It's like the Dragon Kingdom, a huge country.

There are only a few hundred doctors with the skills to perform human organ transplants!

How many are there in Nedian?

Suppose someone performs this kind of surgery in Dedian, most of the doctors in Dedian will be used.

Can this group of people still run away?

Of course, what Zhou Chen is worried about is.

If the inference is successful, the other party does want an organ transplant.

But what if the surgeon used by the other party is not a local?

It will be very troublesome to continue tracing! .

Chapter 552: The so-called organ transplant (4 updates)

"Something's wrong."

Zhou Chen threw away the cigarette butt, took out a second cigarette, and threw the cigarette case to the young man.

"Something's wrong."

The young man took the cigarette box and took out one. "Whenever organ transplantation is involved, it will involve...large criminal groups. Places like Yedian are just like an organ breeding farm, mainly providing organs. Almost no one will do organ transplantation." I can’t even do business!”

That's right... Zhou Chen nodded.

Sometimes crime has a cost.

Such as selling drugs.

Someone needs to process it and sell it after processing. If you want to sell drugs, you have to spend money to buy it and then sell it after buying it.

No matter which link it is, there is a cost, and normal people understand this.

The same is true for the organ transplant industry.

It's like a doctor with the ability to transplant organs.

Do you know how much their annual salary is?

Physicians with ordinary organ transplantation skills start with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan.

Remember, this is a starting annual salary, a fixed income.

Not counting the ‘commission’ after each operation.

If a physician has the ability to perform large-scale organ transplant operations.

How to say it.

This kind of person can easily earn millions of dollars a year, just like eating and drinking.

Some of them are relatively famous and very skilled, and their annual income is more than ten million.

Just like a heart transplant operation, regardless of whether it is successful or not, the operation fee starts at 300,000 yuan and can range up to 1 million yuan.

For example, the Cardiac Surgery Department of a certain Union Medical College Hospital in China performs nearly 3,000 heart surgeries and nearly 80 heart transplant surgeries every year.

Even if 80 surgeries are performed at 300,000 yuan, it will cost 24 million.

On average, the real cost is that most surgeries cost around 500,000 yuan per surgery.

80 units, 40 million.

Assuming that all 80 surgeries are performed by one surgeon, is a commission of 10 million high?

This refers to ordinary surgeons, if they are relatively famous, the success rate of surgery is extremely high.

If you ask someone to do an operation, the operation fee will be more expensive!

Here comes a question that tests your IQ.

A person with this kind of technology can conservatively earn millions every year.

Might he be involved in the illegal organ trade and transplantation crime?

On the other hand, how many criminals can afford to hire such a person?

One more thing.

To perform an operation, the surgeon and the organs alone are also not enough (daff).

To ensure the success rate of organ transplantation, you need professional sterile-grade operating rooms, medical equipment, post-operative care, observation, and whether a second operation is needed.

This kind of investment is what really costs money.

Some equipment and equipment cost millions or tens of millions if you take them out casually.

Otherwise, it would be ridiculous to say that organ-trading scenes often appear in movies.

People who understand medicine and organ transplantation see this kind of movie that tests their IQ.

I probably fainted in the toilet from laughing!

Like those local ‘criminal gangs’ in Dedian.

Are they worthy of this kind of organ transplant business?

Is it true that all cats and dogs can do this?

If they were so rich, they could afford to hire doctors, buy equipment, and engage in organ transplantation.

Do they still need to commit fraud, drug trafficking, kidnapping for extortion, and engage in pornography, gambling and drug trafficking?

This is why the young man just now said that Nedian is just a place similar to an 'organ breeding farm'.

Those criminal gangs can only sell individuals and provide organs.

Or simply sell blood, and at most it can only be a relatively 'light' waist surgery.

For some relatively large organ transplants, such as heart transplants, you are making things difficult for these people.

Again, are they worthy?

Anyone who can truly engage in organ transplant business must start with a criminal group.

Even large, well-financed criminal syndicates.

Can you make back such a big investment?

A big shot in the medical field once said this.

Organ transplantation is a privilege for the rich and a disaster for the poor. The ultimate result is not to preserve life, but to kill it.

Carefully, is there anything wrong with this statement?

There has been such a survey in some European and American countries.

Ordinary people go to the hospital for treatment or when they get a driver's license.

They will all be asked if they are willing to donate their organs.

According to the big data survey, anyone who signed this option.

Then, this person's accidental mortality rate will increase to a full two thousand.

Some people even don’t know some of their personal physical data in the hospital.

It will appear in someone's hands anytime and anywhere.

For example, there are certain problems with the body organs, blood, and bone marrow of a certain powerful person.

Then, certain people's physical data, whereabouts, and daily life will be in the hands of powerful people.

Just in case you need it!

Some people will say that this is nonsense. How can the world be so scary and dark?

Are you making a movie?

But those who really understand the world know it.

Movies are sometimes more conservative.

The real reality is even more terrifying than movies!

I am saying this nonsense to say that the rich and powerful have no shortage of money.

As long as they need organs, you can provide organs and transplant operations to ensure the success rate.

Money is not a problem!

To put it in an exaggerated way, drug trafficking is nothing compared to organ transplantation!

Longguo has cracked several illegal organ trading and transplantation criminal cases.

Every case involving organ transplantation and trading will mostly involve criminal groups.

Even large criminal groups, and a small number of them involve hospitals.


Yes, you heard it right, in addition to criminal groups, there are also hospitals.

Not everyone wearing a white robe is an angel.

Those who understand organ transplantation and participate in organ transplantation crimes.

They used to be doctors, or they are doctors.

Ordinary people don’t understand organ transplantation at all.

This is the real reality!

So as long as there is organ trading and organ transplantation crimes.

They will involve criminal groups, hospitals, or doctors.

This is the most basic common sense and criminal investigation experience.

Without sufficient financial, human and material resources.

This kind of organ trading crime really cannot be done!

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