However, Zhou Chen is different from those big shots.

In front of his sister, he will always be just the younger brother and pistachio of Muyu.

You can coax the baby fish to be happy and joyful anytime and anywhere.

No matter what identity, status 5.5, face... you don't have to do anything in front of your own woman.

Such a man is simply any woman’s dream.

If you really have it, you will probably wake up smiling happily even in your dreams.

How could I not be envious or jealous?

But when Zhou Chen turned his head and glanced at her lightly, He Xiaowei was trembling physically and mentally.

The terrifying invisible pressure was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

Although his eyes were gentle, there was no tenderness at all.

Yes, his tenderness will only be given to one woman!

"Sister He, I'm sorry to bother you."

Zhou Chen smiled, "Take good care of my sister."

"Yes!" He Xiaowei responded.

Zhou Chen hugged his sister again.

Mu Youyu looked at him with her little face raised, her beautiful eyes gentle.

"Go home early, don't make me and the baby wait too long!".

Chapter 550 The God of Death from Hell (2 updates)

National Security, Office of the Minister.

When Zhou Chen walked into the office, the old man and Zhao Xiangguo were sitting on the guest sofa and looking at documents.


Zhou Chen walked up to the two elders and pretended to salute.

"Get lost."

Zhao Xiangguo laughed and scolded, "Pour some tea."

Zhou Chen stopped pretending and bowed his head like an evil force.

He went to pour tea for the two elders.

"How did you discover him back then?"

The old man was quite curious about this.

"He was like a little adult back then."

Zhao Xiangguo sighed, "Who knew there was a little monkey living in the heart of the little adult."

"Very vivid."

The old man nodded, looked at Zhou Chen who was bringing tea, and scolded with a smile, "The major general, deputy director, and second-level police superintendent are not in full shape yet."

"I just don't want to live too tiredly."

Zhou Chen handed two cups of tea to the two elders, "Are you right?"

The old man and Zhao Xiangguo were stunned at the same time and looked at each other.

Don't let yourself live too tired, what a simple sentence?

But 99% of people in this world can’t do it!

Sometimes they also envy Zhou Chen and want to live how they want.

30. Be open-minded about everything.

But the principles are the same, but how many people can do it?

"Let's take a look."

The old man pointed to a document on the coffee table.

Zhou Chen sat down, picked up the document, and glanced at it a few times.


In the past, some people may have thought that Dedian was just a small country.

Not really.

It is a large country in Southeast Asia with a large population, but its economy is not developed and its military is dominant.

Of course, compared to the Dragon Kingdom, this country is only the size of a province, which is not too big.

"Is the higher ups going to take action?"

Zhou Chen frowned and did not continue looking, but looked at the old man and the teacher.

Don't blame him for asking.

Nedian is a relatively sensitive area and often causes trouble to the Dragon Kingdom.

What we are referring to here is causing trouble, not the government in Uedian, but the military and some local armed forces in Uedian.

They even treat the people of the Dragon Kingdom as... fat sheep.

The kind of fat sheep that peels off skin, drinks blood, and eats meat!

The reason why they were not touched was because the Dragon Kingdom could not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and could not send a large number of military and police into other countries.

The most important point.

It was the 'fat sheep' who went to Dedian to be slaughtered by others.

Do you think it's interesting?

People cannot always use ignorance as an excuse.

Sometimes you do something wrong and you have to take responsibility for yourself.

I know what kind of country it is, and there are too many descriptions of it on the Internet.

You are still crying and shouting, you want to give someone a big kidney, and you can't stop it.

Who is to blame?

Is it because of the air we breathe, or because the earth is unattractive when we can’t poop?

Or is it because some people’s bodies are different from ordinary people’s and their brains connect directly to their large intestines?

Of course, there are also some people who have been brainwashed, deceived, and trafficked.

The country must be too lazy to care about those who have shit in their heads.

But those people who were brought to Dadian by criminal means will be taken care of by the state.

But this kind of ‘control’ also has limits.

Again, it is impossible to send a large number of military police into other countries.

But there are fewer people there, and we are faced with local armed forces and evil forces.

What's the difference between sending someone to death?

Or else, some people sometimes do things.

Not only is it making things difficult for the country, but it is also making things difficult for ourselves.

Zhou Chen had also thought in the past that his superiors must take action against the evil forces in Nedian.

But I didn't expect that such a 'task' would be taken over by Guoan.

"Thinking too much."

The old man shook his head, "Now is a sensitive period, and the whole world is watching the Dragon Kingdom."

"That is?" Zhou Chen frowned.

"The other party went too far."

Zhao Xiangguo said: "There was a group of ignorant children who were taken over by the other party."

A group of children... Zhou Chen's expression changed, knowing the seriousness of the matter.

At this time, he picked up the document again and looked at it carefully.

It's said to be a document, but it's actually a very large case file.

The above describes in detail the history of this extremely serious case.

A group of high school seniors, 26 in total, were kidnapped and taken out of the country!

The cause is.

One day, this group of students gathered in Xishuangbanna area.

One of the students brought a ‘friend’ to play with his classmates.

At a party, it is inevitable to eat, drink and have fun.

When it was very late, the parents found that their children had not returned home and started to call to find them.

As a result, they found that the children’s phones were turned off and they could not find them.

The parents called the police.

When the police started to investigate and found the children’s gathering place, they found that the children... were all missing.

26 senior high school students.

Let’s not talk about their identities as students, just say that 26 people are in danger of their lives.

In the Dragon Country, this is a big event that will be exposed to the sky!

The local police were terrified, and the city and provincial departments launched a joint operation to investigate.

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