had a lot of old injuries.

"Whitebeard, I will never allow you to rescue Fire Fist Ace!"

Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku no longer cared.

He threw off his cloak of justice.

Golden light surged around him.

Facing the attack of the Four Emperors Whitebeard, he had to join the battle in person.

Bang - just as Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku was about to take action himself, an equally old but still burly figure jumped up from the ground and faced the Four Emperors Whitebeard!


""Old man!"

Sengoku looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and at the same time he felt relieved.

If Garp chose to take action, he would save a lot of energy!

And Fire Fist Ace was more shocked.

One of the things he didn't want to see the most was that Garp was entangled in the matter of his execution. He didn't want to see it even more.

Old man Garp and Whitebeard fought because of him!

"After all, we can't just stand by and watch!"

"Whitebeard, if you want to save Ace, then defeat me!"

Navy hero Iron Fist Garp had a gloomy face at this time, and his iron fist was wrapped with extremely powerful armed color domineering, and he went straight to Whitebeard's Kusukumokiri!

""Humph, Garp!"

Whitebeard sneered.

Facing Garp, he couldn't help but put more strength in his hands. He knew a little about the relationship between Garp and Ace

, and knew the inner struggle of Garp at this time.

He was not surprised by Garp's choice.

After all,

Garp was indeed an old marine with the name of justice!

Boom - the duel between the naval hero and the Four Emperors Whitebeard directly caused a huge shock to the Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

The entire island was crumbling!

Seeing this scene, Mu Fan couldn't help but secretly smack his lips.

This is the relationship between Garp and Whitebeard. The battle between the two was indeed earth-shattering.

Since Vice Admiral Garp chose to take action, it would be impossible for Whitebeard to save Fire Fist Ace in one fell swoop.

After all, there is a Buddhist Warring States who is eyeing him covetously.

However, Mu Fan never thought that Whitebeard could save Fire Fist.

The attention of the world's strongest man is too high, and he will be fully blocked by the top navy warriors. The one who really has the best chance of saving Fire Fist Ace is, of course, Straw Hat Luffy!

At this time, Straw Hat Luffy, accompanied by Buggy the Joker and others, has quietly appeared on the battlefield......

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