Chapter 62 Time loops, I can’t die (3 more!)

“This is not a place to seal my soul. I was drawn here by a monster.”

“It’s going to eat me?”


He Tian thought of this terrible fact.

Ever since.

He quickly got up, trying to run back.

But how could a mortal soul escape in front of the Ouroboros of Time.

He Tian stood up at this place.

But when he was about to leave to escape, he found himself stepping in place.

“not good!”

“It will die!”

“It will die very miserably!”

“I have a hunch, once he is eaten by him, it will be in big trouble.”

“And, what is his body surrounding?”

He Tian’s heart was extremely frightened.

Although he was only in the form of a soul, he seemed to feel his heartbeat at this moment.

At the same time, He Tian also saw the back of this huge snake head.

There is also this huge round celestial body.

It was a world like a round sky.

No, not as if!

That is a world.

The light in the chaotic space was also emitted from that world.

It is precisely because the head of the Ouroboros of Time has left the biting tail.

So let the light from that world illuminate this chaotic space.

And in that world, there seemed to be countless people wailing.

That was… a world being swallowed by the Ouroboros of Time.

“The snake that devours the world!”

“This snake is devouring the world!”

“He feeds on the world!”

“Once I am swallowed by him, all the worlds I travel through will be marked by it.”

“Even the world where my sister lives will be attacked by it!”

Finally, He Tian knew why he was caught by this giant snake.

This terrifying giant snake wants to get the coordinates of other worlds by himself.

“Damn it! Damn it!”

“I can’t die, I’m not afraid of death!”

“But I definitely can’t die here.”

He Tian’s soul is struggling.

As the giant snake’s head gets closer, his struggle is getting stronger and stronger.

The Ouroboros of Time seemed to be aware of something.

Its moving body suddenly stopped at this moment.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, invisible chains.

Suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the void.

He Tian was directly locked in just an instant.

He Tian’s soul was completely unable to move.

Then, the Ouroboros of Time moved on.

“It can’t go on like this!”

“Drive me!”

“Let me go back!”

“I want to go back!”

He Tian’s soul kept roaring in his own heart.

His will to survive reached its peak at this moment.


A warm breath began to come from the depths of his soul.

This warm breath even dispelled the chill in his body.

Endless power began to emerge from his body.

at the same time.

Above He Tian’s soul, a faint golden light began to appear.

Under the blessing of golden light.

Although he is the body of the soul, he seems to have the feeling of the flesh.

Strength is multiplied.

That was when he was on Blue Star.

The thought of countless people praying for him to stand up and pray for him to live resonated.

Before the will of countless people gathered together, a mark was stroked on him.

This mark finally became the mark of hope.

It was engraved in the depths of He Tian’s soul.

He Tian’s own will to survive now resonates with the Mark of Hope.

This allows him to use this power.

“Drive me!”

Under great power.

He Tian lifted his hands vigorously, and directly struggled to open the chain.

Click! Click!

He tore his hands in front of him, only to break all the shackles in an instant.

Then he started to run behind him.

Behind him.

He Tian felt a burst of guidance.

An enlightenment was born in his heart.

Just run in that direction.

Will definitely leave this mysterious chaotic space eventually.


The Ouroboros of Time in the back obviously didn’t intend to let him go.



When the Ouroboros ran away in Hetian.

It simply spit out two words.


Bloody breaths directly appeared around He Tian.

The bloody breath is the small ouroboros of time composed of countless mysterious runes.

As soon as it appeared, it quickly traveled a circle, enclosing He Tian.


In the next second, He Tian, ​​who was still fleeing towards the rear, suddenly saw a flower.

Then he discovered a terrible thing.

“I’m back to square one? I’m still locked in chains!”

“The most important thing is that many of the forces that have just emerged have been partially consumed.”

He Tian looked at everything around him incredulously.

The Ouroboros of Time was still arguing to move forward, and it was getting closer and closer to itself.

I don’t know why, the speed of such a powerful Ouroboros in this chaotic space is not very fast.

But He Tian didn’t have time to consider these.

He was the same as before again, breaking the shackles and starting to run wildly.

This time, half of the power of the imprint of hope has been consumed.

He Tian speeded up again, he probably guessed the snake’s ability.

So he wants to be fast, he wants to be faster, he wants to…



But no matter how fast He Tian is, it is impossible to pass time too fast.

Ouroboros of time unleashes terrifying abilities once again.

The next second, He Tian was imprisoned again.

“Do not!”

“Why does this happen.”

“If this goes on, I will definitely be swallowed by it.”

“This kind of terrible existence, once the Blue Star is found, maybe something will happen to my sister.”

“God may not be his opponent.”

“Or, even if that God is his opponent, but if he ran away with one bite, if he happened to catch up with his sister, it would not be impossible.”

“I want to obliterate the risk in the cradle.”

“I’m going to die!”

“I’m going to die completely!”

“But the other party can manipulate the time.”

“So even if I die, I might be resurrected.”

“So I need help!”

“I have never needed help so much!”

“God, if you could hear my prayer!”

“If you are truly powerful, I pray for your forgiveness, and pray for your help.”

“I don’t want myself to live, I just want to die completely and not be resurrected.”

“Although I have selfish intentions in order to save my sister, as long as I die completely, at least many believers of Blue Star can be saved.”

“So, please bless me and let me die completely.”

“Imprint of Hope, I sincerely hope that I will die now.”

“It’s now, it’s now!”

“Let me go… die!!!”*

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