Chapter 561: The First Warlord (3 more)

"The Wa Army is a relatively large warlord force in Xidian."

"Currently, the Wa Army has about 40,000 people, and its status is roughly equivalent to the warlord forces during the Republic of China."

"The most important reason why the Wa Army can support 40,000 soldiers is that the Wa Army has sufficient sources of income. The tax revenue and resources in the Wa area are basically in the hands of the Wa Army."

"Wu Dan is the supreme commander of the Wa Army."

"However, Wu Dan is not surnamed Wu. Wu is a respectful title in Xidian, meaning Mr. or noble. The locals in Xidian do not have surnames, only names."

"According to the information obtained by Guoan, Wu Dan is very cunning and cruel. He will not leave the Wa area easily, and rarely shows up on weekdays Going out, living in the "home castle" with family. "

"The home castle is a building similar to a castle manor. There are also 500 Wu Dan's personal soldiers in the home castle area. It is said that each of these 500 personal soldiers has the strength of a special force soldier."

"Of course, the most important point is that it is rumored that Wu Dan has a combat team around him. As for whether the rumor is true or not, it is unknown."

"What is certain is that the troops around Wu Dan are indeed very strong. He is also the undisputed first warlord in the territory of Yandian. Even the top leaders of the Yandian government dare not offend him."

"My suggestion is..."

In the car, the special agent of the Second Bureau of National Security looked at Zhou Chen, who was resting with his eyes closed in the passenger seat, with a complicated expression, "Send the Ninth Division and then take action!"

The Ninth Division is no secret among some special people in the National Security.

The horror of the Ninth Division is also no secret.

Although many people know that the director of the Ninth Division is as powerful as Superman.

But after all, he is still a human being, not a real Superman.

If you go to the 'home castle' alone, you will face 500 Yandian soldiers who are comparable to special forces, and you may also face a squad of combat soldiers.

The possibility of surviving is too small!

"Five hundred special forces? Combat soldiers〃〃?"

Zhou Chen opened his eyes and smiled, with a look of contempt, "It's quite nonsense."

What is the concept of 500 special forces-level soldiers?

Of course, some soldiers with special professions can also be called special forces.

The special forces they refer to are the kind of soldiers who are strong in the army and are proficient in killing.

It's not that Zhou Chen underestimates Yandian, nor that he underestimates Yandian warlords.

But it is almost impossible to train 500 real special forces among 40,000 soldiers.

You must know that in Longguo, every special force soldier is required to have extraordinary military quality, physical quality, and psychological quality.

There are high requirements for individual physical fitness, agility, and comprehensive combat awareness.

The most critical point is that the reason why special forces can be called special forces.

Advanced weapons and equipment are needed as a foundation.

Do you know how much the equipment of a special forces soldier is worth?

To exaggerate, for example, a new type of bulletproof vest recently equipped by the Dragon Kingdom special forces.

This bulletproof vest alone can be equivalent to all the equipment and supplies of a platoon of ordinary troops.

Like military tactical night vision helmets, individual communication receivers, etc., any one of them costs more than ten thousand.

A special forces soldier's full set of equipment, converted into money.

This number is at least more than 200,000!

Even if a soldier's individual quality is extremely high, without equipment, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted on the battlefield is not much stronger than that of ordinary soldiers.

Only special forces equipped with advanced equipment, using high-tech weapons and equipment to crush and cooperate with personal abilities, can be regarded as real special forces.

The equipment of a special forces soldier costs 200,000.

If you want to support 500 special forces, the equipment alone will cost more than 100 million.

This does not include the maintenance of special forces equipment, sea, land and air transportation equipment, and long-range strike weapons.

This is why Zhou Chen said nonsense.

For a warlord, the annual expenses of supporting 40,000 soldiers are already very high.

You can also support 500 special forces, what else is this nonsense?

Or is the warlord's money blown by the wind?

If he really has a lot of money coming in every year.

Why does this warlord still need to get involved in the sale of human organs?

So there can only be one possibility.

Five hundred special forces do not exist, it's scary.

On the contrary, Zhou Chen believes that the other party will have a team of combat soldiers.

How could a big warlord not have a few combat soldiers under his command?

Combat soldiers, to put it bluntly, are the kings of soldiers.

The reason why they are terrifying and powerful is that the individual kings of soldiers are powerful.

When a group of kings of soldiers form a team, the combat power that erupts is needless to say.

It is definitely the strongest branch of land warfare!

Let's take the Navy SEALs, one of the top ten special forces in modern times.

In the Iraqi battlefield, they once encountered a combat soldier team.

74 Navy SEALs were chased and killed by 9 Iraqi combat soldiers for two days and two nights.

In the end, 16 members were killed before they escaped the pursuit.

When this news was reported, Sam became an international laughing stock.

But no one who really knew the reason could laugh.

Instead, they felt that the SEALs were very strong.

After all, they were facing the Combat Squad, all of whom were top soldiers.

Being able to survive the pursuit of nine top soldiers and not being wiped out is a symbol of strength in itself!

"々` If there were only a dozen combat soldiers and five hundred slightly stronger soldiers."

Zhou Chen thought for a moment, "It's not a big problem."

Second Bureau Special Agent: ...

Shocked, unable to control his expression.

Boss, do you eat garlic every day? You have a bad breath!

During the day, Zhou Chen lay in a small hotel, (Ma Hao Zhao) and slept soundly after eating.

At night, the Second Bureau Special Agent arrived.

Zhou Chen took a suitcase handed over by the other party.

Special equipment box for the 9th Bureau.

As mentioned earlier, each of the special agents of the 9th Bureau has one of this kind of equipment box.

It contains a full set of weapons and equipment, which is also the strongest equipment for a single soldier today.

Use fingerprints and irises to unlock the equipment box.

Zhou Chen took off all his clothes, put on tactical training clothes, and put on all the equipment and weapons.

In less than two minutes, the equipment was completed!

At night, 11:35.

Wa State area, suburbs, Jiabao.

Zhou Chen entered the Jiabao area like a black panther in hunting mode, avoiding teams of patrolling soldiers.

Sneak to the center of the fortress quietly.

Standing in a dark corner, looking at the fortress in front of him that looks like a European castle.

System capabilities, all activated! .

Chapter 562 Will Die (4 more)

Night, fortress, master bedroom.

Wu Dan suddenly woke up from his sleep and sat up in cold sweat.

He is 57 years old now, already an old man.

Because of proper maintenance, he looks more like a middle-aged man in his forties.

As the first warlord of Yandian, Wu Dan was born in an enlightened headman family in Kunma Xinzhai.

He joined the army at a young age and started as a soldier.

Squad leader, company commander, battalion commander, brigade commander... became the commander of the Kachin Independence Army.

Finally, he became the commander-in-chief of the Wa State Army and served as the king of Wa State for a full fifteen years!

As a great warlord who was a real soldier.

He has killed too many people and seen too much blood.

The perception honed on the battlefield is different from that of ordinary people.


When Wu Dan saw a dark figure sitting on a chair in front of the bed.

Under the dim bedroom light, he saw the other person's eyes without human emotions.

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