Boom—— the roar of gunfire and the sound of fighting.

With the world's strongest man Whitebeard joining the battlefield, the war at the top has reached its real climax!

Although the navy hero Garp temporarily stopped Whitebeard and dragged him to the ice battlefield, the situation of the navy is still not optimistic.

The appearance of Straw Hat Luffy and others was unexpected by everyone.

Even the Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku was very confused.

According to his previous orders,

Straw Hat Luffy should be detained in a safe area somewhere in Marinford.

Could it be that the red-nosed pirate who was following the Straw Hat at this time did something wrong?!

Stupid Smoker!

Not only did he bring Mu Fan back to Marinford, but he also brought the difficult guy Straw Hat Luffy.

That's right.

Now Sengoku already knows that Mu Fan is the"Warrant Officer" who followed Smoker to the Navy Headquarters before.

Think about the Pirate Queen who retreated obediently because of a word from the"Warrant Officer" at that time, and you can easily draw a conclusion.

But it should be said or not.

Mufan, that kid, is truly a rare monster in the history of the navy.

In the short time he disappeared, not only did his strength soar, but he even took down the Pirate Queen.

You know, as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, even Sengoku recognized her strength.

What's more, there is the entire Amazon Lily Kingdom and the Nine Snakes as a"dowry".

It's no exaggeration to say that as long as Mufan and the Pirate Queen can leave Marinford safely, it won't be long before there will be a powerful force headed by Mufan on the Grand Line!

Of course, these are all later stories.

As a navy marshal, if there is any chance,

Sengoku will not let Mufan and the Pirate Queen, who is almost equivalent to turning against the enemy, leave Marinford safely!

And this is obviously not Sengoku's idea alone.

Because of Mufan's various behaviors after his appearance,

Admiral Akainu was extremely angry.

In his opinion,

Mufan is the shame of the navy!

As a former member of justice, he is now colluding with the pirate Whitebeard to deal with the navy!

Such a guy must be eliminated!

Akainu thought so, and his eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Mufan.

However, Mufan was still competing with Kizaru at this time.

And in terms of speed, Kizaru couldn't completely get rid of Mufan's entanglement!

This undoubtedly made Akainu more afraid and more murderous!

I don't know what fruit that kid Mufan ate, but he became so powerful in just a few days!

If we let it go... The consequences will be disastrous!

After Akainu used the popular volcano to destroy the world tree, he then cleared out a wave of pirates around.

At present, the top combat forces of both the pirates and the navy are fighting each other.

Akainu was temporarily free because of Garp's early action.

No captain of the Whitebeard Pirates came to find him.

Those guys also know who is easy to mess with and who is not!


When he scanned the battlefield.

Akainu thought of an excellent tactic.

Then, he turned his eyes to the Pirate Queen who was"watching the show" on the battlefield!

If I'm not mistaken.

This Pirate Queen seems to have a close relationship with Mu Fan, right?

It seems that Mu Fan has conquered the world's most beautiful woman! ?

Humph, what world's most beautiful woman!

In his eyes, there is no woman, only justice!

Strictly speaking, the behavior of the Pirate Queen has violated the duties of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she turned against her husband in the face of battle.

After all, in addition to her relationship with Mu Fan, this woman was also dealt with by the pirates and the navy without distinction.

In this case.

Then kill this world's most beautiful woman first.

As long as Mu Fan panics, there will be a chance to take him down completely and maintain the face of justice!

The idea was made.

Navy Admiral Akainu began to make arrangements and gradually approached the location of the Pirate Queen.

This admiral who believes in absolute justice does not know that his road has narrowed...

On the other side.

Since the appearance of Straw Hat Luffy.

Navy hero Iron Fist Garp obviously no longer wants to continue fighting with Whitebeard.

Admiral Aokiji was forced to take over and was called by Garp to fight Whitebeard.

"Garp, I didn't expect your grandson to escape. What are you going to do?"

Marshal Buddha Sengoku looked at Garp who had returned to his side and asked in a low voice.

He could understand the psychological entanglement of his old friend at this time.

But there was nothing he could do.

They were marines!


"Ah la la, if this continues, I can't hold on for too long!"

Before Sengoku and Garp could exchange a few words,

Whitebeard knocked Aokiji back with one punch.

The huge spatial vibration even caused cracks on the execution platform.

At this time, in order to prevent Whitebeard from getting closer to the execution platform, Aokiji had no choice but to fight Whitebeard.

But Whitebeard was not ambushed, and he had been holding back before.

In addition, after forming an alliance with Mufan, the pressure suddenly decreased, and the arrival of a world tree made him more powerful.

Therefore, Whitebeard was very powerful at this time. Aokiji was obviously unable to deal with it alone.

But now Kizaru was held back by Mufan, and Akainu was also at the other end of the battlefield.

In the current situation, he had to take the lead.

"Damn it, where's that guy Sakaski?"

Marshal Buddha Sengoku was also very troubled when he saw this situation.

Before the war started.

Even a quarter of an hour ago.

He never thought that Whitebeard could rush here.

The navy set up many obstacles on the battlefield to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates, especially Whitebeard himself, from rushing to the vicinity of the execution platform.

Although the strongest man in the world is already old, once he explodes, his combat power is still very terrifying!

And it was because of the giant tree created by Mu Fan that sent Whitebeard directly to the sky above the execution platform, which led to the current situation.

Mu Fan!

Mu Fan!

Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku kept gritting his teeth in his heart.

"Sengoku, leave this to me, Kuzan needs your support!"

At this time, the navy hero Garp suddenly said

"Garp, you!"

Zhan Guo was obviously shocked, but then a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes:

"Don't let me down!"

At this point, the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku personally went to the battlefield, together with the Navy Admiral Aokiji, to fight against Whitebeard!

The execution platform was in the hands of the Navy hero Garp.

At this time, Garp looked at Luffy who was rushing across the battlefield and rushing all the way to the execution platform, with an unspeakable tangle in his eyes.

"Luffy, go ahead, defeat me and save your brother, Ace!"... Mu Fan has been paying attention to everything that happened on the execution platform. When he saw the end of Sengoku and Garp guarding the execution platform, he just sighed and smiled. As expected, even Vice Admiral Garp couldn't watch his grandson being executed.

"Yo yo yo~Mu Fan, your current strength is really terrifying, but do you want to take a look over there?"


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