But there was no way to go outside the cell, and it was densely packed with people.

All the special forces soldiers who saw that hand showed despair on their faces.

Why would a hand scare them like this?

Because that hand was holding two grenades.

The special forces are extremely familiar with those two grenades.

On weekdays.

They will be equipped with this grenade30 during training and when going on missions.

The team members who had just entered the underground prison had such grenades on them.

At this moment.

The two grenades opened the safety tab and opened the pressure flap.

The moment the palm appears, wave your arm casually.

The grenade flew up, drawing the fox fairy in the air, and flew out of the cell.

Appear on the heads of special forces and other military police.

Boom boom!

Two grenades exploded.

The horrific explosion was accompanied by fragments that were ejected after the grenade exploded, covering an area of ​​nearly 20 meters in the corridor.

Countless military policemen didn't even have time to scream, as blood spurted out from their bodies and flew in all directions.

It was as if there was a scarlet rain of blood in the corridor!

There were even countless military police officers whose bodies were like sieves of flesh and blood, all falling to the ground.

The other military and police officers in the corridor were frightened out of their minds, stunned, and even more so frightened by this bloody and terrifying scene that was unacceptable.

However, at this moment, a figure walked out of the cell.

He instantly picked up two assault rifles and raised his arms.

The muzzles of two rifles were pointed at both sides of the corridor.

Chug tug tug... gunfire exploded and bullets sputtered.

The bullets sprayed out from the muzzle like a violent storm.

Crazy pouring on both sides of the corridor!

When bullets hit an individual's body.

There are no bullets lodged in the body like in the movies.

With terrifying power, the 7.62mm rifle bullet penetrated the first man, making a terrifying hole in his body, and then hit the second man.

This is the most realistic shooting scene.

Anyone who knows the battlefield knows this.

On a real battlefield, it is very difficult to find intact bodies.

Cannonballs and bullets can easily tear a human body into pieces.

When bullets fly out of the barrel of a gun, especially at close range.

The terrifying spiral force and penetrating force are more terrifying than the death scythe.

Countless Nedian soldiers and police fell in pieces like cut wheat.

Two rifles, two magazines, sixty rounds of ammunition.

4 seconds, causing about forty casualties.

The horrific scene made people who witnessed this scene feel numb and scared to death.

As long as humans have fear in their hearts, the most common reaction is to lose calm.

When the heart is in panic, the most primitive reaction of human beings is to avoid and run away, not to fight back.

There was chaos on both sides of the corridor.

Some dodge, some turn around, and some retreat.

It was during this chaos that Zhou Chen moved the two rifles back.

Use your armpits and arms to hold the rear butts of the two rifles.

In the process, his hands had already fallen on the magazine.

The body squatted down instantly.

While squatting, remove the empty magazine with both hands and throw it out.

He landed on the corpse of the special soldier like lightning and picked up two new magazines.

Click, insert into the gun body, pull the bolt with both hands, and hold the gun handle.

With his arms extended, the two rifles were pointed at both sides of the corridor again.

From clamping the gun, squatting, changing ammunition, and standing up, the whole set of movements is smooth and smooth.

In people's eyes, Zhou Chen squatted down and stood up quickly, only for a second.

Magazine replacement completed.

No movie would dare to act like this!

Chunk...the two rifles fired again.

People on both sides of the corridor were cut down in pieces like wheat.

Zhou Chen moved, firing and running at his feet.

He immediately ran towards the corridor on one side.

The first second.

He crossed eight meters, crossed the corpses on the ground, and appeared in front of the military police who had just been shot but were still alive.

Second second.

Zhou Chen walked through the crowd like lightning, firing the rifle in his hand and firing bullets into his face.

The third second.

He passed through the extremely tragic corridors and crowds, appeared in front of an open security door, and turned around.

Two rifles that never stopped firing were aimed at the corridor behind them.

Until the fourth second, the magazine was empty and corpses were scattered in the corridor.

Zhou Chen dropped his two guns, shot up, and dropped his limbs to the ground, running away like a cheetah.

No one can stop him.

Zhou Chen shuttled through the prison like a ghost, passing through security doors until he appeared outside the prison.

Walk away...

The whole prison was in chaos.

The senior officials of Dadian were frightened when they received the news.

I began to doubt the authenticity of the information reported by the people below.

Subsequently, a large number of military police arrived and surrounded the prison.

It's a pity that it has no meaning anymore...

Early in the morning, four o'clock. 437

The warden of Xin Yongsheng Prison walked out of his house after changing his clothes and got into a special car on the way to the prison.

Suddenly, the driver of the vehicle spoke softly, "Whose is the underground prison in the prison?"


His expression changed drastically, and he looked at the driver, "Who are you..."

The driver held the steering wheel with his right hand, and his left hand holding the pistol stretched out from his right armpit.

Bang, a bullet not only hit the warden's knee, but also interrupted the rest of his words.

From beginning to end, the driver did not look back and said in a cold voice, "Don't make me repeat it a second time."


The warden covered his legs and screamed, trying to reach out to open the car door.


Another bullet pierced his wrist.

Bang bang.

Two more shots, one bullet pierced the warden's arm.

At the same time, the warden's knee on one thigh was also broken.


The warden, whose limbs were broken by bullets, screamed miserably, "I said, I said, it was U Thant... General U Thant!"

"U Thant?"

Only then did the driver stop the car.

Bang, a bullet pierced the warden's forehead.

The driver opened the door and got out of the car, just in front of him.

He opened the door, got in, and the car drove away quickly.

The driver was Zhou Chen who left the prison! .

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