Wu Dan's pupils shrank, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

He was familiar with that look.

It was a look that disregarded life.

It was a look that only appeared after killing countless people.

It was the look of a butcher who wanted to slaughter livestock!

"As expected of the King of Wa State, your perception of 437 is very good."

Zhou Chen looked at him coldly, "There is a question."


Wu Dan did not dare to make any move that would cause Zhou Chen to misunderstand.

However, the hand under the quilt had already pressed on an alarm.

What he had to do now was to delay time and wait for his men to rescue him.

"26 students from Longguo were kidnapped and taken to Yandian."

Bearing looked directly into the other person's eyes, "Do you know?"


Wu Dan was stunned and stared at Zhou Chen in a daze, "What are you talking about?"

His reaction also made Zhou Chen frown.

He stared at Wu Dan's pupils and micro-expressions.

Finally came to a conclusion.

Wu Dan did not lie.

He didn't know!

Wu Dan's expression and pupils gave a "reaction" that was normal.

He didn't lie.

Since he didn't lie, what does it mean?

Wu Dan didn't touch the Dragon people at all, and didn't kidnap 26 Dragon students.

From the beginning to the end, he locked on the wrong target and found the wrong person!

Zhou Chen's brain crashed, and there were ten thousand daffy horses galloping through his heart.

The trip to Yandian Prison was originally a mistake.

As a result, his investigation direction fell into a misunderstanding again.

But... Zhou Chen narrowed his eyes.

Why did he fall on the wrong path twice in a row?

Because he was deceived by a dead person.

Wei Xinghua!

Zhou Chen never thought that a dying person.

Actually played him before he died.

No, it wasn't Wei Xinghua who played him.

Instead, someone used Wei Xinghua to deliberately lead the investigation direction to Wu Dan in front of him.

"Let me ask you another question."

Zhou Chen asked slowly and clearly: "Do you want to do organ trading business?"


Wu Dan's whole body was stiff, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

No answer, that is to say... Zhou Chen continued to ask: "Your human organ trading business has only been established not long ago, right?"

Wu Dan's expression kept changing. After a long time, he sighed and said tiredly, "I don't think I have offended Longguo. Even if I do human organ trading business in Yandian, it seems to have nothing to do with Longguo. So, why did you come to me?"

Don't underestimate any superior.

Zhou Chen can analyze a lot of things through a few words from the other party.

People can also analyze some answers from Zhou Chen's words.

Guessing Zhou Chen's identity, he asked this question.

"It really has nothing to do with Longguo."

Zhou Chen nodded, "In other words, you really want to do organ trading business, and this business has just been established and has not started yet, right?"

"What do you want to say?"

Wu Dan raised his eyebrows, looking puzzled.

"Someone seems to have deliberately led me here."

Zhou Chen did not hide it, "I want you to die!"

Wu Dan's expression changed drastically and he remained silent.

Zhou Chen's words contained too much information.

But it can be seen that he did not lie.

There is no need to lie to him.

If Zhou Chen wanted to kill him, he must have been dead by now.

So, who wants to kill him?

"I also want to know who is so deliberate in wanting you to die."

Zhou Chen showed a strange smile on his face, "They dared to kidnap people from the Dragon Kingdom for this, and put everything on you."

"In the world of criminal investigation, there is a saying that whoever can get the biggest benefit is the biggest suspect."

"Now I want you to help me think about it. If you die, who can get the biggest benefit after you die?"

Wu Dan:...

Is it really okay for you to talk about my life and death in front of me?


The bedroom door was violently knocked open, and figures rushed in one after another.

These figures were so agile and flexible.

Almost in an instant, two people appeared by the bed and protected Wu Dan behind them.

At the same time, two more people took out two pistols and pointed them at Zhou Chen's head.

Finally, two more people stood behind Zhou Chen.

In just a moment, Wu Dan was not only protected, but Zhou Chen was also surrounded by four gun-wielding strong men.

"Now, it's my turn to ask you a few questions."

The arrival of his men slightly changed Wu Dan's expression.

His eyes were so cold when he looked at Zhou Chen.

"What's the question?"

Zhou Chen ignored the four strong men in front and behind.

Even though he realized that these people were soldiers, his expression remained calm.

He blatantly ignored the six soldiers!

"Are you here to kill me tonight?"

Wu Dan said sarcastically, "Did Longguo ask you to come, or did someone else ask you to come? Finally, what I want to ask is, are you not afraid of death?"

"I am very afraid of death."

Zhou Chen looked at him with a teasing look, "It's a pity that your people, including your army, may not be able to kill me... Do you want to try?"

Wu Dan looked at Zhou Chen coldly, without asking or speaking.

At this moment, no one knew what he was thinking.

The six soldiers in the bedroom were all looking at Zhou Chen.

Perhaps with just one order from Wu Dan, they would attack Zhou Chen without hesitation.

However, what made the six soldiers feel strange was that

An inexplicable thought popped up in his mind.

If they attack the young man in front of them.


They will die! .

Chapter 563 Today's Source of Happiness (1 update)

Zhou Chen found that he had fallen into a trap.

Or it was a trap that someone had prepared long ago.

The purpose was that the person who designed the trap wanted to borrow the power of Longguo to eliminate the person he wanted to eliminate and gain certain benefits.

This is not to say that Zhou Chen was tricked, but that the other party dug a trap specifically for Longguo.

If the investigators of He Longguo came to Yandian, they would jump into the trap themselves.

They would be led by the nose and follow the steps set in advance, getting lost in this trap step by step, and getting deeper and deeper.

Even if you can see that this is a trap, you can't crack it.

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