You won’t know unless you investigate. After the investigation, all the police officers involved in the investigation turned pale.

Through on-site investigation, it was found that 26 students were given 'narcotic' drugs and were later taken away.

After criminal investigation, it was discovered that the criminals took 26 students out of the country and entered Dadian through smuggling.


Immediately, 437 Long Guofang contacted Sibei Zhengaxe and requested an investigation into the incident.

The other party was very cooperative when they arrived. When the Long Kingdom personnel arrived, the other party sent relevant personnel to cooperate with the investigation.

As a result, when everyone went to Xibei to investigate.

The convoy was attacked, Long Guo's personnel and Nedian's investigators.

Everyone was killed!

So arrogant?

Yes, it's that rampant.

Anyone who is familiar with or understands the Suibei area knows that incidents more rampant than this are common.

26 students were kidnapped and Longguo investigators were killed. These two incidents directly made the boss above furious.

The entire incident was handed over to the National Security Bureau.

The boss above also has only one command.

Bring all criminals to justice!

"Bring him to justice?"

Zhou Chen put down the file in his hand and looked at the old man and the teacher.

"Thunder rages."

The old man said calmly, "Is it enough to bring him to justice?"

"Damn people..."

Zhao Xiangguo looked at the students and said, "Send them where they should go!"

Zhou Chen stood up slowly and walked towards the office door step by step.

The old man and Zhao Xiangguo looked at Zhou Chen's back with complicated expressions.

In a trance.

They saw a picture of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

That is the image of a god of death walking in hell! .

Chapter 551: The Place of Sin (3 updates)

Jubei, the so-called northern part of Uidian.

This is a collective term that refers to Kokang, Muse, Wa, Xiaomengla and other places in Nadian.

Since the 1980s, this area has been a sinful place where human trafficking, drugs, and bank gambling are rampant.

Drug dealers, thugs, human traffickers, militants, and ruthless fraudsters can be found everywhere here.

Fifty years have passed and not much has changed here...

Zhou Chen walked on the street, looking at the dilapidated streets around him.

His appearance has changed drastically, he is no longer handsome and sunny in the past.

He had a sinister brow, a cold expression, and a ferocious scar on his face, which ruined his overall temperament.

Especially when walking in the dark streets, with his tall and muscular body, he looks particularly ferocious and terrifying.

It feels like a wild beast that has escaped from its cage!

A short and thin young man was leading the way, taking him to a residence.

Along the way, the young man was quietly introducing the situation in Suibei to Zhou Chen.

"Sibei is a magical place with unique geographical conditions and borders China. The locals' living habits and language are highly similar to those in Yun Province of China."

"At the same time, our country is also the largest investor in Nedian. Longguo currency can be used as the local currency, and Chinese and Chinese characters are more like the official languages ​​here."

“But also because of the minimal differences in culture and the unsound local laws, a large number of stowaways, criminals, ignorant people, etc., rushed into this crime-producing area.”

"According to investigations, there are approximately more than 100,000 Longguo people engaged in criminal activities in Sibei, and more than 60% of them were forced, detained, beaten, and forced to commit crimes."

"The reason why this area has become like this is also related to the fact that the Sibei government has no funds to support local economic development and has not done anything. The people in Sibei can only join forces with criminal gangs to make money."

"However, this is also related to the fact that Nedian is a federal country. Each region has a high degree of autonomy, and the laws cannot penetrate each other. The situation is turbulent all year round. There are constant conflicts between the government and local armed forces all year round, and border management is in name only. , Therefore, smuggling is an extremely easy thing〃〃!”

The two came to a four-story old building.

The young man took Zhou Chen up to the second floor, opened a room, and after closing the door, continued: "Although crime is rampant in Xibei, the local leader is not a fool. He can kidnap 26 students in Long Kingdom. , the behavior is just like seeking death, and there is a high probability that they will not do such a thing.”


Zhou Chen took out his cigarettes and handed one to the other party.

"I suspect it was not done by locals."

The young man took a drag on his cigarette, frowned and said, "It must have been done by some 'novices'."

"What's the reason?" Zhou Chen frowned.

"And by locals, I mean local criminal elements."

The young man explained, "They all have their own channels, fixed sources of customers, and some partners. There is no need to go to the Dragon Kingdom to risk kidnapping and trick people into coming in. Isn't it nice?"

Zhou Chen:......

He was actually speechless.

Criminals in the Sibei area often use the banner of "Sibei tourism, financial management business, cross-border transportation, operator recruitment" to deceive some people in Longguo without looking at academic qualifications or resumes, and with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan. The cutie was fooled.

If someone is tempted, moved by the rhetoric, and contacts these criminals, they will soon be arranged to be smuggled out of the country.

When these little cuties have just stepped onto the land of Nedian, they may not have had time to breathe the sweet air.

What awaits them will be a journey of death where their waists will be bled anytime and anywhere.

Some people may think that this method of seduction is vulgar, and wonder how any cutie could be fooled?

In fact, there are thousands of these little cuties!

Therefore, why do those criminals who are much smarter than the little cutie risk their lives to enter the Dragon Kingdom and kidnap some students and bring them to Aidian?

This is why the youth will infer that those kidnappers are extremely unlikely to be ‘locals’.

"Other than not being a local, is there any possibility?"

Zhou Chen took a puff of cigarette and looked at the young man.

"There are many possibilities."

The young man thought for a while and said, "Most of those 26 students are around 17 or 18 years old. This age is very popular in a certain industry."

Zhou Chen's expression changed, as cold as ice.

He guessed which industry the young man was talking about.

Human organ sales!

For example, if some people are in urgent need of organ replacement, there are certain 'channels'.

So do you think these people will choose some ‘young’ organs or some ‘old’ organs?

Human organs around the age of 17 or 18 are fully mature, fresh, and healthy.

As for why so many students were kidnapped at once.

The answer is most likely... genetic matching!

Anyone who knows anything knows this.

If you want to transplant an organ, you first need to match it.

Only after successful matching can the long-term survival rate of the transplanted organ be improved and postoperative immune rejection reduced.

Otherwise, if an organ is transplanted into the body, it will be attacked by immune cells in the body, causing it to fail to survive.

The second and most important point is.


Organs also have a ‘shelf life’.

It's like the scene in the movie where people's organs are casually cut off and sold for money.

That’s bullshit!

Let’s not talk about genetic matching for now, just talk about the organs leaving the human body.

Most of them cannot exceed a certain time, otherwise the organ will lose its ‘vitality’ and become a ‘dead’ organ.

That’s why a living organ ‘donor’ is needed, and it will be transplanted to the ‘recipient’ after a successful match.

This is common knowledge in the field of organ transplantation.

Common sense that no one can break!

"Organ transplant?" Zhou Chen looked at the young man.


The young man nodded, "This is the only possibility. Otherwise, there would be no need (hao Zhao) to go to Long Kingdom to kidnap so many students."

"If the inference is correct, the channel should not be difficult to find!"

Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

The so-called channels refer to organ transplantation and the surgical process.

That's an organ transplant operation. It doesn't mean that you can just find a cat or a dog and perform the operation.

There are not many doctors of this level in the world, let alone a country like Nedian.

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