"Start with the local medical institutions in Nedian and check those surgeons with organ transplant capabilities."

Zhou Chen issued an order, "Also, bring me the information on the leader of the largest local criminal gang."


As a special agent of the Second National Security Bureau, the young man responded and walked out of the room.

Why would Zhou Chen want information on the leaders of local criminal gangs?

As the saying goes, cats have their own paths, rats have their own paths.

The people who understand darkness best are those who live in it.

When it comes to their understanding of the criminal field, the police are not as well-informed as the gangsters.

This is why many police officers will find some gangsters to be ‘informants’.

As a local, he controls the leader of the criminal gang.

If someone does something in his territory.

Do you think he will know? .

Chapter 553 Red Swan (5 updates)

Be bold, Laojie.

This is a city adjacent to Province Y of Dragon Country.

Laojie Market, formerly known as ‘Masu Dam’.

The Dai word means the most barbaric place, and it was once a famous drug producing area in the Golden Triangle.

The local Kokang ethnic group accounts for more than 80,000 people, and most of the rest are Longguo people.

The locals also use Longguo currency, speak Longguo dialect, and use Longguo telecommunications for communication.

The nearest county to Longguo is only 8 kilometers away!

Some people say that Kokang Old Street, a paradise for adventurers, has the highest mortality rate in the city in Sibei.

According to incomplete statistics.

Every year, at least more than 200 criminal cases occur in this city.

Every year, as many as 400 people die from unnatural causes.

At the same time, this is also a paradise for criminals.

A capital of northern Myanmar full of temptation and death!

Night falls.

Zhou Chen walked along the old street and looked at the old buildings.

Maybe it's because of his tall stature.

Because of his ‘ferocious’ face after changing makeup.

Even if many local people saw him as "unsightly", no one would bother him.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Chen came to a building.

This is a five-story ‘nightclub’.

It was also the place where he came to find a certain ‘target’ this time.

Wei Xinghua, 39 years old, although his nationality is Nadian, he is a third-generation Chinese. He controls the largest local criminal organization in Kokang and is engaged in pornography, gambling, drugs, telecommunications fraud, pig killing, human trafficking, drug trading, human organ sales, etc. An illegal and inhumane evil industry.

It is said that Wei Xinghua was one of the "four major families" in Udian at that time, after the Wei family.

He also used the banner of the Wei family, one of the four major families in the past, to become bigger and stronger in Kokang and became the leader of a local criminal gang.

However, there is something wrong with Wei Xinghua.


My favorite places are some pornographic places.

For example, the nightclub in front of you, Red Swan.

The Red Swan has five floors.

Bathing on the first floor, KTV on the second floor, dance hall on the third floor, massage on the fourth floor, and guest rooms on the fifth floor.

Red Swan is also the most famous local pornographic venue, with more than 200 young ladies of extremely high quality.

Respectable local people like to come here to play.

But no one dares to make trouble here, not even Wei Xinghua.

It is said that six months ago, there was a big leader of a local criminal gang in Kokang. He not only caused trouble in the Red Swan because he drank too much, but also shot and killed a security guard and a young lady, and ran away in a rage.

The next day, someone discovered that the leader was hanging from a crane, with all his skin peeled off from the neck down. His death was extremely tragic and terrifying.

At the same time, more than 20 of the leader's men were also shot in his lair.

Even the corpses were beaten into a hornet's nest, like a sieve of human flesh.

Since then.

No one dares to come to Red Swan to cause trouble again!

When Zhou Chen walked into the Red Swan, two welcoming ladies greeted him warmly.

"Good evening, sir."

"Are you alone, sir?"

The two young ladies looked at Zhou Chen with smiles, but their eyes were cold.

First of all, Zhou Chen's face is not the same as before. He is not handsome but fierce.

Secondly, if you don’t dress like a rich person, you may not be able to spend money at Red Swan.

Don't look down on the hospitality industry. Anyone who can do this needs to be discerning.

But what makes the two young ladies more confused is.

Zhou Chen looks fierce and ferocious, but he has a unique temperament.

And those eyes just glanced at them lightly.

The two young ladies felt as if their scalps were numb and they were out of breath.

"Wei Xinghua, Boss Wei is here?"

Zhou Chen's voice was cold, "Li Gui asked me to find him."

"Li Gui?"

The two young ladies looked at each other, surprised, and looked at Zhou Chen again with a different look.

Li Gui used to be a famous local gangster.

I heard that I have made a fortune doing business in the Dragon Kingdom in recent years.

"Wait a moment, and I'll help you ask if Boss Wei is here."

A young lady smiled and said to the sister next to her, "Please stay with your elder brother first."

He doesn't say he's here or not, he's very good at being a person and doing things well.

Just ask.

Zhou Chen was somewhat surprised and looked at the back of the leaving girl.

There is no simple way to make a living in a place where there are three religions and nine streams.

"Brother, is this your first time coming to Red Swan?"

··· 0Request flowers····· ·····

Another girl leaned close to her, and there was a coquettish smell when she opened her mouth.

"I don't like this."

Zhou Chen reached out and pushed the girl away.

The girl screamed and stepped back, giving the unromantic man a blank look, but didn't bother.

It didn't take long, about five or six minutes.

The young lady who had just left came back and said to Zhou Chen with a smile: "Boss Wei, please go up."

Zhou Chen didn't say anything, walked into the hall, and walked upstairs with the young lady.

Along the way, except for the service staff and security guards in Red Swan.

Most of the people I saw were not good people, and there were indeed all kinds of people.

I also smelled a strong smell of blood on a person... He had just killed someone!

.... ... .......

These were not what Zhou Chen cared about.

On the fourth floor, the massage area, a spacious and luxurious massage room.

Zhou Chen walked in and saw a man lying on a massage chair with his head down.

A girl who was wearing revealing clothes and nothing but a small sling was stepping on the man's back.

There was another girl who was wearing the same clothes, sitting in front of the massage chair and massaging the man's head.

The man was exactly the target Zhou Chen was looking for, Wei Xinghua.

In the corner of the massage room, four burly men were sitting.

They were staring at Zhou Chen with ferocious eyes.

There were two shotguns and two pistols next to the four men.

This is the current situation in Kokang.

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