Just when Mu Fan was about to destroy the Pirate Spider, the wretched Kizaru suddenly came out to cause trouble. He directly entangled Mu Fan.

And forcibly moved the battlefield into the air, obviously intending to compete in speed.

It happened that Mu Fan also wanted to know the limit of his speed, so he did not avoid the battle.

As for Whitebeard and the Pirate Spider on the Moby Dick, it depends on what choice they make.

Apart from that, Mu

Fan really doesn't understand Kizaru, the famous expert in slacking off.

Why does he seem to be a little serious every time he faces him?!

Could it be that...Does this guy's seriousness depend on his opponent's background?

Double standard fish-catching monkey!

"Hey, Mufan, how did you recover? You are even stronger than before. Did you eat the natural devil fruit involving the element of lightning?"

Admiral Kizaru used the speed of lightning to shuttle around the space around Mufan at high speed.

Mufan was not much behind. Even Kizaru could not completely suppress him in speed during the flash of thunder.

This surprised Kizaru, who was most famous for his speed.

After all, not long ago

, he, Aokiji, and Zefa teacher went to hunt down Mufan together!

At that time, this guy was clearly hit by his complete Yasakani no Magatama!

Could it be a blessing in disguise?

It's really, so scary!

"Kizaru, stop talking nonsense, I haven't forgotten the grudge we had!"

Mu Fan sneered.

He would have to return the Yasakani Magatama that Kizaru had given him sooner or later.

But not now. After all, he had just mastered some of his lightning elemental abilities, and although his speed was terrifying, it was obviously still a little behind that of Flash Man Kizaru.

As for other abilities, he had not yet mastered them to the point where he could defeat the admiral of the navy.

And now Kizaru was obviously slacking off.

Mu Fan did not fight him, but instead paid attention to the situation on the Moby Dick below....

At this time, explosions were heard one after another on the battlefield.

As the war deepened, the blood of countless pirates and navy soldiers had dyed the icy battlefield blood red.

It was enough to see how tragic it was.

The war had reached this point.

The morale of both the navy and the Whitebeard fleet was somewhat low.

At this time,

Whitebeard Edward Newgate, who stayed on the Moby Dick, and the pirate Great Whirlpool Spider finally started talking.


The pirate Spider Whirlpool finally woke up.

Because Mu Fan had given him a scabbard before, which made him dizzy, and he woke up now.

This also made his resentment even deeper.

What kind of person is that Mu Fan!

Daddy actually agreed to give him half of the territory.

Don't they have a share of the Whitebeard Pirates' territory?

It seems that what Admiral Akainu said...it is true!

"Squard, are you okay?"

Whitebeard turned around and looked at one of his 'sons', a hint of incomprehensible meaning flashed in his vicissitudes of life eyes.

Mufan said.

Squard colluded with Akainu and betrayed him. He even wanted to attack him!

This is impossible!

He didn't believe it!

In the Whitebeard Pirates, apart from that guy Teach, how could anyone betray him, Whitebeard!?

"Well, at least I didn't die."

"I didn't see you just now. How's the situation in Wantou?"

Although he didn't believe it, after Mu Fan's reminder, Whitebeard was still somewhat on guard.

At this time, Squard's tone was obviously a little wrong.

"After a fierce battle, the pirate group under his command has suffered heavy losses. Many of our brothers have died!"

The Great Whirlpool Spider Squard continued to speak gloomily.

His expression was obviously a little unnatural.

"Zhan Guo will not show mercy. He will use all the forces he can to deal with us. However, with the help of Mu Fan, we will be relieved of a lot of pressure."

"Dad, do you know a lot about the navy's tactics?"

Whitebeard turned his gaze to the execution platform and looked at the Fire Fist Ace on the platform with a twinkling look in his eyes.

"Sengoku, Garp, Roger, we are old acquaintances. The navy wants to encircle us, which is exactly what I want. I will also attack. The little devil Mufan will help us. Let's rush over and save Ace in one breath!"

"Yes, rescued Fire Fist Ace in one go.

There are a total of 43 New World Pirates in the Whitebeard Fleet. Each of us has received a great favor from our father. For the Whitebeard Pirates, it is right even if we die in battle!

At this time, the pirate Great Whirlpool Spider's tone became even weirder, and he drew the sword at his waist.

And Whitebeard glanced at Squard.

How could he not hear the implication of Squard's words.

How could he not know that Mu Fan's reminder was correct.

But... Now there should be a lot of people thinking so.

In order to save Ace, so many lives have to be sacrificed.

Some people even think that he is colluding with Sengoku to deal with them together?

At this moment, a trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the pirate Whitebeard.

"Skuya, sorry, but this is..."

"I understand, this is a battle for family, the pirate Whitebeard will never abandon his family, that's why everyone came to this battlefield like hell with you! Am I right, Dad?"

"Just understand, you are all my family!"

At this time, the strongest man in the world smiled, and then took two steps forward, deliberately staggering with the giant spider.

If the"sons" have any doubts, let him prove it again with his actions!

He is the pirate Whitebeard!

At this moment.

After seeing the situation on the Moby Dick, Mu Fan smiled helplessly.

As expected.

The old man Whitebeard is really stubborn!

But... worthy of respect!

"Oh~ I can’t stop it. I’m about to be attacked by my trusted son. Scary Whitebeard!"Kizaru, who was fighting fiercely with Mu Fan, teased.

���Hahaha, how do you know that I can't stop it? Yellow Monkey!"

Mufan smiled coldly.

Admiral Yellow Monkey's wretched smile suddenly froze!

At this time on the Moby Dick.

The pirate Big Whirlpool Spider had already rushed towards Whitebeard with a knife!

Even though Xiao Ma Ge and a few other Whitebeard strongmen discovered it at the first time, they were too far away and could not make it in time. They could only shout anxiously.

But Whitebeard was unmoved!

"Dad, I'm sorry!"

The pirate in the vortex had a gloomy face. At this moment, he had been blinded by Akainu's words, and his heart was full of injustice and resentment.

At this time, no one could stop him.

Even if the navy traitor named Mu Fan knew that he had betrayed him, he still couldn't stop him!?

Whoosh- hum- just as the pirate spider raised his knife and stabbed Whitebeard's back frantically.

Under the feet of the vortex spider.

A long-awaited green seed suddenly burst out.

In just a moment, it quickly grew into a towering tree comparable to the Navy Headquarters Building!

The Divine Law·Wind, Thunder, Fire, Wood·World Tree has arrived!

The giant tree of the world shocked the audience!

With Mu Fan's advance layout, the pirate spider's sneak attack was thwarted on the spot.

And the pirate Whitebeard was sent into the sky of the battlefield by the huge branches of the world tree.

It was very close to the execution platform!

"Uncle with white beard, charge! I, Mu Fan, will lead the charge for you!"


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