The prison above ground has only been put into use for a short time, and the underground prison is probably the same.

What is Zhou Chen worried about?

Worried about the safety of the lives of the 26 Dragon State students.

It is not difficult to guess now that this underground prison is likely to be an organ transplant trafficking site.

The prison cell is for piglets.

The surgery is for organ transplantation.

The medical treatment should be postoperative observation.

The warehouse is used to store some necessities.

Incineration is used to deal with the piglets that died after their organs were removed.

"Assembly line operation!"

Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he asked the young man to continue leading the way.

Came to the prison area and entered the monitoring room.

There were two trembling monitors in the monitoring room.

They were so scared because they saw the scene after Zhou Chen entered the underground through the monitoring.

"When I came, you should have called the police, right?"

Zhou Chen smiled, "Slip of the tongue, report to the bad guys?"

The two monitors looked even paler.

Bang bang... two shots.

The two monitors were shot dead.

Zhou Chen put down his gun and ignored the young man who was frightened to the point of peeing his pants.

His eyes fell on the monitors.

There were two large monitors in total.

The images on the monitors were divided into image areas.

Each image represented the surveillance image of a cell.

There were a total of 35 cells, and there were "prisoners" in each cell.

There were both men and women, all young people.

However, when Zhou Chen saw the young faces, he frowned.

He had seen 26 files of students from Longguo High School.

The faces in the surveillance did not match the faces of Longguo students.

Zhou Chen's face was cold and he was thinking MMP.

It was all in vain!

Rubbing his eyebrows, he calmed himself down.

He began to reason...

Through the confession of Wei Xinghua, the leader of the Beibei criminal gang.

There was a Beidian military boss who established an organ transplant trading criminal group.

And it was "heard" that they kidnapped 26 students from Longguo.

It is suspected that they were used to sell organs.

At the same time, Wei Xinghua also "heard" that the criminal group controlled the Xinyongsheng Prison in Yandian, and there were "crimes" there.

All of this was Wei Xinghua...heard? !

But Zhou Chen could be sure of one thing.

Under his interrogation, Wei Xinghua could not lie.

In front of him, there are two most obvious clues and doubts.

The first is whether Wei Xinghua's "heard" is accurate, or was he misled by others?

The second is whether the criminal group has other criminal dens and organ hospitals?

Time is running out, and Zhou Chen does not want to waste time any more.

He can only find the leader of this criminal group first and ask him out of his mouth.


Zhou Chen "heard" a series of footsteps.

Through the contact between the shoes and the ground, it can be distinguished that they are military boots.


Zhou Chen raised his eyebrows.

Those people have the same "pace" and the same "breathing", and they have the tacit understanding and integration of the "team" when they act. They are definitely not miscellaneous soldiers.

It is very likely to be a special forces.

Don't look down on China. You can say it's poor, but you can't say China's military is weak... 0

In a country with long-term civil strife and warlords.

The government army has at least three special forces-level special operations teams.

For example, China's Army Special Operations Task Force, China's Navy Special Forces, and China's Police Special Task Force.

These are the three special operations teams of the China government.

It's not known how many there are without numbers.

Those who understand "numbers" and "military" know it.

Often, the less "numbers" the army of some countries has, the more powerful it is.

Because these armies without "numbers" perform some special tasks all year round.

Zhou Chen figured out why this special forces appeared.

He entered the underground prison and was seen by the monitor, who must have "reported" to the outside world to request support.

The person who received the news sent out the special forces as soon as possible.

So, this military "big boss" who controls the entire prison must not be an ordinary person.

Zhou Chen walked past the 'guide'.

Crack, breaking the other's neck.

When he walked out of the monitoring room.

He saw a group of Yandian soldiers running quickly towards the monitoring room in the corridor.

They were indeed special forces.

This can be seen from the uniforms, weapons and helmets of those soldiers.

When Zhou Chen appeared.

The reaction speed of these Yandian special forces was also very fast.

Two special forces raised their rifles and aimed at him.

It was just 5.5 when they just made the aiming action.

Zhou Chen rushed over.

Da da da... The rifle fired.

Bullets splashed under him, but Zhou Chen's body fell to the ceiling, and was instantly ejected. With powerful explosive power and speed, he fell into the crowd of special forces.

His arms danced quickly and fell on the necks one by one.

Crack, crack, crack... bursts of bone cracking sounded.

The eight special forces couldn't even resist, and their necks were broken.

One by one fell to the ground, and their bodies twitched.

There are only people in this world who can hurt Zhou Chen or kill him.

Perhaps only the combat soldiers are left, and they have to be a large number of combat soldiers.

If you are not a soldier king, it is almost like committing suicide in front of him.

Walking over the corpses, Zhou Chen walked towards the exit of the underground prison...

Chapter 560: Cutting through the thorns (2 more)

The prison riot was suppressed by the police.

All the prisoners were driven back to their cells.

Outside the door of a cell.

Countless black gun muzzles were pointed at the toilet in the cell.

Aiming at the entrance to the underground prison!

Special forces, soldiers, and police gathered outside the cell, blocking the entire corridor.

In this situation, even if someone could walk out of the underground prison, they could not walk out of this corridor.


A hand stretched out from the entrance of the toilet.

The faces of the special forces outside the cell changed.

One of the special forces shouted in fear, "Go!"

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